USFK Reports a 75% COVID Vaccination Rate

This high rate of vaccination of personnel is putting USFK pretty close to herd immunity:

This file photo, taken on Jan. 11, 2021, shows U.S. service members at Incheon airport, west of Seoul.

Three American service members and a dependent have tested positive for the new coronavirus upon their arrival here, U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) said Thursday. 

One of the service members arrived at Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, around 70 kilometers south of Seoul, on a U.S. government-chartered flight, while the others traveled via commercial flights, according to the U.S. military.

All of them have since been transferred to isolation facilities designated for COVID-19 patients, it said.

“Despite the recent confirmed cases, USFK remains at a high level of readiness with more than 75 percent of its affiliated community vaccinated and less than 1 percent of its active duty service members currently confirmed positive with COVID-19,” it said in a release.


You can read more at the link, but an interesting statistic which will be probably never hear is how many of the USFK personnel who tested positive on arrival were previously vaccinated?

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3 years ago

Isn’t a covid test required 24 hours before flying to Korea?

This sounds like bamboozlement.


1. The American covid test standards that intentionally created false positives while Trump was president have been lowered to the point they are creating false negatives.

(The testing tandards for vaccinated people have been lowered to the point you could wear a skin suit of a freshly dead covid patient and still test negitive)

2. Korea has gotten on the program to create false positives

3. The system is so broken nobody knows the truth

Bonus: No way 75% of USFK is vaccinated. They lie.

3 years ago

I still wonder whether the COVID-19 “vaccines” prevent anything or if it’s the start of some weird mutation like Resident Evil.

3 years ago

My unit is 92% vaccinated and that is not a typo. It would be higher but new personnel are coming in. The numbers are not hyped.

Some units are significantly lower but amongst the adjacent units 80-85% is common.

3 years ago

Why are people getting vaccinated?

In the military demographic, more people die choking on food than from covid.

In fact, it seems the vaccine has killed more young, healthy, fit, normal-weight people than covid has.

Soooo… kinda curious what is motivating everyone to get vaccinated.

What exact benefit are they expecting the vaccine to give them?

3 years ago

“What exact benefit are they expecting the vaccine to give them?”

For Military: Gets the Top off their case?

For Civilian: Keeps them socially “popular”.

3 years ago

Hanging with some military right now.

Yep. Freedom was the motivation.

So… riddle me this…

Freedom to make these kinds of decisions is as rare as hen’s teeth in the military… which never saw an experimental vaccine it didn’t crave to test on its own people.

“Anthrax vaccine? No thanks. I’m OK, sir. Maybe once they test it for a few years on Africans, homeless, or marines,” said nobody ever.

What exactly is different this time to wish so hard to give the appearance that taking the vaccine is entirely voluntary?

This is odd.

Everything about this vaccine is odd.

And odd situations require enhanced scrutiny until they make sense.

And every answer just leads to more questions.

Soooo… again… apart from “freedom” from completely manufactured restrictions on things that should naturally be free, what gain is expected from taking the vaccine?

3 years ago

CH, GI, Liz: The CDC discovered that taking a long weekend was more important an an “emergency” meeting about Winnie the Flu…

3 years ago

About 10 million of the 12 million blacks sold into the New World slave trade by fellow blacks running the African slave trade survived crossing the Atlantic.

Of those 10 million blacks, about 380,000 went to North America while the rest went to South America and the Caribbean.

Picking cotton isn’t really that fun but mining and sugar cane is where the real death counts are.

Somebody needs to go hassle Brazil.

Or maybe go hassle Africa where the slave trade, inconvenient to the existing narrative, currently exists.

I have a business model I am developing.



Always wanted to own another human being but didn’t know where to start? I will make a plantation in Africa and staff it with slaves from some loosing tribe deep in the bush. For only 18 cents a day, you can own your own slave. You get a return on the crops they harvest and, if you feel they are slacking, you can pay a small fee to give them a proxy whipping which can be monitored in full 4K VR. Give them menial tasks, make them victims of assault…. your imagination is your limit. Brag to your friends that Juneteenth isn’t yet a thing in your world.

Any takers?

3 years ago

@Chickenhead, many people in the military have had multiple anthrax and smallpox shots among other vaccines. The COVID vaccine is nothing compared to those.

The anthrax vaccines sucked (especially because they’d run out of supply for the next booster then…oops! have to start the series all over again). But we don’t know enough to conclude that last bit. That the covid vaccine “is nothing compared to those”.
I’m concerned the effects of this vaccine aren’t necessarily immediately apparent.
Much like the Clinton death list (which started out with 15 deaths under very suspicious circumstances and then added about 85 more as squid ink to that list), a lot of disinformation has been used to discredit reasonable questions/concerns.

