Osan Airbase Authorities Investigate Maskless Party at Enlisted Club

I guess we are about to see how the new USFK Commanding General handles those who don’t follow the COVID protocols:

The enlisted club at Osan Air Base, South Korea, is pictured before it opened in 2012.

The U.S. military in South Korea is investigating videos showing dozens of people dancing close together, without masks at a club on an air base on Saturday night.

Videos posted to Instagram and TikTok show military personnel drinking and dancing during a club-like event at the Enlisted Club at Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, roughly 30 miles from Seoul.

Service members, according to the current policy imposed by U.S. Forces Korea, are required to wear masks in all indoor common areas on military facilities to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

USFK spokesman Col. Lee Peters in an emailed statement Tuesday said the command was aware of the event and was still “gathering all the facts and pertinent information.”

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link.

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3 years ago

Apparently it is about controlling the people, not science.

Still, that’s the life one chooses when enlisting. Gotta follow orders.

3 years ago

Masks are worthless, throw away face diapers and live your life. SCAMDEMIC.

3 years ago

This needs to be reported to the Ministry of Someone Had Anauthorized Fun.

With a vaccination rate to brag about and mandatory vaccines here to stay, what is the problem?

…though maybe actual faith in vaccines isn’t quite the same as publicly displayed faith in vaccines… especially as the language shifts from “booster” to “third shot”.

Kinda feeling like they are making things up as they go along and changing the wording to obscure that fact.

The only thing they really know is that covid poses essentially zero danger to the healthy fit demographic of the American military.

Anybody want to guess if covid or suicide has taken more military lives. C’mon… guess.

3 years ago

Sounds like the AF needs to find better things to do. They dumb down all things military (dorms?, SNCO’s known as superintendents?) and they only play military when its convenient. If all the AF leadership (more like lack there of) has to do is worry about a maskless party, the don’t have enough to do. This is what I call “CHICKEN SHIT IN MOTION.”

This is no reflection on Chickenhead! LOL

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