ROK Drop Open Thread – May 01, 2021

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3 years ago

So, has COVID-19 (i.e., the coronavirus) lost all of its luster for you all in an endless siege of mask mandates, lockdowns, travel restrictions, (non)vaccines, vaccine passports, infinite new strains that will keep virologists guessing for decades, and all of the other BS propaganda, or are you still okay with it?

The so-called expert (Dr. Fauxi) changes his opinion on everything as quickly as the weather changes. The Leftist lunatics are infatuated with wearing their face diapers and even wear them outside when they’re alone or when they are the only passenger in their car. I even saw a video this week of a man wearing a mask while swimming!!! Granted I am not sure whether this was a parody video or not, but with all of the other seemingly idiotic things going on, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were an actual video.

Oh, finally, check the websites for the state health departments of the states that have ended mask mandates. Most, if not all, of those states have seen a dramatic drop in infections and deaths. Hmmmmm… I wonder why?

3 years ago

Covid Fatigue has set in.

It’s time to fire up the global warming fear again…

…even better, Global Warming Causes Covid…

…or covid causes global warming…

…doesn’t really matter… as the 30% of fùckrards on the lower side of the bell curve will not only believe what they are told to believe but will try to push it off on everyone else as some sort of moral imperative.

Perhaps far-right cicgender white supremacist domestic terrorism causes both covid AND global warming…

…because right-wing violence has been a pretty big problem ever since Trump supporters decided to start burning and looting in support of George Floyd.

Nothing better than a fo’ free weave to a right wing extremist.

Korean Man
3 years ago

I think you guys (despite sounding like complete far right anti-global conspiracy theorist nutcases) are somewhat understandable. You live in South Korea which has had so little deaths due to the very effective handling of the pandemic. When you see very little negative consequences of fear and deaths around, it’s totally understandable why you think this is all a scam. It’s a testimony to how safe South Korea is, compared to most countries around the world. But I bet you you’d think differently if you were a medical frontline worker working in an American intensive care unit, or you’re living in India right now where so many dead bodies are being burned in holes in the grounds.

Anyway, local press 7 hours ago reported that South Korea has reached 250,000 per day vaccinations for the first time, as the vaccination effort is now picking up speed. Now the country’s vaccination rate is at 6.4%, as vaccine shortages are gradually being resolved through future planned domestic contract production of Novavax, Moderna, and Pfizer vaccines take shape. When that happens, South Korea will be the biggest production center for COVID vaccines for all of Asia. This didn’t just happen over night. South Korea’s bio-medical industry production began with massive investments started 20 years ago, during the Kim Dae Jung (supposedly commie era) government. The same maligned government was also behind the start of South Korea’s cultural exports, as well as massively funding industries in digital communication such as high speed internet, and also started South Korea’s now rapidly growing defence industry. The seeds that were planted 20 years ago, we are seeing the leaves appearing. All this could not have been possible with a Right Wing party in power.

Reply to  Korean Man
3 years ago

Hey Korean Cuck,

I live in the Philippines. Guess that blows your theory all to hell.

2ID Doc
3 years ago

@Korean Man – so, how do you explain North Korea? Zero cases of COVID. Sounds like they are better than your buddies in South Korea. Oh and to echo Tim a bit I live in Europe, so we were locked down, realized that wasn’t working to reduce rates so we are ramping up vaccinations and easing restrictions. Yeah, COVID is real, yeah it kills those with compromised immune systems, hurts those who have less than optimal immune systems, but all the lockdowns and restrictions are not going to stop it, neither is vaccinations. In the end it will be like the flu, it’s going to happen, its going to mutate, it will kill some, sicken others we will have to learn to live with it in our world.

3 years ago

Since when has Texas been a part of South Korea? Granted we are blessed to have great Korean restaurants and grocers; but I think the Chinese trolls are not even trying to be accurate…

3 years ago

All of our neighbors on the mountain have now had covid. The neighbors to our right were the first to get it. They are in their seventies, and they were the only ones with serious symptoms (but not serious enough to have to go to the hospital). Mike and the boys are playing laser tag with them outside right now.
Mike and our youngest son had it. Our son had a sore throat for about five days, and a cough. No fever. His flu three years ago was a mild flu but far worse. Mike was ill for two days with a light fever and aches. I’ve never tested positive.

3 years ago

Our neighbor across the street is medical professional, in charge of nine trauma centers between here and Kansas. I think she qualifies as informed. More so than an ICU nurse in one facility would be (who, yes, would see the worst possible cases).
She thinks the covid crisis is vastly overblown.

