34 Foreigners Arrested at Mokpo Drug Bust
|This group was pretty bold openly selling and using drugs at this bar in Mokpo:

Over 30 foreign nationals have been arrested in the southwestern port of Mokpo for using methamphetamine during a drug-fueled party at a bar, according to local police, Friday.
Korea Times
The Mokpo Coast Guard said it raided the pub exclusively for foreigners at 2 a.m., Wednesday, and apprehend 34 foreign nationals ― 24 men and 10 women. It has sought arrest warrants for eight including a 29-year-old Vietnamese national for dealing in narcotics.
The police deployed a special unit to seize a key suspect allegedly known to be the mastermind of a drug ring in South Jeolla Province. A considerable amount of methamphetamines were found during the raid.
You can read more at the link.
Meth is such a terrible drug… 🙁
It must have been a seaside bar… being that the Coast Guard was involved… because… you know… the bar would have to be on the coast, right?
“Exclusively for foreigners” sounds a bit like propaganda… what kind of meth party wouldn’t enjoy the company of local ladies?
Word on the street is that meth is somewhat more available in the foreign community these days… which should give Xanax and Ritalin some good competition as long as they can keep the price reasonable. Bunk weed is available and good weed will be back once the weather gets warm… which indicates they are growing it outside rather than in climate controlled rooms like adults.
My just-before-covid trip to America reminded me how irritating druggie are. Legal weed has created a large underclass of spaced out retards.
But hey… those fries aren’t going to serve themselves.
Though if they could, they would likely move faster and with more precision than the zoned out wastoid pothead currently serving them.
While it was clear pot was universal, there was a big difference between two cities I visited where opiates and meth were the drugs of choice.
In the opiate city, the junkies laid around on cardboard with sloppy signs asking for money. They, themselves, didn’t communicate much… you just step over them and hope not to step on a needle or feel a weak needy tug on your pantleg.
In the meth city, the street junkies moved around waaaaay too much… arms flailing and yelling things at the sky. Best to give them a bit of space because it turns out there is a lot of paperwork involved if you have to use the Glock in your pocket… and you will start to wonder if the government values a hardworking patriotic taxpayer a bit less than a junkie career criminal parasite. We already know that is the case with cops.
Protip: Be sure your pistol self-identifies as a cordless hole punch to get around firearms laws.
So, Korea, keep cracking down on the drugs… as all the Koreans and foreigners in Korea I believe are doing drugs do NOT make the country a better place. Every one of them are complete fùcking idiots… or they wouldn’t be doing drugs… in Korea… in public… where I can notice without even looking for it.
Bonus: I was DJing in a club a few weeks ago and over the course of the night had 5 Korean girls ask if I could hook them up. A smarter man than me would keep a bit of something within arm’s reach… as really the only good thing about drugs is it keeps the price of blowjobs quite affordable.
Not sure a methmouth is safe, even with a dental dam and 2 condoms…
The hygienic issues alone…
But they all use pot, too. And that has been shown–even without pills, powders, or needles–to induce psychosis in teens and twentysomethings.
I’m pretty sure Reefer Madness is propaganda.
I know a lot of people who smoked a lot of pot for a lot of years. None of them have any psychosis.
Some seem OK and some are dimmer and more disconnected. Some did OK and some never came close to their expectations. Maybe it has nothing to do with pot.
I am all in favor of legalizing pot in America… and, depending on how society divides, perhaps someday in Korea too.
It keeps the low-productivity class content in their place.
And a lot more chill than alcohol.
…though, after watching the riots in Portland and Seattle by pot high-use demographics, I wonder what they are lacing it with. Those loser stoners should be as chill as Hindu cows.
All depends on whether one can believe Yale knows anything about scientific studies: https://medicine.yale.edu/psychiatry/step/resources/Cannabis%20Use%20and%20Psychosis_380524_284_47327_v2.pdf
Similar findings at Psychology Today, NPR, HealthMed dot org, the recovery village dot com and even drugabuse dot gov…
Reefer Madness was just the stereotypical, ham-handed, Hollywood attempt to say the right thing but make it appear so ridiculous that no one listened. They are still shoveling the same fertilizer.
Here’s an ongoing story from an area in Northern California where pot is the major export: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8227885/mysterious-murder-mountain-run-by-black-market-cannabis-farms-where-dozens-of-naive-weed-smokers-have-been-kidnapped-and-murdered/
Yale: I noticed this document was Government Agency partnering with For-Profit Mental Health Group Hoping For More Psychosis Diagnoses in conjunction with Yale School of Medicine To Loan The Impression Of Credibility.
If there is one thing I learned in 2020 is universities, scientists, experts, specialists, and anybody else the government trots out to push an agenda that favors controlling the population, taking away fun, increasing taxes or, or hooking up Big Business is probably lying.
Murder Mountain: So pot-growing hillbillies are murdering stinkin’ hippy stoners pestering them for discount weed? I fail to see a problem. What goes to Murder Mountain stays on Murder Mountain… preferably in a shallow grave.
Setnaffa, you have failed to convince me pot is bad.
It gives some people the power to self-select their social equity level. It keeps the losers distracted from being angry they are losers. It helps a few lefty potheads get murdered out of society. It keeps the hillbillies up in the woods where they belong. And for the people who can manage it, it’s not a problem.
Got anything better?
Given that i grew up in Humboldt County, I’d have to disagree with you. Murder mountain is run by on of the cartels. The Mexican gangs control the production. The Asian gangs control the distribution up there. There are no white gangs because they’re all consumers or people with jobs and mortgages just trying not to notice.
The change from hippies/hillbillies to international business happened in the 1990s (I left in 1988. It was economically down due to job-killing politics; but no gangs). And it killed a few friends who thought pot smokers were “cool”.
Sure, the mental illneses might be self-inflicted wounds for a lot of them; but where do you think Antifa and BLM get their cannon-fodder? Unfortunately there are a lot of otherwise sober adults who still advertise it as harmless.
Heck, just compare Karl Malden’s “Streets of San Fancisco” with the present-day feculence. Everywhere it’s legalized turns into a third-world pot-hole full of zombies.
And then they bring in the meth and the crack. But that another issue.
In Korea don’t they chop off your hands and boil your tongue for possession of meth?
MK, that’s just for the Canadians…