Joong Ang Ilbo Correspondent Calls the U.S. “A Jungle of Violence”
|A correspondent for the Joong Ang Ilbo Park Hyun-young is concerned he is going to be targeted in the U.S. for being Asian. He titled his piece “A Jungle of Violence”:
I liked to talk on the phone or listen to podcasts while walking. But I don’t put my earphones on when walking in downtown Washington so that I can be aware of my surroundings. If I use earphones, it is hard to know whether there’s someone behind me or if person is talking to me or walking faster suddenly.
It is a new habit I’ve developed as crimes against Asian Americans are on the rise in the United States. If I run into a stranger in a secluded place, I look around to see if there’s any surveillance cameras.It is more often that I don’t find them. (…….) Before America gets the disgrace of being labeled a “jungle” dominated by the physically strong, the Biden administration needs to address the issue seriously without political calculation.
Joong Ang Ilbo
You can read the rest at the link, but one could argue that Mr. Park’s title for his article is racist in itself by trying to compare the U.S. to a jungle. Just ask President Biden. Anyway something else that Mr. Park needs to realize is that even white people in certain areas of D.C. have to be careful where the walk and what they doing. The mentally ill and criminal elements often behind these assault don’t limit their illegal activities to just Asian people.
A jungle of violence is racist? Why? The article is spot on about how the violence in the US is now an acceptable part of their American culture. If you want to live in the US, you better to accept the fact that you will be a victim of violence including racial violence. That’s the way it is, the truth hurts.
He’s not wrong, lying pedo china joe biden’s America.
TenCentboy didn’t even bother looking at the link.
Racial violence, as reported in the news, includes garage door pulls misidentified as nooses, failed actors with sub sammiches who paid people to pretend to assault them, and normal drug gang activity in Democrat-controlled Xi-holes.
Stay out of the violent jungles if you don’t want to encounter violent monkeys.
Complaining about violence in Washington DC is like sucking walrus dìck and complaining it tastes salty.
Speaking of actual violence in actual jungles (as opposed to little more than “cross words” in predominantly Black areas as the racist Joong Ang Ilbo reporter wrote):
(It’s interesting to note that Burma, as Myanmar was called at the time, has been a place of intense violence rather frequently
en dot wikipedia dot org/wiki/Internal_conflict_in_Myanmar)