3 years ago

, congratulations for enduring 8 anthrax shots. It is likely you are %44 protected against only one of eight known strains of anthrax. Specifically, the most common (and most benign) strain found on dirty farms with dirty cows, goats, and sheep. Biothrax (anthrax vaccine product) does NOT protect against the one strain of anthrax that has been weaponized. Anthrax found in nature does not present as a white powder found in the Senator Tom Daschle letter.

In the only known live control study in the US, 10 Biothrax vaccinated rabbits were exposed to farm-strain anthrax. Six died, thus the ~40% effectiveness.

3 years ago

, the DoD removed the mandatory time intervals between shots. While the initial time intervals (for the series of 5 shots, plus annual boosters) are still recommended, the current language now reads the series can be picked up anywhere it was left off at anytime.

For example, it used to be 30 days between shots 1 and 2. If 45 days were exceeded, shot 1 had to be taken again. Now, if you’ve had shot 1, you can get shot 2 anytime without starting over; even years later.

3 years ago

Thanks Mcgeehee….it wasn’t me, but my spouse got the series way back. Or a bunch of shots. Then they ran out, and started over, and all that. He wasn’t in the ROK long enough to get the whole series after the re-start(s).

GI, I believe you about the immediate side effects. I’m mostly concerned with the potential long-term side effects. There is some reason to be concerned since those spike proteins cross the blood brain barrier (this is also the case with covid itself, there were a great many articles written about that, but relatively few about the vaccine, though one geneticist raised concerns in a letter to the BMJ in January).

3 years ago

While at TRANSCOM circa 2008, I sat next to a Navy O-4 planner who left early one Friday to get shot 1. On Monday, I saw a shell of a man who looked like death warmed over — then listened to the horrific tale of his weekend: He was so sick and so near death (fever, migraine, hot/cold spells, horribly aching joints, weakness, and his bones felt like they were on fire — his exact words) his wife wanted to call an ambulance on three occasions, but he insisted she not.

It took him a full week before he was feeling human again. The experience left him so traumatized, he openly stated in the office he was NOT going back for shot 2 or anything else ever again. “They can kick me out of the Navy, I don’t give a shit.”

He never went back and last I checked on him circa 2017, he was still in the Navy.

3 years ago

Back on topic … 75%? Not where I work in USFK. I think they meant 75 people.

3 years ago

In theory, the covid vaccine protects against covid.

It seems to be true.

Clinical trials are ongoing… in a big percentage of the population who somehow refuse to address the oddness of this unnecessary vaccine.

But it seems to protect against catching covid.

It is likely the doctors and celebrities who mysteriously catch covid after getting the vaccine were simply smart enough to not actually get the vaccine…

…seeing no need to be a lab rat for experimental technology to prevent a cold.

But also in theory, the vaccine has a number of potential side effects that, in theory, wouldn’t show themselves until years later.

Clinical trials are ongoing on that too… in a big percentage of the population… who somehow refuse to address the oddness of this unnecessary vaccine.

The same theories that predict that it will protect most people against covid also predict there can be cognitive, reproductive, and general health side effects in some people… and with less than one year of testing, nobody really knows if these theories are true.

After watching complete lies by government, “scientists”, “doctors”, politicians, media, and noisy libtards concerning hydroxychloroquine, I think the best medical advice comes from common sense and patten recognition.

There is absolutely no reason to trust this vaccine and all circumstantial evidence points to it being something to avoid… with the root issue being that, for most people, it is a completely unnecessary medical procedure, as catching covid is a non-issue.

One more question…

Why will nobody explain why the military is making this vaccine voluntary if it is so important not to cause local outbreaks or put ships out of use?

That doesn’t seem a bit odd?

(In a situation where EVERYTHING is odd)

3 years ago

CH, you sound just like one of my oncologists.

3 years ago

I have a very low opinion of anybody who doesn’t openly condemn this vaccine yet cannot answer questions like:

If this vaccine is so important to rediness and international relations, why is in not mandatory like every other vaccine?

Why is bribery and coercion being used to push it on servicemembers?

If this is so important why is record keeping for this vaccine DESIGNED to defraud by anyone with even the smallest amount of motivation?

Why is it being marketed like a product nobody wants to buy through lotteries and free doughnuts and such?

Why is it being marketed as being safe when every actual scientist or doctor clearly knows there has not been enough time to make that claim?

Why are they pushing it on people who have essentially zero risk of dying of covid instead of testing it on people at high risk for a few years first?

Why are they suddenly so quick to push it on pregnant women and children?

Why has EVERY aspect of this fake pandemic been a lie… from case numbers to hydroxychloroquine yet somehow this vaccine is the single aspect they are telling the truth about?

With white nations having 20 to 40+% vaccination rates while black nations are all under 1%, why is everyone super quiet about equity and racism and blah blah blah if this is such a matter of life and death?

…and those questions are just the beginning.

There might be reasonable answers for these.

Anybody want to try?

