ROK Drop Open Thread – February 27, 2021

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person wearing black jacket holding black umbrella walking on street
Photo by Ethan Brooke on
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3 years ago

I hope all of you are having a wonderful day!

3 years ago

So, how many here believe that Joe Biden will make it to the first anniversary of his inauguration?

Also, did anyone see the story about a bunch of DemonRat Congressmen, including Ted Lieu, writing a letter to have the nuclear codes taken away from Old Joe? See here –

That’s probably enough to wake our trolls.

rocket man
rocket man
3 years ago

TCT, Old Joe would think he’s pushing the “easy button”.

3 years ago

“The Button” during the Cold War transmitted launch codes and etc.

Immediate response was required because of the Soviet missile subs.

These days, we don’t have the same type of nuclear alert. Some of you know what I mean. Democrats don’t, because they only have fantasies like Dr. Strangelove and Failsafe…

I don’t think Biden getting a wild hair is gonna arbitrarily enable all the officers between him and the actual launch buttons to obliterate anyone without they are an immediate threat.

As much as I despise generals and bird colonels (based on my own history), tbey are professionals who took an oath to the Constitution, not
Skippy the Woke Fuhrer.

And we have much better weapons (like that Cuisinart Cruise Missile that took out the Iranian terror jockey) to stop the small fries. Stuff that makes much better footage on the Sunday Morning shows.

Reply to  GIKorea
3 years ago

– Did you wake up in fantasyland? That old man is not going to make it through his first year, let alone all four. He’s already showing signs of dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and cognitive decline. He can’t get through a speech without stumbling over his words even when he has a teleprompter, and when he toured that Pfizer plant last week, he was all over the place and you could see his handler behind him steering him back on course several times while he was walking down that one hallway. I think that’s one of the reasons you always see Kamala anytime he appears in public. She’s always lurking in the background somewhere waiting for the day when he has an undisguisable break of cognizance that the DemonRats can’t cover for. I think a serious push for using the 25th Amendment is in this man’s future.

Reply to  setnaffa
3 years ago

Setnaffa – Preachin’ to the choir here my friend.

3 years ago

Meh… don’t hate on the Biden.

He is necessary… a career clown exposing the clown show.

The more insanity and disorder America faces, and the faster it moves from tragedy to farce, the bigger chance a critical mass of Americans will wake up to reject the broad-spectrum stupidity, constant criminal plotting, and nonsensical luxury values…

…and perhaps evaluate their true priorities and focus efforts to make America and themselves successful… while demanding government support that goal rather than inhibit it.

And if they don’t? That’s OK too. Americans deserve what they accept¹.

So let Biden and Harris and Democrats and RINOs and Republicans and bureaucrats and corporatists and globalists and lefties and progressives and communists and useful idiots and illegal aliens and opportunists and anti-Americans burn and loot their way through America for a few years… the more, the better.

Americans will reclaim America for themselves or they won’t.

Either way, they get what they accept.

¹That applies on a personal level, too. Poverty, drug addiction, unhappy relationships, underployment, constant debt, deep cycles of personal dysfunction of unlimited variety… mostly fully deserved by people who might complain constantly but refuse to take any steps to better themselves or their situation.

3 years ago

CH, that is a very coherent point. Coherent as in coherent light–focused like a laser on the main point.

3 years ago

Bill Gates has a 45,000 square foot mansion, His carbon footprint is bigger than the town I was born in. His garage is bigger than my house. He famously stated “640K of memory was more than anyone needed.”

He’s morally, spiritually, and physically unattractive; but, as a fabulously wealthy celebrity with plenty of fake charities in Africa, he’s the darling of the media.

Same as it ever was.

2ID Doc
3 years ago

Biden will make it 2 years, then be told, forced or “accidently” hand the reins to Kamala so she can serve the full 6 years the Constitution allows. It might even be enough time to kill off or retire pesky congress types while she works to undo the 22nd Amendment…

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