ROK Drop Open Thread – March 20, 2021

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low angle photo of n seoul tower
Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric on
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3 years ago

Did anyone else see the video of Old Joe tripping, not once, not twice, but three times going up the stairs to board Air Force One? Reminds me of Gerald Ford tripping down the stairs of Air Force One. This is the leader of the free world? Can’t even negotiate a simple set of stairs?

3 years ago

In case you didn’t see it, here’s the link.

3 years ago

Yet he still didn’t manage to get thousands and thousands of Americans dead due to his dishonesty, arrogance, and vanity. Nor did he instigate an armed insurrection.

3 years ago

Johnhenry, the moment of truth has arrived!

You are either wise and observant…

…or a complete idiot of the highest order with no ability to discern programmed fantasy from actual reality.

But which are you?

If only there was some way to highlight your brilliance or expose your stupidity.

Let’s ask the determining question!

How many guns were at Trump’s “armed insurrection”?


Zero, you say?

Well… not counting all the guns protecting the targets of “insurrection”… with the only use of a gun being against an unarmed “insurrectionist”.


Trump’s “armed insurrection” was neither armed nor an insurrection.

(Looks at checklist, consults condition table)

Johnhenry, you are a retard.

And that is why you have been a desperate failure at pretty much everything you have done… from your jobs to your marriages.

But that’s all everyone else’s fault.

3 years ago

CH, stop mocking the mentally-challenged. johnhenry is allegedly living in Beijing and probably posts that type of drivel like the “confessions” made by the crew of the USS Pueblo. For all we know, he’s facing the threat of torture and death right now…

Of course, he could be a lying traitor willing to denigrate the one US President who stood up to China; but I’d rather just consider him a hostage. None of the Navy Vets I know (or have known, as some have passed away) would talk like he writes, so…

3 years ago

The key, setnaffa & CH, to writing fiction is to write good fiction. Yours is not good.

3 years ago

Chickendead isn’t here to have a discussion…he’s here to puff himself up like a rooster by putting others down.

3 years ago

It is spring 2025. We are experiencing the 15th wave of COVID-19, ninth wave of COVID-21, and third of COVID-23. The latest cluster infection is attributable to unvaccinated migrant churchgoers in Whatever-dong.

Amazingly, total infection and mortality rates have not drastically changed in five years largely due to the never-ending introduction of variants.

Vaccines for the original virus and all variants are now so numerous that citizens are required to get boosters for something every month to be considered up to date. They are all SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, so don’t worry about it. Vaccine manufacturers have never found vaccines to CAUSE a single injury or death, ever. Never mind that vaccine manufacturers are the leading cause of coincidence in the world.

Out of an abundance of caution, masks are required everywhere including in the home. Government guidance allows masks to be lowered for eating and brushing teeth, but only if alone in a four-walled room with a door that closes and is closed (taken from 2021 gov’t bldg guidance).

It is no longer considered safe to sleep w/o a mask…according to the science…which anyone is welcome to view for themselves at theScienceIsSettled(dot)gov. The only truthful, non-hate, and fact-based source of science. Not to mention all other (obviously misleading and untruthful) sources have been summarily removed by big tech.

3 years ago

“Chickendead isn’t here to have a discussion…he’s here to puff himself up like a rooster by putting others down”

I’m sorry that my cóckadoodledoo is so big any you are hung like a field mouse.

Well I guess that science is settled and there is nothing more to talk about.

Bonus Thought: Still doesn’t change the fact that pretty much everything johnhenry writes is wrong or stupid or both.

Double Bonus: You are about the same… but you do it intentionally… so it is cute.

3 years ago


Anybody young and healthy who agrees to be a beta tester for this experimental mRNA technology has something wrong with their thinking.

In the few months that the covid vaccine has been given, it has had more associated incidents, from birth defects to deaths, than any other vaccine, many with decades of use, according to the CDC vaccine reporting database (VAERS).

And to think that some people advertise their inability to think things through by bragging they got the covid vaccine… sometimes by openly displaying the card with all their personal information.

But a lot of people live barely functional lives… socially, emotionally, financially… so it makes complete sense.

3 years ago

“The key, setnaffa & CH, to writing fiction is to write good fiction. Yours is not good.”

Not sure what you are going on about here… but it has no effect on the fact that you can’t explain who had the arms or who insurrected at your “armed insurrection”.

