Active Duty U.S. and ROK Army Captains Marry for the First Time

I am surprised this hasn’t happened before now, but congratulations to these two officers on their marriage:

U.S. Army Capt. Miles Gabrielson and South Korean army Capt. Ha Neul, both assigned to Camp Casey north of Seoul, married on Feb. 20, 2021. The union is the first between active-duty officers in the U.S. and Korean armies, according to the 2nd Infantry Division.

South Korean army Capt. Ha Neul laughed as she recalled meeting her husband, U.S. Army Capt. Miles Gabrielson, last year.

“We have a very different memory over that,” she said during a recent interview with the newlyweds at this base 40 miles north of Seoul. “He thought I was smiling at him.”

While relationships between Americans and Koreans are not uncommon, the couple’s Feb. 20 union became the first of its kind: a marriage between active-duty officers in the U.S. and Korean armies, according to the 2nd Infantry Division.

The bond between Ha, 31, and Gabrielson, 29, both artillery officers, formed in May 2020 after the pair was tasked with one of the most mundane duties in the military: creating a PowerPoint presentation.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link.

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3 years ago

I give it 1.5 years…

3 years ago

Well, we wish them both a lifetime of wedded bliss anyway…

Korean Man
3 years ago

According to this topic, this dude was charged with sexual misconduct (LOL).

This dude was relieved of command for sexual misconduct lmao. That’s one way to beat the international hold I guess.

Lmao worked with this dude on an exercise. Maybe I should bring it up

I was just saying dude is a scumbag. I hated working with him

Can confirm. I was in 6-37 with him. We had bets about how long before he was kicked out of command for something. To his credit, we all thought 3 months or less, and it took about 5. Still, horrible that he got command at all, disgusting he didn’t end up in Korean jail.

I worked with this dude at 6-37 FAR. This dude is a real POS.

yep was in the same unit he’s garbage. People celebrated when he was kicked out of Command. The running thought was they threw him up to do bitch work at BDE while they figured out if he was going to jail.

Lost so much faith in the Army just from reading this comment chain. Damn.

So what happened? I thought the US military wouldn’t tolerate sexual crimes? LOL.

3 years ago

Good work, Korea Man.

Moose Knuckle
Moose Knuckle
3 years ago

Something doesn’t add up if he was indeed relieved for doing the sex offender shuffle. There’s other comments there that swear that two US/ROK officers have been married before and that this is nothing new.

3 years ago

Interesting. I don’t usually take much stock in hearsay evidence but he does sound like a tool.
Moose knuckle, sexual misconduct might also fall under the category of fraternization, adultery, conduct unbecoming. There are a lot of consensual sexual offenses in the military that won’t necessarily destroy a career.

3 years ago

She’s going to give up her career for him and become another Korean spouse anyway.

3 years ago

Although it remains to be seen whether this couple will live happily ever after or like some Korean and non-Korean marriages end up in a divorce as a result of cultural differences, I do not think linking a discussion board with unfounded rumors is appropriate behavior.

3 years ago

@TOK You’re asking certain posters here to change their M.O.

3 years ago


I was referring to Korean Man’s link and my opinion regarding that link in questions.

As for the poster here, I don’t think it’s my place to ask them to change their ways unless of course they resort to personal attacks against me, which with the exception of Korean Man accusing me of being 친일파, I have had the fortune of not having to experience them.

3 years ago

Doesn’t everyone right of red get accused of being a 친일파 though?

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

I didn’t call you chinilpa. I called you a Tochak Waegu. Big difference. Now explain to me Taiwan’s 4.5% COVID death rate, TOK. Weren’t the right holding up Taiwan as the model of how to fight the Chinese virus infection a few months ago? You were holding them up as a model of what South Korea could have been. LOL.. Now look at them.

3 years ago

I want to get whatever Beijing boy has been smoking!

3 years ago

Taiwan has 549 covid deaths… total… ever.

What did I miss?

