ROK Drop Open Thread – May 29, 2021

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3 years ago

Biden is going to be more SCOAMF than Barry and more “malaise” than Jimmah.

Moon disappoints me every time he gets in the news.

But I miss the folks running the shops outside Osan AB. The owner of Mike’s Arcade always made me a cup of coffee while she and my wife chatted. The little kimbop and kongnamul soup restaurant in the alley arcade. The ice cream place. I always felt like I was in Mayberry, Korean style–without a folksy Sheriff or a loopy Deputy.

3 years ago

GI, that’s wild! But why didn’t they send a social worker playing James Taylor music?

3 years ago

As we get closer to Memorial Day, I’d like to remember my relatives who served and have since passed away. I am indeed a lesser son of greater men as they all served in “real” wars and I served in the Cater years of the “Cold War”.

I am thankful to live in a country that still produces honorable servicemen and women.

3 years ago

I’m guessing Belgian Rambo isn’t getting his 30 year pension next year. Not very forward thinking on his part.

I wonder what the real story is.

Hopefully, he murders everyone responsible for the needless lockdowns that facilitated the world’s largest wealth transfer from the middle class (and public funds) to Big Business while destroying competitive small business for years to come.

Can we locate a Belgian John Wick, John McClane, Ethan Hunt, Martin Riggs, Bryan Mills, Jason Borne, and maybe a Snake Plisskin?

3 years ago

I am relieved to see most of those on the hunt are wearing masks, the populace feels that much safer now. 🙂

3 years ago

I never saw an “E-4 mafia”, though some of those E-6s (and above) in my squadron acted like they were “made men”. Of course, most were veterans of Arc Light or Linebacker II, so I guess they were…

I assume the US Army and Marine Corps veterans here would understand the “He’s even got a voice like a Corporal!” line in the movie “Zulu”.

3 years ago

Anybody else notice the propaganda calculus has changed?

Now, the MSM admitting Trump might have been right is less important than pushing the Chynah Virus Was Created in a Chynah Lab narrative… something that everybody with a basic grasp of statistics and common sense knew almost a year ago.

Now, that story is being backed with actual slightly-stronger-than-circumstantial evidence… biology, genetics, intel, whistle-blowers, previously-ignored scientists… all of which existed last year but was completely ignored by the MSM.

Suddenly suggesting Chinkpox-19 came from a Chinese lab isn’t racist anymore.

It is almost as if battle lines are being drawn… and the propaganda is making sure Americans are on the right side… and blaming China for the coming shortages and inflation and unemployment and unrest.

Next Up: China released the virus INTENTIONALLY!

3 years ago

Another thought:

Is anybody else out there starting to suspect the pandemic never actually existed?

It was more like a bad flu season in which a few governors intentionally targeted old people, a lot of people died because they couldn’t get hospital care for other issues, suicides, overdoses, and lots of fake numbers.

Since the pandemic never existed, once the government decides it is over, the propaganda machine credits government with solving the problem and there is no more problem.

Of course the economic fallout is China’s fault so that is not so easily solved except for “temporary” sacrifice on everyone’s part. The social fallout is because of Trump’s racist culture of hate and only reparations and more looting will solve that.

I’m OK with it.

Americans deserve what they accept. Half of them accept this and the other half beg for it.

I got mine. I WANT everyone else to suffer.

Maybe it will help them get their priorities straight.

3 years ago

You are, in fact correct, CH. The Medical Journals publishe and then retracted and buried scientific analysis showing there were no more deaths (in America) than a normal year.

The problems we have are all self-inflicted. Though, I must admit, I did not vote for Joey “But Officer, she looked like she was 19” Bidet.

3 years ago

Ref Rambo’s target, Marc Van Ranst: Typical aristocratic pandemic-creating opportunist fat pfukker pretending he has any creds on how to “stay healthy”?

Dude, when you begin looking less like George Soros and more like Jurgen Conings, come back to the podium and talk about health. Till then … GFY

The Belgians and Germans have excellent tracking dogs, so (I predict) Corporal Conings will, unfortunately, get caught. Unless he has (a lot of) inside help … which is possible considering he has the rocket launchers.

3 years ago

Plot twist: “Rambo” kidnapped and imprisoned by authorities – who also removed the weapons and wrote the letters – to terrify more people into staying locked-down.

3 years ago

“Is anybody else out there starting to suspect the pandemic never actually existed?”

Not anyone with brain cells.

3 years ago

It “existed” like the flu exists.

Was it a threat to normal healthy people? No.

Was it worth destroying small business? No.

Was it worth damaging the middle class? No.

Was it worth losing a year of education and socialization for children? No.

Was it worth empowering government to do things they should never be empowered to do? No.

Was it worth destroying the economy and putting the government in unsustainable debt? No.

Was it worth building China at America’s expense? No.

Was it worth missing wedding and funeral? No.

Was it worth denying care to truly sick people so empty hospitals could be ready for the flood of patients who never came and never would come? No.

Was it worth allowing rioting/looting/burning by large groups of people who never seemed to speread any disease while banning much smaller gatherings with the excuse of fake disease prevention? No.

Was it worth enriching Walmart while killing mom & pop shops shut down for selling the same thing? No.

Did the CDC maintain consistent standards from the beginning and not change the criteria for counting infections and deaths based on political rather than medical considerations? No.

Did densly-populated, food sharing, subway-riding, multi-generation-in-one-small-apartment-living countries like Korea which did not have incentives to lie about their numbers have a pandemic-grade number of deaths? No.

Did poor-health, densely-packed homeless populations die? No.

Did old people who were not intentionally and continually exposed to infected people by evil governors die in unusually high numbers? No.

Did the rich, powerful, and those in the know, hide at home from a deadly pandemic and only come out when absolutely necessary while wearing lab-grade protective equipment? No.

