Media and Activists Claim that BTS Garbage Pail Kid Card is Racist
|Not a good look for Topps, but the reaction is of course overblown with claims of racism:

Following backlash, Garbage Pail Kids has apologized and removed a sticker card portraying Korean boy band BTS with bruises. The trading card brand issued the apology as Asian-American communities in the U.S. are dealing with a rash of hate crimes.
PR Week
You can read more at the link, but Topps pulled the BTS Card. However, I don’t think Topps did anything racist as the media and activists are claiming. They have been making Garbage Pail Kids cards for decades that are violent and grotesque, this is nothing new. For example below is a card of a caveman hitting a woman over the head with a club and dragging her away. Should women’s groups start protesting now too?:

Here is a card with a white kid shot full of holes. Is Topps racist towards white kids?

Of course not, just like Topps isn’t racist towards Asians for a card having a Grammy trophy hitting them in the face. With that said you can still get the other Garbage Pail Kids “Shammy” Cards at this link.
“…as Asian-American communities in the U.S. are dealing with a rash of hate crimes.”
There is no “rash”.
Black-on-Asian hate crime has been a thing since the first Korean crawled out of the primordial slime and worked his way to a roof.
This is just the early step of government-media sponsored social programming to insure that anyone criticizing China will be a RAAAAAYSIST.
Plus, one doesn’t need a prescription for anti-rash meds like calamine lotion.
Garbage Pail kids were created to be intentional parody.
But parody is unfortunately dead. Wokers killed it.
Colin Flaherty has covered the black on Asian crime problems for years.