3 years ago

CH, this is why they cannot make the covid vaccine obligatory (yet):

FDA must ensure that recipients of the vaccine under an EUA are informed, to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances, that FDA has authorized the emergency use of the vaccine, of the known and potential benefits and risks, the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown, that they have the option to accept or refuse the vaccine, and of any available alternatives to the product. Typically, this information is communicated in a patient “fact sheet.” The FDA posts these fact sheets on our website.

The vaccine is not yet FDA approved. It just isn’t worth the trouble with the potential for vast litigation.
Delta airline has announced it will not hire anyone who hasn’t received the vaccine, but they cannot make it obligatory for those already hired. There are hospitals around the nation attempting same, some make it through the court but it won’t survive the appeal process because the FDA’s own legislation requires that vaccine not yet approved must be elective, and cannot be coerced.

3 years ago

Good find, Liz!

3 years ago

Heh, setnaffa, I have a vested interest (protecting our boys).
At Boulder, for example, they say the vaccinations are mandatory for enrollment.
I thought I’d have to get an antibody test for him (he had covid already), and potentially hire a lawyer. Then I started reading the fine print. They can’t make it mandatory. They can say it is mandatory as long as the fine print explains it really isn’t. Just print out a form and explain why you want an exemption.
TPTB are using the opt out rather than opt in approach (they’ve found it’s more likely to generate compliance0

3 years ago

The question isn’t “Why is the third world not getting vaccinated?”

The question is “Why, in a world where no opportunity is squandered to paint everyone and everything as racist, is white people getting all the vaccines not used to generate fingerpointing, white guilt, and demands for equity and reparations in some form?”

Noisy race hustlers backed by opportunistic politicians and a divisive media won’t shut up about how white stripes on the flag are racist, door pulls are racist, math is racist, showing up to work on time is racist… but white people protecting themselves from certain death while letting the blacks and browns die is… uh… a non-issue?

Not a single thing feels right about this vaccine.

It’s like how ALL the circumstantial evidence points to a Wuhan lab accident and NONE points to an intermediate animal (actually, it now points AWAY from an intermediate animal). Despite all the “scientists” claiming it couldn’t have come from a lab, nothing felt right. Now we know why. It came from the lab. And now there is a smoking gun (that was always there, just not reported).

This vaccine is the same.

ALL circumstantial evidence points to it being shady… from the lack of testing yet mass usage (of not just an experimental vaccine but an entirely new experimental technology)… to secret agreements with Big Pharma in which the only public detail is no liability… to a marketing campaign using tax-funded lotteries… to the rush to give it to pregnant women and children… to… well… every single aspect of this pandemic has been a series of lies… from masks to body counts to treatments to who made it to how it was funded… etc.

Like covid breaking out down the street from a Wuhan lab that published papers on making bat viruses infect humans, at some point, people are going to wonder how they could not see the covid vaccine was bad news from the beginning.

Hindsight is 20/20 and all.

3 years ago

Agreed, CH, it all seems very sketch.

My favorite response from people who bring up misgivings on the vaccine…”Well, I have to trust the science…”
(oh. is that the science that hasn’t authorized it yet, or the science that designed the virus in the first place?)

3 years ago

sorry…not authorized, approved I intended to say.
The wording is confusing even when one knows the difference.

3 years ago

Just saw this pop up:

Again, just work it out with your own medical team and family.

3 years ago

I tried to check the VAERS results for the covid vaccine through the CDC wonder system, and it came up with this:;jsessionid=9DC814CBD5DC15D557B7AF51C2DB?stage=results&action=hide&measure=D8.M2

Maybe I’m missing something, or mistaken. Could someone else verify?
It looks like out of 72,384 adverse events, there were 8,988 deaths?
That’s…pretty significant if true.
Am I doing the search correctly?

3 years ago

My internet is super slow up here. Can’t imagine the above is right, I probably did something wrong in the search but it’s tedious to figure out at this internet speed.
Went to the VAERS data to download. Data for 2021 which isn’t half over yet is a 25.6 mb document. Preceding years are around 4.3 or so. There have been a great many adverse events it would seem.

3 years ago

Yes. And they are doing their level best to cover it up. Which is why having the government running any part of healthcare is immoral.

3 years ago

(For the poor, the aged, veterans, etc., it would be better if they just subsidized commercially-available health care.)

3 years ago

In the last week, around 5000 events… perhaps for all vaccines?

3700 “deaths” plus several other death categories that may or may not be included.

Is this old people on their last legs dying with no relationship to the vaccine?

Are these young people?

No idea.

I actually look to Korea to provide proper answers.

As of now, there is a single digit vaccination rate. Many people are skeptical. But the marketing is coming on strong… as are the (false) promises to return to a normal life if you just become a test subject.

Korea is a small country and everybody knows everybody. Once more people get vaccinated, if there are side effects, it can’t be kept a secret.

Sooooo… will be keeping an eye out.

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