Fort Jackson NCO Charged with Assault in Alleged Racial Incident
|I would have handled this differently in this situation, but of course the media is making this into a racial incident when it is not:

A white Fort Jackson soldier seen in a video pushing and yelling at a young Black man in a northeast Columbia neighborhood has been criminally charged, according to the Richland County Sheriff’s Department.
The incident took place in the Summit neighborhood, a sprawling community located between Clemson and Hardscrabble roads.
At an evening news conference, Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott identified the man charged as Jonathan Pentland, 42. Deputies charged him with third-degree assault and battery.
The State
You can read more at the link. Pentland did push the guy in the video after he walked towards his wife. The rest of the time he was just aggressively questioning and yelling at the other man. Of course the media is trying to frame this as a white guy doesn’t want a black guy walking around this neighborhood narrative.
What many in the media are not mentioning is what happened before the confrontation. Four days before the incident a man sexually assaulted a woman on the sidewalk in the neighborhood. Then two days before the incident a man tried to walk away with a baby he took from a woman and had to be stopped. The day of the incident caught on the clip something else happened because Pentland’s wife can clearly be heard in the video saying that the man picked a fight with one of their female neighbors. According to the Washington Post the man that Pentland pushed is being investigated for the prior assaults on women in the neighborhood, however police say he has an underlying medical conditions that could explain his behavior.
So essentially we have someone who has possible mental issues assaulting and harassing women in the neighborhood and Pentland intervenes more aggressively than he should of, but should this make him a racist? I see nothing in this video indicating that Pentland targeted him because he was walking while black like the narrative is claiming. If the man was just walking down the sidewalk not bothering anyone, no one would have bothered him.
Pentland was charged for pushing the man and will likely face bigger punishment from the Army, but is anyone going to charge the man in the video with assaulting and harassing women in the neighborhood? Additionally is anyone going to charge the protesters who vandalized Pentland’s home? Pentland is far from the only person in the wrong in this incident, but he is the only one many in the media are focusing on because of the narrative they want to push.
The lesson from the media is clear. Just allow the mentally-ill to molest women in front of their husbands on their own property. Case closed.
In Texas, the guy might have been shot for threatening someone’s wife, regardless of suntan. But that doesn’t fit the desired narrative.
This situation was staged. Someone (person with camera?) brought that guy into that neighborhood for this purpose. But that doesn’t fit the desired narrative.
You don’t want your mentally-ill friend or relative shot while assaulting someone? Keep them in one of your “safe spaces”. Even in Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit the rule holds… Regardless of suntans involved…
@setnaffa, it appears that the man does live in the neighborhood. According to this updated local news report the police report lists Pentland and the man as having the same zip code.
Additionally neighbors said that the man does live nearby Maybe his family recently moved in. Additionally the woman said after she stopped recording when the man walked away Pentland continued to follow him, slapped the guys phone out of his hands, and stomped on it. Pentland’s pretty stupid to be acting like that to someone who clearly has mental issues and he is twice the size of, especially when someone’s standing there recording him. With that all said no one yet has been able to prove this was a racially motivated incident, but it isn’t stopping the media from making it in to one.
You can read a lot more about the Pentland incident at this link as well:
Such a violent hateful dangerous society it has become.
Thanks for the update, GI. Anger issues aside, we do not know what the mentally-ill fellow said to Pentland’s wife. And, while it’s all well and good to say he should have let it go, let’s look at Portland Oregon or nearly any other Democrat-controlled city. Even in Washington DC there are effectively terrorists assaulting people at restaurants because they’re white.
Do we want an Army of “polite social counselors” or “people who kill people and break things ?
Because frankly, if some looney-tunes freak walked up to my wife in a threatening manner, I might show a lack of respect, regardless of his size or suntan. And even in my neighborhood, “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.”
Yes, it would have been better for him to stand down; but we do not know the provocations before, during, and after. And I don’t believe we will ever hear the true story, as it doesn’t fit the narrative from any of the media fiefdoms.
Full disclosure: that’s why I don’t keep any firearms. The chemo made me crankier than I was. And I just don’t need the hassle.
Mind you, my neighbors are all friends and they ARE armed, so it balances out.
We had a family like that a couple blocks over and, as I heard the story, a committee from the big mosque went to visit them and they moved a week later. I infer they were more persuasive than the local Methodists, Lutherans, or Catholics. C’est la vie.
SSG was responding as he was taught in Army SHARP training…have to act to prevent sexual assault and now in trouble. BTW black man sexual assault several women for a couple days before and has criminal record of trespassing and animal cruelly is known to the police and now, conveniently, is in a mental facility and won’t face any charges.