Atlanta Massage Parlor Killings Includes Four Koreans
|The massage parlor killings in Atlanta has a Korean connection:

Four people of Korean descent were among those killed in a series of deadly shootings in the U.S. city of Atlanta, the foreign ministry said Wednesday.
South Korea’s Consulate General in Atlanta sent consular staff members to check if there were any other Korean causalities in the shootings, the ministry said.
The consulate has confirmed with the local police that the four killed in the shooting were of Korean descent, a ministry official said.
Authorities are still checking to confirm whether they held South Korean nationality.
You can read more at the link, but a 21 year old suspect has been taken into custody who is believed to have been the killer. Of course CNN is playing this up as a racial incident with no evidence to support it.
Eight were killed and likely because the “perp” thought there would be cash on hand. Or the girls laughed at him and he wanted to prove he was really a man, in spite of his [English steamed pudding served with a creamy vanilla custard sauce].
His hero was probably another hideous incel named Richard Speck…
I’ve only caught bits & pieces (perhaps I should wait for the London tabloids in the morning) but it seems he claims he actually used their services before?
setnaffa, “girls”? 55, 71, 62, and 75 year old women ‘girls’?
The son of a youth pastor. I guess he saw the difference between his parents’ “Church Face” and their “Home Face” and decided he couldn’t accept their religion. Happens to a lot of “PKs”. Parents needed to explain The Gospel* to their kids better. Some of these parents might not be saved themselves. Religion is big business in some circles.
From his alleged Instagram site: “Pizza, guns, drums, music, family, and God. This pretty much sums up my life. It’s a pretty good life.” That sounds like Philippians 3:18-19 ESV:
What is “The Gospel”? Well, it literally means “The Good News”.
1. We’re all sinners (Romans 3:23). All of us. No one is any better or worse than anyone else.
2. God loves us anyway (Romans 5:8) and made a plan to save us (Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9). And it’s totally an unmerited gift along with faith God gives us too. No one can claim they’re better than anyone else in this regard.
3. All we need to do is believe (John 3:16) and call on His name (Romans 10:13). Almost too simple, right?
4. At that point, we’re totally forgiven (Romans 8:1).
Yes, there is a catch. As we are spiritually dead, we can’t do this on our own. Corpses have no volition. The Good News is that if you want to be saved, you can be (John 1:12) because only those who are called/ quickened/ elected will want to be saved.
Have a beautiful St Patrick’s Day.
Some kind of sex addicted conflicted by his religion….guess he was trying to remove the temptation.
Just to remind everyone, the nationalities of the dead have not been verified yet. The South Korean embassy have not confirmed their nationalities.
The picture of this guy (maybe setnaffa’s son?) and his rant, calling on Americans to rise up and fight China (sounds like any of the far-right Trump people in rokdrop):
***( ***
I’m glad we’re returning to our time-honored tradition of weekly mass shootings. This is how you know things are opening back up again.
He told police it was because of his sex addiction.
Korean Man (I doubt both) “The consulate has confirmed with the local police that the four killed in the shooting were of Korean descent, a ministry official said.” Let me explain a little of how international ambassadorship works. There is one embassy in Washington DC. Many countries (South Korea for example)set up consulates in cities (Atlanta for example) with large population of their citizens to make it easier to contact the embassy so if the consulate has confirmed this the embassy has confirmed this. @GI, can we get a refund on this troll, he’s not even smart enough to read the article. @KM I’m smart enough to not click links for trolls.
“He told police it was because of his sex addiction.”
Can’t imagine a guy with such a fetching neckbeard would have trouble satisfying a sex addiction.
Whatever the case, prison should solve the issue.
2ID Doc,
Ethnically Korean does not necessarily equal to South Korean.
“He told police it was because of his sex addiction.”
How does he satisfy his sex addiction by shooting dead old women in their 50’s to 70’s?
Sounds like a poor excuse to me.
Maybe his sex addiction was with old women in their 50s to 70s.
He wouldn’t be the first preacher’s son to have mommy issues.
Soooo, a sex addict goes out and kills the only women in the world he’s able to have actual sex with. Makes sense to me.
Meth is good.
Korean Man excellent point about ethnicity versus citizenship.
Doc, “KM” was trying to let us know he’s Chinese…