3 years ago

More details at the first link in my as-yet-still-in-moderation post in the April 24 Open Thread; but apparently all QNAP NAS devices have a built-in admin access username: walter / password: walter, so please make sure, if you have such a one, that it is not on an internet-accessible network… Best to replace it asap… No word as far as I know on a fix

3 years ago

A doctor in VA submitted 10 brand new unused swabs for testing. Four returned positive for COVID.

Korean Man: Since Jan 2020 (or 15 months ago), there have been 1833 COVID deaths in Korea, or 1466 annually. Annual pedestrian deaths in Korea = 2245. Thus pedestrian deaths kill 53% more Koreans than COVID.

Tell me KM, what year was “pedestrian death” declared a pandemic in Korea? And what nation-wide measures were implemented to mitigate? Strobe light emitting pedestrian helmets? Pedestrian cages (similar to shark cages)? Were businesses near crosswalks shut down to reduce pedestrians?

THEN, we can intelligently have a discussion on how this isn’t a scam.

3 years ago


~2% of Korean covid cases came from bars, clubs, coffee shops, resturaunts, bakeries, music rooms, music rooms with whòre’s, etc… but that is what the government shut down.

And even that is misleading… as young people don’t really spread it much and they don’t go clubbing when they are sick… so bars and clubs got the most restrictions yet had the least problems.

Churches, on the other hand… full of touchy old people who are obligated to show up no matter how they feel… hence 37%.

The rest was filled in with prisons, hospitals, old folks homes, and three generations living in a 30 pyong apartment like a Kurt Vonnegut story.

The reason for so few deaths in Korea is not great management. Nobody wears their masks correctly. People drink privately in groups when entertainment areas are closed. Hospitals treat the sick, old people are still old and damp, and children still live with grandma. Everybody still packs into public transportation. Korea’s great management is going through the motions to Show They Are Doing Something so the rest of the world won’t scold them for not being on board withb the fraud.

No, the reason for so few deaths in Korea is because they don’t lie about the numbers like America and the rest of western civilization… and don’t intentionally infect old people like the blue states that are responsible for 40% of American deaths… and likely much more… as they overreported fake covid numbers but underreported nursing home deaths where they intentionally sent infected people for reasons which are not really obvious… something about Trump Told Me To (just following federal guidelines). The media is incurious… so federal guidelines likely can’t be blamed. And some of these blue states governors were even lauded for their amazing handling of the covid apocalypse.

Koreans are starting to wake up to the covid scam… so there is hope.

3 years ago
Korean Man
3 years ago

So we have right wing Trumpean Americans living in Philippines, Texas, Virginia, and somewhere in the mountains in the US… hmmmm….. So I wonder why these people are visiting a website about Korea to claim that there’s a world wide conspiracy by 192 countries to shut down the freedom of movement, if they are not just wacko right wing trolls? I guess all the dead bodies being burned in India which has been hit with another new deadly morphed version of the virus that the vaccines are useless against, is hoax too? Something doesn’t add up here. I might be wrong but this site might be a troll site set up by Donald Trump himself who is a well-known Korea basher.

3 years ago

This site has been around a long while.
Very prescient of GI to have such a longstanding diabolical plan.

3 years ago

“another new deadly morphed version of the virus that the vaccines are useless against”

So everyone can shut up about the vaccine now?

3 years ago

Johnhenry is never right about anything.

This is old news.

And, yes, the Trump administration was blamed.

“When health care workers in Nevada and Vermont reported false positives, HHS defended the tests and threatened Nevada with unspecified sanctions until state officials agreed to continue using them in nursing homes. It took several more weeks for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to issue an alert on Nov. 3 that confirmed what Nevada had experienced: Antigen tests were prone to giving false positives, the FDA warned.”

3 years ago

I really can’t understand johnhenry at all. It’s like he wants us to believe the worst about him.

3 years ago

GI, I was really glad when I found your site. Nearly all the old stuff kinda went away (Marmot, Flying Yangban, Fatman, etc.) And one of my my favorite pre-Drop bloggers broke up with his Korean girl, moved from Korea to China and then “fell” off his apartment building rooftop.

3 years ago

CH – On the global warming thing, they’ve already started it up again. It will pick up speed as the number of cases lessen with herd immunity and the ?assistance? of the ?vaccine?. As I said in my post, there’s a sufficient number of new strains of the virus now to keep virologists working for decades. This whole thing is a “carrot and stick” operation. Remember “15 days to slow the spread” or “30 days to flatten the curve” and I love the most recent one, “you’ll be able to have 4th of July celebrations with your family, IF everyone is vaccinated and no one outside your immediate household attends. How long will the people take it? I know the sheeples will sit indefinitely waiting for the “all clear.”

