Camp Casey Issues Travel Ban to Its Soldiers
|Soldiers on Camp Casey are currently barred from going outside the gates to neighboring Dongducheon:

An uptick in coronavirus cases near a U.S. base in South Korea prompted the commander to impose a travel ban Wednesday between the base and the neighboring city.
Dongducheon city is off-limits to anyone associated with Camp Casey, except for “approved mission essential travel,” according to a U.S. Forces Korea news release. Dining in off-post restaurants is also restricted.
Stars & Stripes
You can read more at the link, but apparently an uptick in coronavirus cases in Gyeongi province this week from 111 to 135 cases is what led to the travel ban.
In related news, Governor Abbott in Texas removed the requirement for masks and restriction on customers inside businesses yesterday.
One assumes that there is no connection between these stories besides Winnie’s Flu.
Well, “The Never Maskers” crowd have got what they want. A continuing pandemic. Hoping to kill off more of the weak. “No sweat off my ball bearings.”
If you fear the continuing “pandemic”, you are welcome to put that MOPP 4 into action!
Glad you finally realized that other people’s business, up to a pretty high threshold, is neither your right nor your responsibility.
But think of how many lives would be saved by making everyone wrap themselves in padding before going anywhere in a car. Or if we just gave everyone the correct portions and government mandated meals, and ban all “junk” food.
Really, fresh air unfiltered by masks made in China is a veblen good.
How dare the masses believe they are entitled to it.
So many powerless lifelong losers are angry everyone else isn’t locked down at home or forced to wear a mask.
They don’t realize they can still be a creepy recluse or a Muslim wife wannabe without a government mandate.
The government has cleverly outsourced oppression to a civilian army of scolds, busybodies, and garbage humans.
It’s really starting to look like time to get a length of pipe and work over anyone who can’t seem to mind their own fücking business.
Liz!! You know about Veblen!! Awesome!!
CH, I definitely recommend galvanized. Zinc is said to be good for helping the body fight a cold…
Meanwhile, I check my County statistics every day and see the number of infections at 230+ a day, and death rates increasing daily since everyone sought out their “Lebensraum”. Sieg Heil! Just like the Nazi Death camp guards felt the freedom of killing Jews wantonly, others love spreading the virus with joy. “Because I AM FREE!” ~~Born free…as free as the wind blows~~~~
Had to look it up. One of those things you learn in Economics 101, or married to a Korean, they know the concept.
Tanker, you’re still falling for the falsified death statistics.
Tell us how many people in your county who died from only COVID-19. The CDC numbers occasionally use peole with comorbidities like fatal gunshot wounds.
Tell us their ages. How many people without end-stage renal failure, diabetes, stage 4 cancer, or Alzheimer’s? Please don’t include people killed in traffic accidents. And also avoid those with “COVID-19-like symptoms” as runny noses, coughing, diarrhea, and fever result from thousands of other causes.
And if you’re worried about all of us going around without masks, be sure to wear 3 or 4, even while driving…
Stenaffa. I’ve checked the death rate daily since July. It slowly made it up to ~100 in November. Went over 300 a week ago. From March to July 100. then November -March 300. 200 at the end of January. I noticed the increase as nut cases stopped taking precautions. Every where is open now like no virus. People brazenly walk around with out a mask. Like “What the F^ck you gonna do?” Rednecks. I was in Saves a Lot the other day, no one had a mask, cashier had it under her nose. A lot of Hispanics in that area. They don’t wear masks, just a EZ trip from Texas up here. So the quick excuse unproven is they really didn’t die from COVID. Throw caution to the wind, I’m smarter than everyone else. “Who knows.. pfffffft sniffen my joint, maybe the aliens did it, I don’t trust THE MAN!”
Setnaffa, CH, Liz, all honorable Hazdic Jews.
The family was kicked off the flight because of their religion. The child with no mask was under 2 years old, and Frontier’s policy allows children under 2 to go without masks.
Pretty sad.
As to the casualties from COVID-19, you provided anecdotes, not actual numbers. Please do better.
We already know that the WHO, the CDC, and the NIH have flip-flopped, intentionally lied, and continued to mislead people with FUD to essentially destroy American culture.
Follow them if you want. Or run away from the people you used racist terms to describe. Or just use your common sense and keep yourself safe like you used to do from colds, flus, and other stuff.
But don’t waste your time worrying about something that won’t be stopped by a fitty-cent Chinese face diaper.
Tanker, all those deaths sound scary.
If I were you, I’d stay at home and laugh while all those stupid people out there with no masks died off.
If you go out of the house, be sure to wear some real personal protective equipment… positive pressure isolation suit with a battery powered filter/blower would be total protection… but this isn’t ebola so you are probably safe with a full sealed face mask and actual filters.
I have several unopened 3M 6000 series masks that I bought in March when China was shutting down and videos of people dropping in the street were all over the internet and it was not yet clear if it was pandemic or propaganda.
You do wear a full face mask with actual filters, right? No?
So you don’t even really believe the religion you are pushing, do you.
You just want people to do as you say. You aren’t really worried about your health enough to take responsibility for it.
People are not angry because others won’t wear masks. People are angry because others won’t demonstrate submission.
The government has outsourced tyranny to a crowd of powerless dummies, scolds, and busybodies by bribing them with a taste of fake power.
Carry a squirter bottle of gasoline and set their faces on fire.
There is a reason the CDC exempts children under 2 from mask wearing.
It isn’t safe or healthy for them.
That said, wish I had a dime for every airline story that is factually inaccurate.
There is much incentive to promote a fake story to sue the airline, and very little incentive to publish accurate information.
If anyone has an issue with the airlines, much better and faster than calling customer service, post something online.
