Thin Blue Line Flags Now Banned on U.S. Military Installations

Apparently you cannot back the police or in this case the security forces with the Thin Blue Line flag because it is now considered racist:

The Air Force acknowledged that the display by security forces airmen at Ramstein Air Base of a “thin blue line” flag violated Defense Department policy on what types of flags can be flown on U.S. bases.

The 86th Airlift Wing posted and later removed photos on its Facebook page of airmen in uniform carrying a black-and-white American flag with a blue horizontal stripe during a 24-hour rucksack march as part of National Police Week.

The photos drew immediate condemnation by some in the community who questioned the display on a U.S. military base of a flag that has become a polarizing symbol in a nation grappling with police violence and racism. The “thin blue line” flag is used to show support for law enforcement, but it’s also been used by white supremacist groups and flown at far-right rallies.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link, but based on this logic supporting firefighters with the thin red line flag should be banned as well. Taking this to its most extreme would be banning the U.S. flag since they are carried by extremist groups as well.

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3 years ago

The only “white supremacist groups” are Democrats. And the SPLC’s definition of “alt-right” includes every Christian Church around the world.

I’m once again appalled by the tommyrot and bilgewater Stars and Stripes puts out.

But then again, they mirror the CinC…

3 years ago

I agree.

Military pigs shouldn’t be allowed to support civilian pigs.

The only things they should support are the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer/Questioning Initiative Team, or LIT, and the Indigenous Nations Equality Team, or INET.

3 years ago

All of this leftist, woke crap based upon six degrees of separation is ridiculous. Where’s Korean Man on his topic… Nowhere to be found. Everyday, whether I consciously look for it or not, I find something new that the left is trying to tie into racism, hate speech, or other “woke” ideologies. Everything these days, according to the leftist lunatics, has an underlying “meaning” or is connected to how someone “feels” about something.

Remember gentlemen (and Lady Liz) pencils are misogynistic and part of the patriarchy because not only are they phallic in appearance, but the lead in them is racist because it represents the grinding down of the blacks. That’s just one I made up, but rest assured its on some leftist list somewhere.

2ID Doc
3 years ago

I’m filing a lawsuit today against Big Pencil…are you with me???they’ve been indoctrinating me since I was 4!

Reply to  2ID Doc
3 years ago

2ID Doc – I’ll join as long as it’s a class action lawsuit. I can’t afford the attorney’s fees.

3 years ago

“They turned me into a newt!”

“A newt?!?!?”

“I got better…”

Moose Knuckle
Moose Knuckle
3 years ago

I just did my part. I got pulled over and punched the MP in the nuts to show my support for racial equality.

Korean Man
3 years ago

“Where’s Korean Man on his topic… Nowhere to be found.” – tagumcitytim

I’m right here, and I’m all for banning the racist American flag altogether.

3 years ago

Ah yes. The racist American flag.

As we learned in elementary school…

White represents supremacy of the master race.

Red stripes represent lash marks on the back of an oppressed people.

The blue field represents the bruises inflicted on a black man once they are cornered for being on the left and thinking they are at the top.

50 stars are what a slow slave sees after being beat for not being a star cotton picker.

And gold trim around the margin is for the wealth the white man gets off of marginalized people.

Betsy Ross’ autobiography, “Flags Against Fags and Other Ways to Perpetuate the White Cisgender Patriarchy” is a really good read.

One thing that bothered me as a child in our daily white supremacy class was how the blue could represent bruising… being, even without beating, most slaves already had two black eyes and a fat lip.

But I’m sure the Founding Fathers had their reasons.

Whatever the case, I certainly learned that people of color are stupid and only deserve ridicule.

America waves its racist flag yet somehow there is a line of blacks and browns and yellows spending their saving and risking their lives to enter a nation built on racism so they can be marginalized and systemically oppressed in a daily flood of dog whistles and microaggressions.

How can anyone respect this level of self-abuse?

Reply to  Korean Man
3 years ago

KM – Yes, I know you’re there. Always lurking in the shadows just like the troll you are. Just waiting for someone to make a comment that doesn’t fit into your liberal soy-boy philosophy where feelings mean more than facts, fear rules over the masses, and everything is racist.

Reply to  Korean Man
3 years ago

Just to pull Korean Man’s chain just a little more, there’s a song that I want to sing but my voice pales in comparison to that of the great Tennessee Ernie Ford, so I’ll let him sing it for me…

Here’s the lyrics in case you want to sing along….

This is my country! Land of my birth!
This is my country! Grandest on earth!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country to have and to hold.

What diff’rence if I hail from North or South
Or from the East or West?
My heart is filled with love for all of these.
I only know I swell with pride and deep within my breast
I thrill to see Old Glory paint the breeze.

With hand upon heart I thank the Lord For this my native land,
For all I love is here within her gates.
My soul is rooted deeply in the soil on which I stand,
For these are mine own United States.

This is my country! Land of my choice!
This is my country! Hear my proud voice!
I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold,
For this is my country! To have and to hold.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

Nice song. But shouldn’t you be singing it in America, and not the Philippines?

Reply to  Korean Man
3 years ago

KM – You are such a trolling moron that I almost didn’t answer. However, if you had bothered to read the lyrics (I know that’s a skill you’re still working on) you would have seen that this song was written to extoll the virtues and patriotism of any American who sings it, no matter where they are physically on the planet. Do you stop loving Korea now that you’re in China? If so, you should change your name.

3 years ago

The progressive termites are gnawing away at the foundations of America. If we cannot throw them out of office decisively, and re-invent the American educational system — the source of the infection — we are done for as a nation.

3 years ago

Well said Doug! Next year will be decisive one way or another. However, considering the fact that the fix is in on voting, I’m not sure that Republicans can overcome that obstacle. If the DemonRats can get away with stealing the Presidency, Senators and Representatives have a tough road ahead.

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