3 years ago

I agree with CH. What they have produced is not a vaccine. They’re only calling it that so that BigPharma can’t get sued over the myriad of cases where the “vaccine” causes death or other side effects.

3 years ago

setnaffa: No, you just don’t want to accept fact. That’s why you’re buying into CH’s BS.

3 years ago

Has anybody else seen the claims that Mun got the Pfizer vaccine and is pretending that he got the AZ (Astrozenica) vaccine because he got his second dose within 5 weeks?

3 years ago

Speaking of Trumpean conspiracy theorists:

3 years ago

@Korean Man, I live closer to Seoul City Hall than the mayor himself. So do us all a favor and take your asinine assumptions about where you think everyone lives and go troll another blog site. What little integrity you might have started with is long gone, so go away little girl.

3 years ago

Thanks GI. I think Kevin is at least still _here_, so you’ve built a nice oasis. I am glad you didn’t go off to facebook. After several years, I just up and left that platform.

Facebook killed off most of the good technical forums too.

3 years ago

And speaking of not accepting facts, our “not-Canadian, not-p3do, totally-American, clear as crystal” colleague in Beijing should read a bit more. Kevin has a very clear-sighted post here that could help:

3 years ago

Per the vaccine, people with autoimmune conditions are warned that no data is currently available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for such cases.
Two people I know who had their autoimmune conditions completely under control without medication are now on heavy medications to control their condition following administration of the vaccine. Their healthcare providers never mentioned this important information.

Link to study indicating potential for inflammation/autoimmune reactions:
“A possible concern could be that some mRNA-based vaccine platforms induce potent type I interferon responses, which have been associated not only with inflammation but also potentially with autoimmunity. Thus, identification of individuals at an increased risk of autoimmune reactions before mRNA vaccination may allow reasonable precautions to be taken”.
This study also mentions the side effects of two of the more recent mRNA vaccination tests at the time were “non trivial”.

Also, the protein spikes that are created to produce an immune response in the covid vaccine have been known to cross the blood/brain barrier in mice.
As far as I know, there have been no longterm studies on the consequences after that.

3 years ago

the study above is from 2018. Not long ago.
I’d say an “acceptable risk profile” should take into account the individual, not society en masse. Because there are no longterm studies available and too many unknowns at this time.

3 years ago

Whatcha all bìtchin’ ’bout?

Are you worried that some Karens, scolds, virtue signalers, moral superioritists, vaccine-as-a-fetush-leftists, and other assorted irritants are going to swell up, become barren, or have some sort of blood-brain barrier crossed (if they even have such a feature)?

To channel Bill Gates, that’s not a bug… that’s a feature.

I have moved from being horrified that untested invasive medical technology is being tested on a large percentage of the population all at once because (like most things) there might be unpredicted consequences…

…to gleefully hoping there are.

3 years ago

One potential “advantage” of a vaccine more deadly than the disease it *mostly* prevents is that competition for high end IT jobs may be lessened.

I am not certain that’s really what I want, tho’

May God defend His children; and grant all of us wisdom and compassion for all our fellow-travelers.

3 years ago

The vaccines are not untested.

3 years ago

Well-played johnhenry! I knew a true US Navy Veteran would be a Trump fan!!

My family is fully vaccinated except me as I’m waiting for my doctors to approve it; but I never thought I’d see you praise Trump publicly.

Because all the “testing” and approving happened while Trump was President.

So you either praise Trump or badmouth the fast tracked vaccines like VP Harris did before she was sworn in.

And you’re on record praising Trump now.

3 years ago

If Korean Man is a Chinese troll/bot, then I will give him credit for his research, since what he/she says closely reflect what the Korean left are saying off and online.

If Korean Man is part of the Korean left, then well his/her research is lacking to say the least, since they do not make sense and sometimes contradict each other, which are the characteristics of the Korean left.

Which brings us to Korean Man’s latest claim of Korea becoming a “Covid-19 vaccine hub.”

It is true that SK Bioscience is producing AZs and will later start producing Novavaxs and that a small pharma outfit in Chuncheon is producing Sputnik Vs. SK Bioscience claims that its plant in Andong can produce 500 million doses of vaccines a year, although the actual capacity of the plant is said to be more like 150 million doses. The numbers itself are high, but one has to consider that the Andong plant produces other types of vaccines too, so its lines will not be committed 100% to producing Covid-19 vaccines. Which brings into question how one plant which uses part of its production line to produce Covid vaccines can enable Korea to become a “Covid vaccine hub”

There is however leftist talk of Korea potentially copying Pfizer and Moderna technology and producing its own version of the mRNA vaccines in large batches for home consumption and export. This may be what Korean Man is alluding to. Although I seriously doubt whether the venture in question, if it exists, has the potential to succeed, considering that any such effort will lead to a large patent infringement spat potentially involving the US Government.

