ROK Drop Open Thread – April 17, 2021

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people walking beside body of water
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Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

Excellent writeup by Forbes, of the KFX 21

The Boramae is poised to send a strong message to the region and China in particular regarding the autonomy of its peninsular neighbor. Teal Group analyst Richard Aboulafia points out that with it South Korea may have one of the most flexible, relevant fighter products on the global market.

“It’s a Generation 4.5 plane that will allow South Korea a prestigious defense program and a greater degree of weapons autonomy, if not sovereignty. It’s expensive, but given their priorities it’s perhaps inevitable,” Aboulafia observes.

———- Forbes——-

Slam dunk for TOK to process.

3 years ago

From the same analyst, China’s aviation industry is a hollow shell about to implode:

Must be nice work.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

Chinese aviation industry is a hollow shell, but if you take that logic, then the US also relies heavily on South Korean semiconductor manufacturing to get their jets in the air and the radars to work. What do you call that reliance then?

Chinese may have tin cans for war toys, but Chinese threats in the region and the military standoff between China and the US is a real boon for the South Korean military industry in SEA. The War is a good business.

South Korea sells and delivers two more stripped down frigates to the Philippines.

3 years ago

Throwing out “whataboutisms” that sound like unsourced opinions is very in this year…

t3h Kangaji
3 years ago

I’ve been watching Hogu couple on youtube and it’s pretty funny.
Basically, a couple of amateur Kendo practitioners have gym fights with other fighting/weapons systems and they usually get their asses kicked. It’s hilarious. You can turn English subtitles on for a lot of the videos and you can tell someone made an effort to make a good translation.

Question for Korean Man — what do you think of John Kerry’s policy that US intervention is not appropriate when dealing with Japan’s release of the Fukushima reactor water and to just handle it according to the IAEA guidelines?

3 years ago

If the KF-21 was flight tested without any issues, met all its test parameters, successfully entered service into the ROKAF and several countries signed up for it, then I could understand Korean Man’s gloating.

However, he’s getting all excited over an analyst’s article.

He surely wants approval and compliments from someone.

3 years ago

He surely wants approval and compliments from someone.

A sad case of Trumploseritis.

t3h Kangaji
3 years ago

Setnaffa – Thought you might be interested in this —
North Korean hacking group using steganography to mask their payloads when they rob banks.

3 years ago

Thanks Kangaji! That’s a site I probably need to frequent more often.

I always wondered if anyone would try to use that technique. Typically, large files are more heavily scrutinized, especially in emails.

Of course, there are probably 1000 ways to get a reverse shell and copy the payload over; but hiding it in graphics on a malicious but seemingly innocuous website is certainly more interesting.than just sending infected images in emails. Of course, links are more suspicious than “cute animal memes”, so there is that.

In fact, sites like HackTheBox and many others teach how to do that so that “blue teams” can be aware of what to watch out for.

It’s terrifyingly easy to be pwned.

t3h Kangaji
3 years ago

If you’re on hackthebox you should totally PM me. Same username without t3h t3h.

3 years ago

Not on htb yet. Still picking my way through thm. Haven’t quite got the skills to crack the invite code and add yet another thing to my already too long to-do list. I’m already accidentally ignoring 4 Slack channels, 17 Discord, 6 Udemy classes, 4 on Coursera, INE, RangeForce, CodeAcademy, and probably a few more… Real life kinda jumps out at us at times…

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