ROK Drop Open Thread – July 09, 2021

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3 years ago

This is pretty innovative.

A South Korean University is powering one of its buildings with the poop it collects.

3 years ago

Something about that doesn’t smell right…

3 years ago

What a waste.

3 years ago

That’s a bunch of crap.

3 years ago

And just like that, USFK is on lockdown … again. And more restrictive than before: Masks now have to be worn inside AND outside (this is a change) regardless of vaccination status (another change).

The vaccinated are blowing up the comments section with “why did I get vaccinated?” “The promise was a return to normalcy.” “USFK is 80% vaccinated, so what the hell ?”

Valid questions USFK. What say you?

3 years ago

I mean, it’s as if no one in power ever read The Masque of the Red Death.

3 years ago

Everyone must do their part to insure the “vaccinated” don’t experience “breakout infections”…. or there might be more questions before they get everyone “vaccinated”.

If this were a real disease, every statistic would be kept in detail and publicly available. Every STEM student and computer geek could plug them into Stata or their custom neural network and make excellent conclusions, from risk factors to flaws in statistic records.

Crowdsourced solutions would beat every other method.

But this isn’t a real disease, they don’t want solutions, and they certainly don’t want anyone looking at statistics and proving that to be the case.

They want to drag it all along for as long as possible to further unrelated agendas.

So many actions seem strange and unreasonable… such as masks and social distancing for those with the promised cure-all vaccine… but they are not unreasonable at all when you know the true motivation.

3 years ago

Stars & Stripes top headline today:

US Forces Korea mandates ‘immediate, aggressive’ restrictions amid record-breaking coronavirus surge

This article exposes a curious use of words emerging. Namely ”infections” and “patients” are replacing “cases”. This change in terminology means “cases” didn’t invoke the desired hysteria, and readers were starting to warm up to the fact that cases simply meant a positive test, a dubious one at that, that has up to a 97% false positive rate.

The next trend is to say “patients” are testing positive for COVID-19. We can’t be tested for symptoms. It’s yet another play on terminology.

COVID-19 is the umbrella term for symptoms experienced (sore throat, cough, fever, headache, and trouble breathing) when one is suffering from an infection of the virus known as SARS-COV-2.

COVID-19 = symptoms and sickness
SARS-COV-2 = the virus

So how can USFK announce that members are testing positive for COVID-19? i.e.,symptoms/sickness they don’t have? Below is quote from article:

“USFK announced Wednesday and Friday that 25 people, six of them new arrivals to the peninsula, had tested positive for COVID-19 between June 10 and July 3.”

How does someone test positive for a headache?

You can test positive for strep if you present with the symptom of a sore throat, but who tests positive for a sore throat? How do you do that?

Confusing, inconsistent, and shape-shifting terminology is what keeps the incurious sheeple off-balance. Right where Fauci/Moderna/Pfizer wants them. Time to gin up for the booster.

3 years ago

After doing my research, I am dorced to believe there are a lot of mentally-ill people in government.

3 years ago

“After doing my research, I am dorced to believe there are a lot of mentally-ill people in government.”

There may be a few, but the main one got booted out of office last November 🙂

3 years ago

Good for you Tclit. That bad orange man is gone. We are soo much better under Biden.
1) He’s nice.
2) He doesn’t tweet mean things.
3) He isn’t mean to Russia, Iran, N. Korea, NATO, UN, the WHO.
4) On the other hand, he really doesn’t say (or do) much at all.

Let me rethink this assessment on Biden (or whoever is running things) and get back to you, say 2022.

3 years ago

4) On the other hand, he really doesn’t say (or do) much at all.

He eats ice cream. There’s a lot of press when he orders and eats ice cream.
All good things though…when Trump had the temerity to eat ice cream the “free press” interviewed psychologists to determine exactly what sort of pathological mental condition led him to choose two scoops instead of one.

This breaks it down pretty well:

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