The Korea Times Believes Biden Administration Will Take Hard Line on North Korea

The Nam Hyun-woo in the Korea Times writes that Trump was soft on North Korean missile launches and that the Biden administration will take a harder line:

President Joe Biden speaks during a press conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington, D.C., Thursday. AP-Yonhap

This contrasts with the previous Donald Trump administration, which downplayed Pyongyang’s missile launches while attempting to achieve denuclearization through summit talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

In contrast, the Biden administration has been signaling a hard-line approach to North Korea and diplomatic efforts simultaneously, with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken saying both pressure and diplomatic options are on the table to deal with Pyongyang.

“During the Trump administration, the U.S. did not respond to short-range ballistic missiles, but now the Biden administration is mentioning Thursday’s launch violated U.N. resolutions,” said Go Myong-hyun, a senior fellow at Asan Institute for Policy Studies. “Although Biden also said the U.S. can also respond on its own, the bottom line is that it is returning to a rules-based international order based on liberalism.”

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but Mr. Nam must have forgotten all the “rocket man” and “fire and fury” rhetoric from former President Trump on top of the pressure campaign that is widely believed to have brought Kim Jong-un into negotiations. The negotiations as we all know went no where, but it did stop the missile launches and nuclear tests.

It is too early to state whether the Biden administration is taking a hardline or not on North Korea, but to claim that the Trump administration was some how soft on North Korea is inaccurate.

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3 years ago

The Nam Hyun-woo in the Korea Times writes that Trump was soft on North Korean missile launches and that the Biden administration will take a harder line:

ha haha hahaha hahahaha hahaha haha hahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha
hahaha hahahahahaha hahahaha ha haha hahaha hahahaha hahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha haha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha ha haha hahaha haha
haha hahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahahahahahahaha ha ha hahahahahahahaha ha haha haha
ha hahahaha hahahahaha hahahahahaha hahaha hahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha ha haha hahaha hahahaha hahahahaha hahahahahaha haha hahahahaha hahahaha
hahahaha hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha ha ha

3 years ago

Trump was only interested in stopping threats against America. As President, that was in scope. Enforcing UN Resolutions is not part of Article II of the US Constitution.

Anything Joey Leg Hairs jumps into will likely have cash or sinecures involved…

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
3 years ago

If kim fatty the third appoints Hunter to the Nork Coal Mining Co board, the sanctions would end in a week…

3 years ago

The “hard line” is apparently hiring an appropriately-named Secretary of State who blinks when the CCP says “froggy” and, along with his putative boss, ignores the Chinese puppets in Pyongyang.

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