3 years ago

CH, all we’ve missed is the fear that the craven little snowflakes want to inflict on us. They constantly live in fear and self-loathing. And they want us to be the same.

But it won’t work. They’ve tried messing with things they don’t understand.

Yes, people have died from catching a cold, infected mosquito bites, and even not chewing their steak correctly. But they snowflakes have so seriously muddled cases, treatment, and deaths of Winnie the Flu until we will never know the truth.

Which means it’s not really very serious at all, with competent medical care.

I personally know at least 70 people who allegedly had it and recovered. Three of them spent 4 days each in hospital, including a fellow near 80 who had had a stroke (from a serious fall at his business) and another fellow who was still taking chemo for throat cancer. Some of them subsequently got the so-called “vaccine” and still wear masks.

That’s what the snowflakes want from all of us: obedience and fear.

May the LORD deliver justice on these people who want to usurp His place.

Read Psalm 91 if you’re fearful. And put your faith in the right place.

3 years ago

Setnaffa, I will have a great deal more faith if someone smites these agents of the devil before they can do much more permanent harm.

It’s not part of the deal to endure tribulations without a second coming.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

Taiwan has 549 covid deaths… total… ever.
What did I miss? – Chickenhead

Yes you missed the fact that most of those deaths and most of the confirmed infections came within the last 3 weeks. Taiwan now leads the world in ratio of deaths to number confirmed infectious cases – which probably means Taiwan isn’t testing enough of their people for COVID. Up to few weeks ago, Taiwan had almost no deaths and they were held up by the Korean right as an example of how South Korea failed in covid pandemic management. Every time they wanted to bash the ruling government, they brought out Taiwan and Vietnam – both countries that are now being considered failures for not having any strategy of containment other than locking their doors shut and hiding. Unfortunately, both countries are a proven failures that no country in the world can have a containment strategy where the only strategy is isolating their countries from the world forever.

Anyway Chickenhead, did you hear about the latest news? American car imports to South Korea now outstrips the Japanese imports, to take the second spot after the German brands, as Japanese cars are now out of favor with Korean consumers.I know a number of Koreans who want to buy the new Ford Bronco SUV. In fact, when I check the American export markets for Japan and South Korea, the numbers are eye opening. South Korea has steadily rose to be America’s 9th largest car export market destination, while Japan has steadily gone down to be number 22. How pathetic is that for America’s car sales to Japan? And check the overall American export figures for both countries. America shipped $64 billion worth of goods to Japan in 2020, while at the same time, America shipped $52 billion worth goods to South Korea – despite Japan’s economic size being three times South Korea’s.

3 years ago

The Korean Left hates Taiwan.

The Taiwan example especially its early filtering of entrees from the PRC which enabled it to initially contain COVID is in stark contrast with what the leftists did, ie, let people from China enter freely and in the case of Chinese students studying in Korea, fee transportation to their dorms!

The reasoning of the leftists, if I remember correctly was our economy depended on China so blocking China would have caused more damage and there is no evidence that blocking people from China would stop COVID, or something along those lines.

The Taiwan example goes against what the leftists are claiming, so it wouldn’t be surprising that they would use the latest statistics to try to prove that they were correct in not blocking people entering from China.

Although I am no fan of Korean right wing Youtubers, I have to admit because of the actions of the leftists, there are times where I find it hard to ignore their claims that the leftists want to sell out this country to the PRC,

3 years ago

According to the graph… Taiwan had a spike in deaths… and then returned to the normal situation of… almost no deaths.

I don’t know the situation… as media reports are clearly biased… screaming failure… and blaming foreign pilots, hotels, tea houses, hospitals and Taiwan’s lack of fear-centric and economy-destroying restrictions (thoughit was phrased as “planned response”)… but never really saying exactly who died (most likely in “hospitals” that are actually retirement homes).

Sooooo… still not seeing a problem here.

Peddle your covid fear pr0n elsewhere.

I am far more worried about crossing the street in Korea… and statistics back me up on that.

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