Putin Argues Against Pressuring North Korea to Denuclearize
|I believe Putin just like his buddies in Beijing don’t want the North Korean problem solved because it ties up so many U.S. military and diplomatic assets to deal with that would be otherwise focused on them:

Putin made the remark during a virtual session with chiefs of global news agencies at an annual economic forum in St. Petersburg on Friday (Russia time), as the nuclear negotiations between the North and the United States remain deadlocked after the breakdown of the Hanoi summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and then U.S. President Donald Trump in early 2019.
“The North Korean nuclear problem is not going to be resolved by pressuring the North and toughening the sanctions against it,” Putin said through an interpreter when asked by Cho Sung-boo, CEO and president of Yonhap News Agency in Seoul to comment on Moscow’s stance on North Korean nuclear issues.
“Only by ensuring the security of its people, and with patience and a careful approach, should we be able to resolve this problem,” he said.
Moscow has favored a phased-in approach to denuclearize the North that would come with reciprocal steps, including a partial lifting of U.N. sanctions, as the regime takes measures to roll back its nuclear program.
You can read more at the link.
I somewhat agree with Putin here. Not for the reasons listed; but because Democrats tend to be the ones in office when America gets into wars (Mexican “issues” in 1916, WW1, Central American “Banana Wars” in the 1930s, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Libya, and so on).
One could quite easily make the argument that some do about a “Uniparty” of globalists when we see the Bush ’41 and Bush ’43 wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan.
Frankly it appears Trump was the only American President who knew how to “handle” North Korea without resorting to violence.
I don’t think incompetent political hacks pretending to be diplomats are liable to do anything but kill USFK and RoK troops. And for what? Norkistan is not Libya. Kim is not isolated as Qadaffi was. There is no resistance or 2nd power like the Muslim Brotherhood in North Korea.
Trump did not get the nukes out; but he got the testing stopped. As well as ICNM launches. And that was quite enough to keep America safe and the region quiet.