Former German Ambassador Writes Book About His Time in North Korea

The Korea Times has a review of a new book written by the former German ambassador to North Korea Thomas Schafer who spent 8 years living in Pyongyang. Here are some insights from Schafer from the book:

While Pyongyang is initially presented as home to a clash between extreme and moderate approaches, it is the former that have won the day, through their use of belligerent acts that include, but are not limited to, the sinking of the RAS Cheonan, the breaching of the Leap Day Agreement, the public execution of Jang Song-thaek, the closing and eventual destruction of parts of the Kaesong Industrial Zone and various military and border skirmishes. For Schafer, these acts are not carried out solely on the order of Kim Jong-un, but are often outside of his control and perhaps actually to send him the message: that he is imminently replaceable. 

Schafer is also quick to discount suggestions that, following the examples of Libya and Iraq, the North’s nuclear missiles are but a defensive necessity in a world characterized by brutal and unilateral American imperialism. While they may serve that purpose, the book makes no secret of the fact that Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons have offensive intent and that their goals center on removing American troops from the Korean Peninsula (by force if necessary), as well as carrying out the oft-repeated desire for undefined international justice. 

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but the fact that North Korea’s nuclear weapons are also intended for offensive purposes is often forgotten about. Something else forgotten about that appears this book may not mention as well is North Korea’s acquiring of nuclear weapons to proliferate them for hard currency as we have seen before. Anyway this book seems interesting and I will likely pick up to read. It is not often that a foreigner lives 8 years in Pyongyang and writes a book about it.

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