3 years ago

Yep. Setnaffa is delusional. I have never, do not now, and will never praise Trump, that horrid traitor.

3 years ago

The only reason someone would call Trump a traitors is if:

1. They don’t agree with an America First policy.

2. They are butthurt his administration cracked down on child pr0n, child human trafficking, and pedophilia.

Oh… wait… I just perfectly described johnhenry.

3 years ago

Nah, CH; it’s quite obvious that your masturbatory fantasy is your delusions of others having illicit relations with children. Seems that you are the perv.

3 years ago

I abhor pedophilia and I fully condemn adults who touch children in appropriately.

Your turn there, cowboy.

3 years ago

And praising the vaccine testing is praising Trump… Can’t get around that…

3 years ago

The vaccines are not untested.

They were tested enough for the Emergency Use Authorization to kick in.
Which was designed for exigent circumstances.

It was not tested long enough for FDA approval because the volunteers could not be observed for a long enough period of time to determine if there might be adverse events that aren’t immediate. So when we have healthy young people taking these vaccines, they are the experiment. The cost to gains equation doesn’t follow.

3 years ago

New York Times:

“The F.D.A. is set to authorize the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for those 12-15 years old by early next week.”

“Pfizer reported several weeks ago that none of the adolescents in the clinical trial who received the vaccine developed symptomatic infections, a sign of significant protection. The company said that volunteers produced strong antibody responses and experienced about the same side effects seen in people ages 16 to 25.”

“…said that VOLUNTEERS produced…”


So 12 to 15 year-olds can give informed consent now?

Good to know.

“Of course I knew she was 12, your honor. But she said she wanted it.”

“Well, since the Pfizer Defense has been invoked, the court has no choice but to find the defendent not guilty.”

Giving children experimental medical procedures to “protect” against a disease that will have zero effect on them to research unknown long-term effects of untested technology?

That’s some Nazi-level shìt there, Pfizer and American government and supportive media and covid scolds.

3 years ago

Another downside:

Once johnhenry learns of this, it gonna be nothing but Kmart Specials…

…little boys’ pants half off.

3 years ago

The F.D.A. is set to authorize

Authorization. Which is supposed to be for emergency circumstances only.
For 12-15 year olds.

3 years ago

These “doctors” and scientists and politicians need to be tried and hung.

And the good little Nazis who support this insanity, at the least, should be ashamed…

…or, maybe more than that as, unlike the average Nazi-era German, most covid-era Americans are fully informed (and even enthusiastic) about what is going on.

Anybody who supports experimenting on children is not really human… and may be treated accordingly.

3 years ago

These “doctors” and scientists and politicians need to be tried and hung.

Technically, it should be “hanged”. But I’m okay with them being given 40′ pine enemas. That fulfills both the “hung” and the intent.

3 years ago

Boy, did I start a storm with this one, or didn’t I?

3 years ago

Setnaffa! Are you putting words in my mouth?

Obviously, and I quote Heavy Metal, “Hangin’s too good fer ‘im.”

Therefore, instead of being hanged, they should be hung…

…by anal hooks.

Not sure I can fap to a normal execution anymore.

3 years ago

Old episode of “One Step Beyond”:

3 years ago

This is really the most clear and readable article yet, even on the technical aspects, of the competing theories of natural vs lab accident origins of the covid virus.

Spoiler: If you think it was natural, you are a fùcktard.

On the plus side, most of the scientifically educated NeverTrumpers I deal with who insisted it was natural because racist Trump called it the China Virus are now (sometimes angrily) stating the intermediate animal host was probably a Wuhan lab rat.

(An otherwise smart guy who got in a rather heated argument with me 8 months ago when I proposed it was statistically improbably for the outbreak to have started at the closest wet market to a lab studying exactly that type of virus actually said that a few weeks ago).


Bonus: Keep in mind that most American news media is beholden to the Chinese government and doesn’t like to cast any shadows on China for fear of losing a market of Chinese middle class that is larger than the entire American population… think NBC owned by Disney, ABC by Universal, CBS owning Paramount.

3 years ago

“The last capitalist will be hanged by a rope he sold to his executioner,” said VI Lenin.

3 years ago

(An otherwise smart guy who got in a rather heated argument with me 8 months ago when I proposed it was statistically improbably for the outbreak to have started at the closest wet market to a lab studying exactly that type of virus actually said that a few weeks ago).

That…and…the Chinese government immediately acted like something had escaped from a lab.

3 years ago

Is “Wuhan” the real-life version of “Raccoon City”?

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