Sitting beside the UK prime minister and the US president, the only one in the room not happy to see Moon, is the sour faced Japanese PM Suga who was sitting across the table looking on. He refused to meet with South Korean President, despite South Korea’s numerous approaches to Japan which is trying so hard unsuccessfully to isolate South Korea. Unlike the warm reception Moon got from the Europeans, Suga was met with a cool reception by masked UK authorities (who did not wear masks when they greeted Moon) as well as protests from the European environmentalists protesting Japan’s financing and support of the coal industry in Southeast Asia, as well as the planned release of Fukushima radioactive water into the Pacific.
The US President Biden was pretty happy and cordial towards Moon who is supplying the US with a $45 billion in Semiconductor investment, followed by billions more in the electric car battery technology as well as billions more in beefing up America’s 5G communication telephony equipment technology. President Moon met privately with the UK PM to discuss new economic partnership and trade. Moon also met with the Australian PM to discuss a new partnership between the two countries to team up on the hydrogen technology. South Korea leads the world in hydrogen powered vehicle technology, while Australia can play a leading role in supplying hydrogen fuel infrastructure. Moon also met with officials from the heads of the Astra Zeneca and Novavax in which both countries have manufacturing facilities in South Korea. They discussed ways for South Korea to play a leading role in production of vaccines to the world. South Korea announced that it will boost aid to developing countries for purchase of vaccines through COVIX.
After this meeting, Moon is headed off to Spain which invited Moon for a state visit. Spain is desperate to attract South Korea’s battery companies to set up a manufacturing center. Spain is under economic pressure due to Japanese car manufacturers shutting down in their country, and they are looking for South Korean battery makers to save thousands of Spanish jobs. Spain also sees how South Korean battery investments in Hungary(which is now EU’s battery manufacturing hub) has turned that country around. After Spain, Moon will head to Austria to discuss new economic partnership with that country. This will be a first ever visit to that country by a South Korean president.
Semiconductors, electric car batteries, hydrogen technology, bio-production capability to mass produce billions of doses of COVID vaccines for the world… South Korea has them all, and those are what everyone wants right now.
3 years ago
Short Version:
Japan is going to dump radioactive water.
Korean nuclear scientist does the maths.
Learns Dilution is the Solution to Pollution after all.
Publishes paper in prestigious peer-reviewed journal.
Korean government freaks out and demands he retract a valid scientific paper over political concerns.
He is resisting… so far.
Career probably over.
3 years ago
Changing the subject……..
Here’s a dashcam video supposedly of the building under demolition in Gwangju, that fell on a bus killing 9 people.
I hope this does not harken a returned to similar stuff seen in the late 90s, early 2000s.
3 years ago
CH, Thanks for turning KM’s TL;DR word salad into English.
3 years ago
Korean Man claims that Korea will provide a lifeline to Spain which has been under “economic pressure” as a result of “Japanese car manufacturers shutting down in Spain.”
There was only Japanese car plant in Spain, the Nissan plant in Barcelona which was shut down as a result of Nissan’s global wide review of its operations. The review which also resulted in Nissan withdrawing from South Korea.
And on top of that, it doesn’t look like Moon is promising the Spanish anything and looks more like a courtesy visit in return for the Spanish King’s visit to South Korea two years ago.
I don’t know about you but it surely doesn’t look anything like a Japanese created economic armageddon of Spain with Korean coming in as a savior as described by our dear comrade Korean Man.
3 years ago
TOK, I saw King Carlos and his wife at the Shilla Hotel in the October 1996. I think they just like good food and thick red carpets. The cute and shy little kids in traditional hanboks that presented Korean gifts to the royal couple were a nice touch, too…
Of course, that king was fired and exiled, so another visit was required.
3 years ago
I also saw Richard Nixon, Sting, and a few other foreign celebrities greeted by Various Korean officials or other celebrities.
Former US President Nixon was greeted by then RoK President Kim, Young Sam. The military escort (in allegedly civilian clothes) was pretty impressive. I think they outnumbered the guests in the hotel.
I do miss being a tourist outside of working hours…
3 years ago
In other news, are there decent stats on side effects of the various COVID-19 vaccines available online?
In my recent checkup, 2 medicos said hold off, 2 said get it right away…
Under the circumstances, I just want to make an informed choice.
3 years ago
Generally speaking, the answer would be to stay away from the vaccine.
But there are exceptions.
Get out a calculator and figure out the possibility of catching covid followed by the chance of death/side effects of catching covid with your age, weight, lifestyle, chronic medical conditions, reproductive plans, etc.
Then calculate your chance of having a covid side effect.
Be aware, covid cases, deaths, and side effects appear to be highly overreported¹ while vaccine deaths and side effects are likely underreported².
¹ countries with a financial incentive to report deaths as covid seem to have more covid deaths… e.g. died WITH covid rather than FROM covid via PCR test with the cycles cranked up
² vaccine reporting is fully voluntary and there is no incentive to report except to do the right thing… which it appears the a lot of vaccine fanbois are not willing to do… and a lot of medical professionals don’t want their name attached to any anti-vax actions.
