Two Congress Members Drop Endorsement of Korean-American Candidate

It seems like a pretty big unforced error for Sery Kim, but who knows maybe this is what the people in the district she is running for want to hear. Additionally it has given her national media attention because I have never heard of her until now:

Multiple U.S. media outlets reported that Young Kim and Steel issued a joint statement to say they cannot continue to support Sery Kim, who is running to represent Texas’ sixth Congressional District.

“As the first Korean American Republican women to serve in Congress, we want to empower and lift up fellow members of the AAPI community who want to serve their communities,” the lawmakers said in the statement CNN reported on Saturday. “We talked with Sery Kim yesterday concerning her hurtful and untrue comments about Chinese immigrants, and made clear that her comments were unacceptable.”

Sery Kim is currently mired in controversy, after she answered a question about U.S. immigration during a forum on Wednesday. “I don’t want them here at all,” she said, referring to Chinese immigrants.

“They steal our intellectual property, give us the coronavirus, and they don’t hold themselves accountable,” she said. “And quite frankly, I can say that because I’m Korean.” The candidate also lashed out at China, claiming that the coronavirus was created at a lab in Wuhan, according to a YouTube video recording of the event uploaded by Kim’s election camp.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link.

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t3h Kangaji
3 years ago

Ugh… because the Media is twisting the context about what she said about the CCP, not Chinese Immigrants

Korean Man
3 years ago

Lol. The Trumpeans are already making excuses for her because she, herself an Asian immigrant, has fallen in line with Uncle Tom. She doesn’t want Chinese immigrants but how many racists want Koreans or any Asian here? Like it or not, all Asians are in the same raft because they see all east and south east Asians as one homogeneous group of Chinese.

3 years ago

She really wasn’t wrong about the CCP; but that might hurt the payola patrol…

3 years ago

Beijingboy, I don’t know many racists besides you. Why do you hate Koreans? Show us on the doll where they hurt you.

3 years ago

I must point out that, unlike Robert Mueller, Jeb Bush, James Comey, and many others, I’m not a Republican. While in college, I was a Democrat. Jimmy Carter convinced me those folks were feckless toads. Later, I was briefly attached to the GOP; but the Bush/Clinton/Bush Hegemony convinced all political parties are run by feckless toads. Like the European royalty and aristocracy; but not as stylish or hemophiliac.

I still vote; but I am very picky about where I put my vote…

3 years ago

The truth hurts. Never trust who the CCP allows out of its country.

3 years ago

They send people away who pose no threat to them, as well as their agents. It’s not quite as simple as that. Now, if they have/had a gummint job, well, that’s a different kettle of fish…

3 years ago

And as a palate cleanser, speaking of fish, I present a hit from 1994 (the whole album is a hoot):

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