Tweet of the Day: Ponytails Authorized
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3 years ago

“Seen in our HQ this morning”
Seen in my chair minutes ago: Me giving this tweet the finger.

Never ceases to amaze me how the military can sh1t on American norms and values for decades under the excuse “but we’re the military, we have to blah blah” until one day heir forced to not do it and all of a sudden every commander and E-9 in their grandmother instantly become to most woke mother f’ers you’ve ever seen.

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
3 years ago

There will be run on soft caps at clothing sales since these pony tails were trusted into buns that needed a size 8 1/2 hat to cover them. As so the policy change, I like women with long hair & I like ponytails. Now in the field or in an austere environment that will change…

3 years ago

What was the first thing Patton changed when he took over after the disaster at Kasserine Pass?

Hint: it wasn’t allowing ponytails.

“Uniform”. Generals keep using that word. But I don’t think they know what it means.

3 years ago

The US Army is still much tougher than me. But so are most 20-someting LARPers or Cosplayers.

The question is not whether they could whup an old crippled guy. It’s whether they can preserve and protect tbe Constitution and America.

I really don’t know why these people are tolerated, unless the plan is to dismantle the US Armed Forces and replace them with a less entertaining mob of Village People wannabees.

But I am old-fashioned. I liked America better when we won wars instead of just shoveling young Americans i to endless conflicts for people who hate us as much or more than the people from whom we’re trying to defend them.

3 years ago

Supposed to be ready to fit at any time. Especially overseas.

I’d like to see her get her pro mask on in time.

3 years ago

Crusty old guys just can’t change. I remember sitting in a Space A terminal and the old geezers saying, “Back in my day you had to have a round trip ticket to go on leave.’ then the ever famous old Korea Vet, ” We couldn’t have our Family in Korea.” Such hate so vicious, for pony tails I look at the IDF for guidance. I trust them.

3 years ago

Tanker, if our military was run by people with common sense, I could agree with you.

3 years ago

Wouldn’t it be cool if the military could concentrate on winning some of those wars against goat herders in less than 20 years instead of fretting over what lefty activists will say if they don’t let black trannys wear cornrows.

Those crusty old-timers are just from a different time when the goal was not to be overrun and murdered by the enemy rather than the goal being hitting the Diversity and Marginalized Population Support Quota by insuring gay spouses have access to more than one flavor of anal lube.

3 years ago

CH, you’re right on target.

3 years ago

The policy isn’t a fail
if you are a red-blooded male.
If you meet this trooper,
do her right in the pooper,
and you can get more than one tail.


3 years ago

CH =Old Timer. Remember, Change is good. I wonder how many man hours are wasted by soldiers putting their hair in a bun, just like hours spent rolling BDU sleeves to have camouflage only showing, or how about wearing a reflective vest all the time.

3 years ago

No, Old Tanker. You are very, very, very wrong.

Change is not good.

Evolution is good.

When the military evolves (technology) to better achieve the goal (winning with few causalties) it is good.

When the military changes, they usually just recycles some failed past program which the previous cover up removed from institutional memory.

Liberal: “This system sucks. Revolution for the perfect system. I am broke and hungry so this system sucks too. Do we pretend we were right and we love it or do we call for another revolution?

Conservative: “This system sucks. Let’s thoughtfully improve it without making it suck more.”

Religious Conservative: “This system sucks but it has been (insert diety)’s will for (insert number) thousand years and must continue to be that way until (insert promised traumatic event that keeps the fearful population in line for centuries), after which, it will be perfect.”

3 years ago

Note that “religious conservatives” often try to “conserve” their own social position, not the actual message they were supposed to deliver. Example: Pharisees vs. Jesus. Always maintain an external point of reference or you’ll end up walking in circles.

3 years ago

CH, what is wrong with Pony Tails? They can still seal a Pro-Mask.

3 years ago

Tanker, I don’t think CH hates ponytails. I think he indicated a positive attitude for them.

In my case, being the person I am, I think “uniform” mean “uniform”. That is, “remaining the same in all cases and at all times; unchanging in form or character.”

Those who want to show off their individuality should do so by excelling in their job or outside the Service.

I refer you to OSINT and how our enemies used it in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, the Balkans, and the Middle East to gather information detrimental to our forces.

ExifTool is a free and open-source software program for reading, writing, and manipulating image, audio, video, and PDF metadata. It is platform independent, available as both a Perl library and command-line application. Taking photos from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (to use four popular venues) can provide astounding information about a person, where they’ve been, family, interests, and so on.

Here’s an interesting page along those lines:

Note, this is level 0 NPC stuff in infosec. Being a rank n00b myself, I’ve been scaring myself with what can be found for free online. The tools are all in Kali Linux. Udemy has free or low-cost classes. There are at least a dozen “cyberranges” offering hands-on practice for those interested.

Does it still count as paranoid if “they” really are “out to get us”?

3 years ago
3 years ago

Nothing is really wrong with ponytails… especially if men can wear them… you know… equality…

…though I guess the workaround is..

“I’m transsexual.”

“What? You look like a surfer dude.”

“Are you assuming my gender?”

The problem is I hear:

Ponytails, diversity, gays, transsexuals, more minorities, more women, toxic masculinity…

…but I never hear:

More warfare training, destruction of the enemy, victory, what would define a victory, we have won and will go home, we have conquered them and are going to stick around but look how meek they have become.

It just seems the military doesn’t even want to win wars. They just want to make more PowerPoint presentations on how they are supporting the demands of oppressed peoples… which is everybody but white males.

Until they win the war in Afghanistan, or foo gas everyone and win by default, I am unimpressed with the latest excitement over ponytails.

3 years ago

First it was the woke CIA ad, now it is a super-woke woke animated army recruitment ad featuring a lesbian wedding, an LGBT rights parade and women “shattering stereotypes” by joining the world’s largest killing machine.

— Alan MacLeod (@AlanRMacLeod) May 12, 2021

3 years ago

That’s not shattering stereotypes. People were saying that, often falsely, about women in the military since long before there was an America to blame.

3 years ago

Why would the Army want to win wars? Repetitive tours, Danger Pay, Medals, and Glory. Then an early retirement with guaranteed VA pay as a kicker. Eisenhower was onto something.

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