3 years ago
Here is your joke of the day.
Your mama so ugly the whole world faked a virus so she would wear a mask.
Interesting story. Although Nixon was a regular visitor to Korea, didn’t know that he visited Korea when YS was President. I guess it was a year before he passed away?
To tell you the truth, there are days where I think leaving Korean Man alone to spew his/her view of the world may not be a bad idea after all.
TOK, yes, I think it was. And I should follow your advice about not feeding trolls.
Smokes, I think maybe I postrd that link somewhere, too.
3 years ago
Setnaffa, you are a computer guy.
I have a question for you.
Is Linux a fücktarded operating system by design or did it simply evolve that way by trying to be something is should never be.
Every time I deal with it, I gain an entire new level of hatred.
I use several systems running on it simply because the software they must run only works on Linux. When I have to write some software, I use Python and everything works just fine.
But when I have to do anything with the operating system, it is a stinking pile of shìt.
– directories are scattered or hidden
– permissions seem almost arbitrary
– entering a password at every miserable step is frequently necessary
– common tasks, such as installing necessary functions, that should have a script to do them, require typing in lines of gibberish with confusing instructions and multiple forks
– different environments take one perfectly good computer and split it into a bunch of crippled virtual computers locked in different rooms which aren’t allowed to talk to each other and require you to install the same files over and over if you mistakenly thought it was a good idea to use multiple environments instead of just buying a new computer and setting it next to the old one so you could run something without breaking the installations on the old one.
– the Samba bug makes windows shares impossible… a problem for how long now?
– fixing one problem creates another
– every operation requires cutting and pasting lines of robot-only readable text strings from someone’s workaround off the internet… with completely inconsistent results even on similar machines.
Is there a version of Linux that has no dumbàss security… kinda MS-DOS-like? Turn it on, boot it up, get to work?
Probably there are workarounds to all this… but they shouldn’t be needed. Linux was supposed to be an alternative to crappy Windows.
But every version of Linux just gets more bloated but less functional while Windows gets more bloated but kinda progresses in their 2 steps forward, 1 and 23/29th steps back way.
Anybody have some Linux ideas?
3 years ago
CH, you have revealed the “secret”. Windows is an American construct, thus obese. Linux is a European cluster, kind of like the EU…
I love them both because they provide me with the ability to solve problems for family and friends. And I hate them both because they allow passwords found in rockyou.txt.
Look at TryHackMe and ExploitDB to learn more about how bad both available choices really are.
There’s always a good chase scene somewhere:
Just make sure you don’t mess with the wrong trousers.
President Moon’s G7 Visit in Europe is becoming a smashing success in raising South Korea’s profile in the world.
Sitting beside the UK prime minister and the US president, the only one in the room not happy to see Moon, is the sour faced Japanese PM Suga who was sitting across the table looking on. He refused to meet with South Korean President, despite South Korea’s numerous approaches to Japan which is trying so hard unsuccessfully to isolate South Korea. Unlike the warm reception Moon got from the Europeans, Suga was met with a cool reception by masked UK authorities (who did not wear masks when they greeted Moon) as well as protests from the European environmentalists protesting Japan’s financing and support of the coal industry in Southeast Asia, as well as the planned release of Fukushima radioactive water into the Pacific.
The US President Biden was pretty happy and cordial towards Moon who is supplying the US with a $45 billion in Semiconductor investment, followed by billions more in the electric car battery technology as well as billions more in beefing up America’s 5G communication telephony equipment technology. President Moon met privately with the UK PM to discuss new economic partnership and trade. Moon also met with the Australian PM to discuss a new partnership between the two countries to team up on the hydrogen technology. South Korea leads the world in hydrogen powered vehicle technology, while Australia can play a leading role in supplying hydrogen fuel infrastructure. Moon also met with officials from the heads of the Astra Zeneca and Novavax in which both countries have manufacturing facilities in South Korea. They discussed ways for South Korea to play a leading role in production of vaccines to the world. South Korea announced that it will boost aid to developing countries for purchase of vaccines through COVIX.
After this meeting, Moon is headed off to Spain which invited Moon for a state visit. Spain is desperate to attract South Korea’s battery companies to set up a manufacturing center. Spain is under economic pressure due to Japanese car manufacturers shutting down in their country, and they are looking for South Korean battery makers to save thousands of Spanish jobs. Spain also sees how South Korean battery investments in Hungary(which is now EU’s battery manufacturing hub) has turned that country around. After Spain, Moon will head to Austria to discuss new economic partnership with that country. This will be a first ever visit to that country by a South Korean president.
Semiconductors, electric car batteries, hydrogen technology, bio-production capability to mass produce billions of doses of COVID vaccines for the world… South Korea has them all, and those are what everyone wants right now.
Short Version:
Japan is going to dump radioactive water.
Korean nuclear scientist does the maths.
Learns Dilution is the Solution to Pollution after all.
Publishes paper in prestigious peer-reviewed journal.
Korean government freaks out and demands he retract a valid scientific paper over political concerns.
He is resisting… so far.
Career probably over.
Changing the subject……..