Now flex those brain cells and tell me why you think there was an actual deadly pandemic.

3 years ago

Retired Adm. Michelle Howard, in spite of her accomplishments, is an ignorant klutz. You can quote me on that. Or better yet, quote her:

Similarly, she added, the guided missile cruiser Antietam is also under consideration, because it’s named after a Civil War battle.

“… it depends on whether or not you see Antietam as a Union victory,” Howard said, of the battle that ended in a sort of truce, with Confederate troops withdrawing, though the Union took more casualties.

Antietam is a Native American word that predates the Civil War Battle of that name–which was a Union victory as the rebels were forced to retreat and the Union forces held the field. A Union victory over the rebels. A Union victory against slavery. So by removing that name, she’s striking out against America and tangentially against the Native Americans who named the creek, and supporting the Confederacy she claims to hate.

Then again, the Democrats were the Confederacy, so it almost fits. Next will she demand the USS Abraham Lincoln be renamed as he was President during the Civil War?

I really expect better from flag officers; but apparently some are as dumb as the bag of rocks the other bags of rocks make fun of… Was she, like the VP, only chosen for her ability to maintain a deep suntan?

Say it ain’t so!!

3 years ago

BTW, CH, our paint-chip-swiilling comrade doesn’t want kids educated or small businesses health. He might be forced to get off the dole and compete for job. And he is not a winner from “Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?”

3 years ago

Loser ideologies attract losers.

The farther you are on the left side of the Bell Curve of Success… over in the I Can’t Make It As An Adult In A Free Market That Rewards Skill And Work Ethic side… the stronger the level of socialism that looks attractive.

Those on the right side of the curve who are doing well but still push for socialism are simply using it as a tool to do even better… as, in reality, they are doing everything possible to lower their tax burden while pushing Socialism For Thee But Not For Me.

So there is a noisy percentage of Americans… likely around 30%… who have lots of time to cause trouble… because they are loving that socialism which gives them time to cause trouble instead of having to go to work.

Talk about a self-licking ice cream cone.

So, if you want to find out if you are a loser… ask yourself where you sit on the bell curve.

On the far right, zero socialism… but that’s a sensible position, as you likely own the fire department, a private military, and all of the roads… which are all toll roads. You are a “winner” but you are a prìck.

On the far left, nothing but socialism because you are a lazy piece of shìt who would rather starve than work… but you would rather have others work and the rewards of their labor given to you so you don’t starve. You are a loser and you don’t care as long as you get taken care of and don’t have to work for it.

In the middle, we have people who are making it and realize society is better off pooling resources for beneficial things that cannot or should not make a profit… fire, police, prisons, military, infrastructure, science, space travel, aspects of medical care, etc. And some of these things lose their socialism status due to innovation (looking at you, soon-to-be-profitable space travel).

The covid scolds are loving lockdowns and government money… their first taste of power and money. They don’t want to give that up at all.

Hopefully, their self-selection as vaccine test subjects kill them all off.

Bonus Thought:

Governments pushing the vaccine are the good guys… even when pushing to children.

If vaccines work, they saved the lives of a few people and did no harm to the rest. Those who avoid the vaccine will see no real effect from the semi-imaginary pandemic.

If vaccines cause horrifying side effects, they will affect the exact demographic that needs to be marginalized in society and it will affect their kids who don’t need to be reproducing either.

How often do you get a win-win like this?

3 years ago

CH, it’s almost as if Swift’s A Modest Proposal was actually put into practice…

3 years ago

Looks like the Belgian Government waived diplomatic immunity for someone’s face slapping wife.

3 years ago

’bout time…

3 years ago

This would never have happened under a leader like Lemay…

Looks like it all happened on Barry’s watch…

3 years ago

Happy Killdozer Day!

In keeping with the holiday season, may all your petty tyrants know their place and may you local, state, and federal governments be benevolent and helpful.

3 years ago

Happy Killdozer day back at ya CH!
Great story….and it’s still Killdozer day over here.
Thanks for sharing that.

3 years ago

His name was Marvin Heemeyer!
His name was Marvin Heemeyer!
His name was Marvin Heemeyer!

3 years ago

Never mess with your car mechanic, dentist, wife, or barber. That’s my take on that…

3 years ago

BTW, Wikipedia records the following:

“God built me for this job”, Heemeyer said in the first recording. He also said it was God’s plan that he not be married or have a family so that he could be in a position to carry out such an attack. “I think God will bless me to get the machine done, to drive it, to do the stuff that I have to do”, he said. “God blessed me in advance for the task that I am about to undertake. It is my duty. God has asked me to do this. It’s a cross that I am going to carry and I’m carrying it in God’s name.”

That’s as close to the motivation used by the Aloha Snackbar folks as one can get without a Semtex vest. It’s not based on any version of the Bible I ever read. But anger uncorrected leads to hate, and hate leads to rage.

Best not to get all bent out of shape over a sewer line.

June 4th is also the anniversary of the sinking of the 4 main aircraft carriers (Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu, and Soryu) of the Japanese Navy at the Battle of Midway. Probably better for most of us to remember Wade McCluskey, Richard Best, and Max Leslie instead of Marvin Heemeyer. City Councils and Home Owner Associations should remember Marvin though.

3 years ago

“Tread” movie trailer:

3 years ago

Also on June 4, Tienanmen Square:

3 years ago

Hoyt is usually worth reading, but het up Hoyt is sure on fire today:

3 years ago

Liz, you’re right. And so is Sarah.

And the lying illegitimi who pushed this crap need to be very, very quiet because they are in fact the reason so many Americans are listed as dying of the Sino Sinus Syphilus, as CH (or AoSHQ) named it.

And now is not the time to crow about that.

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