University of Seoul to Remove Tuition Subsidy for International Students
|If you are an international student at the University of Seoul expect to pay double the current tuition rate:

Controversy has arisen over the University of Seoul’s plan to nearly double the tuition fees paid by foreign students starting next year.
Korea Times
Some students and members of the general public say the sudden hike is unfair and taking advantage of a minority group at the school. However, others say the school’s tuition fees are kept artificially low through subsidies from taxpayers and it is improper to provide such a benefit to foreign students who do not pay taxes.
You can read more at the link, but according to the article students at the University of Seoul have their tuition cut in half with the subsidy from taxpayers. Tuition is roughly $906 a semester with the subsidy meaning international students will pay twice that rate which is still extremely affordable compared to tuition rates in many U.S. universities.
“foreign students who do not pay taxes”
Welllll… kind of a flimsy argument considering how extremely unlikely it is that any one of them aren’t:
* Buying things off the economy.
* Using services.
* Holding part-time jobs that while are likely off-the-books, enables their employer to continue operating. An operation which does pay taxes.
Even an illegal alien pays some taxes.
Taxes are a poo argument. Korea likes to hide taxation by folding it into an upper level of the process or directly adding into the individual end transaction. There’s no “well it’s that time of the year where I pay the tax on ______”, you pay them all year round little by little.
Leftist governments always raise taxes and like Tolkien wrote in The Scouring of the Shire, they gather more and more while sharing less and less.
Look to Iran and Venezuela, two countries with enormous petroleum reser es who can’t (for different reasons) provide enough gasoline for domestic use.
Iran, because of their repressive pseudo-religuous facade, is not considered Socialist; but hearken back to the overthrow of the Shah. Their suppot of terrorism damaged their economy before the socialist nitwits could.
Venezuela screwed up everything so badly that their ships are not allowed to dock anywhere else because of the dangerous pollution in their ports. And people have even raided the zoos for meat.
South Korea is possibly within 5-10 years of disaster. The US might not have that long.
Commie moon admin desperate for money due to horrible economic policies that have nothing to do with the china virus.