Here’s a dashcam video supposedly of the building under demolition in Gwangju, that fell on a bus killing 9 people.
Reported by Yonghap and on others:
I hope this does not harken a returned to similar stuff seen in the late 90s, early 2000s.
CH, Thanks for turning KM’s TL;DR word salad into English.
Korean Man claims that Korea will provide a lifeline to Spain which has been under “economic pressure” as a result of “Japanese car manufacturers shutting down in Spain.”
There was only Japanese car plant in Spain, the Nissan plant in Barcelona which was shut down as a result of Nissan’s global wide review of its operations. The review which also resulted in Nissan withdrawing from South Korea.
And on top of that, it doesn’t look like Moon is promising the Spanish anything and looks more like a courtesy visit in return for the Spanish King’s visit to South Korea two years ago.
I don’t know about you but it surely doesn’t look anything like a Japanese created economic armageddon of Spain with Korean coming in as a savior as described by our dear comrade Korean Man.
TOK, I saw King Carlos and his wife at the Shilla Hotel in the October 1996. I think they just like good food and thick red carpets. The cute and shy little kids in traditional hanboks that presented Korean gifts to the royal couple were a nice touch, too…
Of course, that king was fired and exiled, so another visit was required.
I also saw Richard Nixon, Sting, and a few other foreign celebrities greeted by Various Korean officials or other celebrities.
Former US President Nixon was greeted by then RoK President Kim, Young Sam. The military escort (in allegedly civilian clothes) was pretty impressive. I think they outnumbered the guests in the hotel.
I do miss being a tourist outside of working hours…
In other news, are there decent stats on side effects of the various COVID-19 vaccines available online?
In my recent checkup, 2 medicos said hold off, 2 said get it right away…
Under the circumstances, I just want to make an informed choice.
Generally speaking, the answer would be to stay away from the vaccine.
But there are exceptions.
Get out a calculator and figure out the possibility of catching covid followed by the chance of death/side effects of catching covid with your age, weight, lifestyle, chronic medical conditions, reproductive plans, etc.
Then calculate your chance of having a covid side effect.
Be aware, covid cases, deaths, and side effects appear to be highly overreported¹ while vaccine deaths and side effects are likely underreported².
¹ countries with a financial incentive to report deaths as covid seem to have more covid deaths… e.g. died WITH covid rather than FROM covid via PCR test with the cycles cranked up
² vaccine reporting is fully voluntary and there is no incentive to report except to do the right thing… which it appears the a lot of vaccine fanbois are not willing to do… and a lot of medical professionals don’t want their name attached to any anti-vax actions.
Here is your joke of the day.
Your mama so ugly the whole world faked a virus so she would wear a mask.
Interesting story. Although Nixon was a regular visitor to Korea, didn’t know that he visited Korea when YS was President. I guess it was a year before he passed away?
To tell you the truth, there are days where I think leaving Korean Man alone to spew his/her view of the world may not be a bad idea after all.
Defector says ‘even North Korea is not this nuts’ after attending elite school
Fox link, deal with it, or use G00gle. 😛
F the left.
TOK, yes, I think it was. And I should follow your advice about not feeding trolls.
Smokes, I think maybe I postrd that link somewhere, too.
Setnaffa, you are a computer guy.
I have a question for you.
Is Linux a fücktarded operating system by design or did it simply evolve that way by trying to be something is should never be.
Every time I deal with it, I gain an entire new level of hatred.
I use several systems running on it simply because the software they must run only works on Linux. When I have to write some software, I use Python and everything works just fine.
But when I have to do anything with the operating system, it is a stinking pile of shìt.
– directories are scattered or hidden
– permissions seem almost arbitrary
– entering a password at every miserable step is frequently necessary
– common tasks, such as installing necessary functions, that should have a script to do them, require typing in lines of gibberish with confusing instructions and multiple forks
– different environments take one perfectly good computer and split it into a bunch of crippled virtual computers locked in different rooms which aren’t allowed to talk to each other and require you to install the same files over and over if you mistakenly thought it was a good idea to use multiple environments instead of just buying a new computer and setting it next to the old one so you could run something without breaking the installations on the old one.
– the Samba bug makes windows shares impossible… a problem for how long now?
– fixing one problem creates another
– every operation requires cutting and pasting lines of robot-only readable text strings from someone’s workaround off the internet… with completely inconsistent results even on similar machines.
Is there a version of Linux that has no dumbàss security… kinda MS-DOS-like? Turn it on, boot it up, get to work?
Probably there are workarounds to all this… but they shouldn’t be needed. Linux was supposed to be an alternative to crappy Windows.
But every version of Linux just gets more bloated but less functional while Windows gets more bloated but kinda progresses in their 2 steps forward, 1 and 23/29th steps back way.
Anybody have some Linux ideas?
CH, you have revealed the “secret”. Windows is an American construct, thus obese. Linux is a European cluster, kind of like the EU…
I love them both because they provide me with the ability to solve problems for family and friends. And I hate them both because they allow passwords found in rockyou.txt.
Look at TryHackMe and ExploitDB to learn more about how bad both available choices really are.