It’s funny, if you click the linked photo above… to umm get a better look at the cityscape… you’ll be brought to that horrible cesspool of Twatter where the images are suppressed under a link that you have to click to display them stating:
“The following media includes potentially sensitive content.”
F the left.
3 years ago
It is “sensitive” to the chinabots to have anyone attractive and articulate explain what a sewer communism really is.
Maybe she’s getting flack for having a ‘rose colored glasses’ look at the US. It would be the same as someone getting flack for being paid and sponsored to declare how wonderful, free, and marvelous South Korea is, like Yeonmi Park was.
Bah everyone’s I liar I assume. Trump lied about his taxes, Biden lied about Hunter. CH lied about knowing those girls were really guys.
I did a quick peek though ahead of time and the bias-check said The Diplomat was legit with a slight left lean. Now I didn’t check the bias of the thing reporting that bias to me and so on and so on… too much hassle, all liars to some degree.
Her core state about wishing a happy 4th and how DPRK sucks seems sincere.
Funny how the big news corps all refer to “the mainstream media” like it’s someone other than them. They all do it, reminds me of the current Little Caesars Pizza ad campaign where they talk about “big pizza” fully knowing they’re a top 3 franchise based on 2020 figures.
Can’t even get my pizza without being lied to. 🙁
3 years ago
“CH lied about knowing those girls were really guys.”
Maybe I knew but just didn’t care.
You gotta get your femininity where you can these days.
It’s hard to come by if you only look toward women.
More of a Patriot than Joey Fingers and his whole brood.
It’s funny, if you click the linked photo above… to umm get a better look at the cityscape… you’ll be brought to that horrible cesspool of Twatter where the images are suppressed under a link that you have to click to display them stating:
“The following media includes potentially sensitive content.”
F the left.
It is “sensitive” to the chinabots to have anyone attractive and articulate explain what a sewer communism really is.
Maybe she’s getting flack for having a ‘rose colored glasses’ look at the US. It would be the same as someone getting flack for being paid and sponsored to declare how wonderful, free, and marvelous South Korea is, like Yeonmi Park was.
The Strange Tale of…
Keep in mind, things may not be as they seem. Ain’t saying she’s full of it, don’t know, don’t care.
The Diplomat isn’t any more reliable than Slate, Vox, CNN, or Buzzfeed.
However, we do know who’s paying our redident chinabot.
You forgot Fox and Newsmax 🙂
Bah everyone’s I liar I assume. Trump lied about his taxes, Biden lied about Hunter. CH lied about knowing those girls were really guys.
I did a quick peek though ahead of time and the bias-check said The Diplomat was legit with a slight left lean. Now I didn’t check the bias of the thing reporting that bias to me and so on and so on… too much hassle, all liars to some degree.
Her core state about wishing a happy 4th and how DPRK sucks seems sincere.
Funny how the big news corps all refer to “the mainstream media” like it’s someone other than them. They all do it, reminds me of the current Little Caesars Pizza ad campaign where they talk about “big pizza” fully knowing they’re a top 3 franchise based on 2020 figures.
Can’t even get my pizza without being lied to. 🙁
“CH lied about knowing those girls were really guys.”
Maybe I knew but just didn’t care.
You gotta get your femininity where you can these days.
It’s hard to come by if you only look toward women.