Verdict: still an idiot (and pedo)

3 years ago

Yes, Johnhenry, the Chinese did kill thousands and thousands of Americans due to dishonesty, arrogance and vanity.

3 years ago

You’re right, Liz. And they were heavily facilitated by admitted liars at WHO, CDC, and NIH.

Now we’re finding out the Winnie Flu was probably first sent abroad in October 2018…

And Dr. Forked-Tongue omitted key details in front of Congress, like he was funding the leaky Wuhan lab:

Fauxi is a serial killer.

3 years ago

Hi GI. Could you rescue my post from Purgatory?

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

Trump supporter screaming “you all are evil devils that brought the coronavirus go back to China” at the Hmart Korean grocery store clerks in Koreatown.

Anger Management issue?

These Americans are just too dumb. They should go over to Chinatowns to harass or kill the Chinese there instead of harassing or shooting innocent Koreans dead.

3 years ago

On a different note, according to recent polls, it seems that the Democratic Party of Korea will lose the mayoral by elections for Seoul and Busan.

This is not surprising considering the latest policy mistakes made by the DPK including the bungling of policies in regards to the real estate market, a not so stellar response to the pandemic, sex scandals by the former mayors of the above two cities, and others.

3 years ago

“Trump supporter screaming “you all are evil devils that brought the coronavirus go back to China” at the Hmart Korean grocery store clerks in Koreatown.”

Yeah. When I looked at that woman, all I could think of was those Trump supporters and their colored wigs.

3 years ago

GI, “false flag incidents” have been a hallmark of socialists since their inception.

What’s surprising is that they are so boring, plodding, irresistibly dull-but-annoying, in their adherence to the same plans used over 100 years ago…

Dr. Schwarz’s 1961 book, You Can Trust the Communists (to do Exactly as They Say), is still an accurate guide to how these mentally-challenged minions of mendacity move.

When I first read it at my grandmother’s house in the 1970s, I thought it was a joke. Then I realized the communists (AKA socialists, leftists, progressives, liberals, or whatever else they call themselves this year) really do behave that way… As if they’re bound and determined to prove all the “conspiracy theorists” from the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s right…

3 years ago

What has the pandemic done to businesses used for “intimate conversations” like coffee shops, barber shops, room salons, and 노래방, that used to have small rooms with people in close proximity to those outside their household?

How has it affected the saunas, spas, and fitness businesses?

What about the crowded aisles of the shopping malls at Dongdaemun, Namdaemun, and the other traditional markets?

Is the seafood market at Noryangin still open?

Is South Korea still South Korea?

3 years ago

In other news, Mexico is attacking Joe Biden’s reputation:

(Ye, it’s just satire… Or is it?)

3 years ago

@GI Korea: Didn’t you tell a certain poster to stop his nonsense and untrue accusations regarding pedophilia? How long do you intend to let him continue that nonsense?

3 years ago

Teeeeeeacher! He is looking at me again!

How did you exist in the military? Even the Canadian navy doesn’t put up with whiners of your magnitude.


You can stop accusations of pedophilia all by yourself.

All you have to do is cut and paste:

“I abhor pedophilia and I am vocally against adults who touch children inappropriately.”

…though you have to mean it.

3 years ago

Let me offer support: “I abhor pedophilia and I am vocally against adults who touch children inappropriately.”

3 years ago

SEOUL (Reuters) – A group of Russian diplomats and family members used a hand-pushed rail trolley to leave North Korea this week, amid Pyongyang’s strict anti-coronavirus measures, which include blocking most forms of passenger transport across the border.

North Korea has not reported any confirmed cases of the coronavirus, but has imposed crippling border closings, banned most international travel, and severely restricted movement inside the country.

3 years ago

“Fewer Children Died in 2020, Despite the Pandemic. Experts Are Trying to Figure Out Why”

We can all rest easier knowing johnhenry is safe.

3 years ago

Whatcha talkin bout Willis?

Reading Time? Next you’ll be watching CNN and listening to NPR.

3 years ago

Time, CNN, and NPR supply valuable information and should be read daily.

Most if that valuable information is encoded in the metadata… based on the holes in their reporting, observations of coordinated bias, unintentional insight because their reporters lack full understanding of the narrative… etc.

3 years ago

Just saw this, story in last day, “Last Korean War Criminal to Serve in Japan’s World War II army dies without securing apology or compensation from Tokyo”, Lee Hak-rae. So, I thought this might be interesting to the forum, I will forgo linking.. Story at Asia One or the South China Morning Post. Picture.

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