Liz, we all know the culture has slipped to the point where folks are selling their future for 30 seconds of fame on social media. Strangely, we see it biting people in the [tail-feather region] more and more as the “woke” engage in a frenzied and degenerate autophagy.
CH. In answer to your question. My wife is a seamstress and she has made my masks. 3 layers, and a filter pocket inside with a special filter material that is easy to replace (I have replacements cut to fit. A piece of malleable metal sewn into a pocket for the bridge of the nose. 2 adjustable elastic bands that wrap around my head. When I put it on I clear it like a pro mask, and check the seal. It seals when I breath in the material moves in, when I breath out it expands as the air goes out, the seal doesn’t break. I spay my hands often and with multiple masks rotate them as I wash them. If I am somewhere for an extended period of time I take an extra one with me to swap. Just like breaking the seal on a pro mask to take a drink from a canteen.
I see the cheaters out there, single layer piece of worthless cloth, unsealed gaps all over the place. Oh yeh, give me a Gatorneck!
Tanker, have you thought of wearing two masks?
There’s a shark in the water. What do you do? Place a sign to swim at your own risk? Close the beach? Or …
Close all beaches (because sharks reproduce…and mutate) and force everyone to wear chainmail?
Out of an abundance of caution.
Sad to see people have fallen so hard for the scamdemic.
CH, no. Have you ever wore a mask, or just a hanky to meet the spirit of the Krazeenest.
I wear a mask every day… when it is a requirement to do so.
Sometimes, I don’t wear a mask when it is a requirement to do so because I am in a room with people who understand that it is all just a game to show Something Is Being Done by the agencies backing up the narrative of those using covid as a tool for global change… change that no sane person would agree to if they weren’t scared into it.
The CDC just found the difference in infection rates for mask and no mask populations is within the margin of error for the study.
Who knows if that means anything. The numbers are so fraudulent (inflated) and so influenced by political factors (e.g. intentional nursing home infections), it is hard to know what to believe.
Fauci, the face of covid, has flip-flopped on the issue to every possible position… mask, no mask, more than one mask.
At this point, anybody claiming that masks reduce infection rates (or not) is pretty much just talking out their àss.
Logic tells us it should do something and despite everyone wearing them, there hasn’t been noticeable side effects like lung infections… so… sure… why not?
But then you see how it has become a religion… and empowered the petty despots and aspiring authoritarian… and you see high school bands blowing in their instruments while forced to wear the symbolic outline of their cutaway masks… and you realize it isn’t about public health or disease prevention. It is about socializing the population to accept petty and arbitrary control… the more ridiculous, the better… and a tried and true trick of so many malignant governments in the early stages of complete authoritarianism.
Next, it will be anal swabs.
And you won’t just accept it, you will promote it through shaming, snitching, and organized violence.
“Anal Swabs?!?!? Is that another dig at current and former LGBTQ+ members of the Navy?
Or just the losers LARPing as “diplomats” that Bidet-Harris sent to Beijing to negotiate our surrender?”
Asking for a friend.
It seems so long ago when mainstream media and experts were telling us how useless, and even dangerous, masks were.
Thanks for the link to that article, CH.
It does seem like ten long years ago instead of one.
Kabuki theatre and Potemkin pseudoscience is all the would-be fuhrers have right now…
The actual science is pretty clear. And most of the pro-maskers from 6 months ago are admitting they are only a tool for virtue-signalling…
CH. Why are you sending a link to a March 2020 Article? That was when the CDC was trying to save all masks for Health Care Workers. Even then, I was wearing my masks everyday because I knew it was false, people were laughing at me. Rates aren’t falling because most people don’t wear masks that work. there’s is no control over what “MASK” people use. A piece of cloth, a gatorneck, a fake M95 from China, or whatever. Essentially no mask whatsoever, which everyone here loves. LMAO!
Don’t tell people what to do. Just ask them to do it for everyone. HaHahahahahahaha. Ya get some real cooperation out of that one. Talk about herd mentality. Not Herd anything.
Tanker, the point is that they lied. Repeatedly. So did WHO, NIH, and all our other political outlets masquerading as medical teams.
And the actual science shows the difference between masked and unmasked people being infected is with every study’s margin of error. And it’s still up to you whether the kabuki placebo meets your needs.
Whether anyone for es tou to wear a mask, use your personal responsibility and liberty to choose your own path
All of our institutions now continuously lie… openly and shamelessly.
And they reverse their lies and expect everyone to forget the old lie and believe the new lie with equal enthusiasm.
We laughed about this when the Soviets did it and we thought how stupid can the Ruskies be.
Do how do we know they are not lying about masks now? The reason they say masks work is because it reduces output of droplets. The scolds have latched on to this. “If YOU don’t wear a mask, you endanger ME!”
A rag worn over the mouth reduces droplets. When they were lying about masks to insure medical workers had them, why didn’t they simply say to wear any face covering.
“To reduce exposure and save lives, wear any type of covering over your nose and mouth. But kindly reserve medical masks for medical personnel, as they are more convenient for their work environment. It would be irresponsible to be seen in public wearing a medical mask.”
Scolds would have been weaponized to do good. And, if covering your nose and mouth to reduce droplet spread was as important then as they say it is now, cases would have been fewer and lives would have been saved.
But it was never about saving lives or helping Americans. It was about spreading the disease as much as possible and then inflating the numbers to make Trump look bad.
Once the revolution is over and the revolutionaries become a liability and the Biden Regime has had enough of BLM/antifa demonstrations and need to start cracking down, or if the right actually has a proper resistance, masks will suddenly be bad again… probably because the risk of associated respiratory infections is higher than covid… so take off your masks for good health.
It is all bùllshit. And anyone who falls for the global warming, covid, terrorism, white supremacists, etc fear, is a dummy who deserves nothing but ridicule.