Korean Hospitals Caught Giving Out Expired Pfizer Vaccines

This is kind of basic medicine to make sure doses of vaccines are not expired which these people screwed up:

Over 100 people were given Pfizer vaccines that had passed their recommended usage dates at a general hospital in Gyeonggi Province last week, health officials said Sunday.

Pyeongtaek St. Mary’s Hospital in Pyeongtaek, 70 kilometers south of Seoul, gave Pfizer vaccines to a total of 104 people on Thursday and Friday that exceeded their expiration date of Wednesday, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said. 

The latest incident comes after one hospital in Seoul and another in the southeastern city of Ulsan gave Pfizer vaccine doses nearing their expiration dates or exceeding them to over 230 people last week.


You can read more at the link, but hopefully these people are not physically harmed by this.

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3 years ago

Expired or not the vaccine with cause them physical harm. ..and do nothing against the china virus.

3 years ago

The expiration date is the least of it.

For mRNA shots, the product inserts (one linked below) describe the process for transporting, storing, monitoring, thawing in refrigeration, thawing at room temperature, preparing, diluting, and finally administering these shots.

It’s all a very long, drawn-out, detailed, cumbersome and complex process. Each step has deliberate and strict time and temperature specifications (thawing, for example). If someone is not on top of things EVERY step of the way, the specifications will not be adhered to.

The expectation from a customer’s point of view is if any step along the way is missed or incorrectly carried out then that vial (indeed the whole batch) is discarded, right? RIGHT? After all, they’re medical PROFESSIONALS, right?

Does anyone here think that’s happening?

I would venture to guess the majority of vaccines administered were out of specifications at some point in time.

Wait until we start hearing from the deluge of whistleblowers coming out of what must be tens of thousands of global vaccination centers.


3 years ago

That would certainly explain the “breakthrough” infections, horrific side effects, and deaths.

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