South Korea Reaches 39% Vaccination Rate, Japan at 50%

It is a bit surprising how slow the roll out for the vaccine has been in South Korea:

Health workers clad in protective suits guide citizens at a makeshift COVID-19 testing clinic in Seoul on Sept. 12, 2021. (Yonhap)

South Korea’s daily coronavirus cases dropped under 1,800 on Sunday as health authorities try to stem virus infections ahead of a major holiday amid persistent infections in the greater Seoul area. 

The number of fully vaccinated people surpassed the 20 million mark, representing 39 percent of the population, with a nationwide effort to boost vaccination rates.


Meanwhile in Japan despite their initial slow start, they have reached a 50% vaccination rate:

Japan’s government says more than 50% of the population has been fully vaccinated.

Japan’s vaccine rollouts began in mid-February, months behind many wealthy countries due to its lengthy clinical testing requirement and approval process. Inoculations for elderly patients, which started in April, were also slowed by supply shortages of imported vaccines, but the pace picked up in late May and has since achieved 1 million doses per day.

Economy Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, who is in charge of COVID-19 measures, told NHK public television’s weekly talk show Sunday that about 60% of the population is expected to be fully vaccinated by the end of September, on par with current levels in Europe.

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Kevin Kim
3 years ago

And with the vaccine being no guarantee of anything (UK PM Boris Johnson = vaxxed twice, got infected & quarantined), and with no special privileges coming from being vaccinated (or are there?)…

3 years ago

Korea allows larger gatherings for the vaccinated.

…and Korea has spoken of further increased privileges for those with the vaccine…

…and hinted at future increased restrictions on those without the vaccine.

Korea resisted the crazy for quite some time and the fake pandemic was managed with a bit of theatrics… but it seems the Globohomo has gotten to the government and they are now getting on the program like so many other nations.

Shameful, Korea.

Destroy your economy and your people and many aspects of your future.

Korean Man
3 years ago

>Destroy your economy

The world bank upgraded South Korea’s projected economic growth from 3.5% from beginning of this year, to 4.3% – near the top of OECD group, if not the top.

That’s some ‘destroying’ of the economy. lol.

Korean Man
3 years ago

I meant “near the top of OECD group, the last two years since the Pandemic began”.

Korean Man
3 years ago

>Meanwhile in Japan despite their initial slow start, they have reached a 50% vaccination rate:

Maybe you should dig a little deeper rather than focusing on the near 10% difference between the two countries.

Japan’s positive cases are 10 times South Korea’s despite far less number of tests done. Japan only does PCR tests only if the patients are already half dead – thus explains their horrendous ratio of number of positives per PCR tests. Japan has between 30% to 40% positivity rates versus South Korea’s 1.5%.

Another huge difference – the total medical collapse in Japan where hundreds of thousands COVID positive people who can’t get any treatments in hospitals, who are forced to die in their homes. Thousands of them have died in their homes silently without even getting any treatment. The absolute corruption by the Japanese government in ignoring their sick, with most of their effort is in trying the keep the numbers down, is criminal. Japanese government with their control of their unfree media wants to keep their fake international image to the outside world, intact.

3 years ago

Seems like there’s still a lit of people not quite up on what an actual vaccine is, what it does, snd how it’s different from experimental gene therapy only released in the US under an emergency authorization.

Well, it isn’t from the data being hidden.

If you’re a fan of the so-called “vaccine”, please be sure to get it as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, if it doesn’t prevent infections, why would anyone take it other than virtue-signalling? Why would the government be so eager to push it on everyone if it doesn’t block the COVID-19?

You know they did not mention one of the side effects of the shot could be cancer of the scrotum, right? Be sure to check yourself weekly, if you got the jab. I hear the first symptoms include a persistent itch, especially on hot days. Ask your doctor if you’re not sure how to check yours.

We now return you to your regularly-scheduled programming.

3 years ago

“The world bank upgraded South Korea’s projected economic growth from 3.5% from beginning of this year, to 4.3% – near the top of OECD group, if not the top.

That’s some ‘destroying’ of the economy. lol.”

Bad news, Korea Man.

Your rosy Korean economic statistics are fake.

…well… in a way.

They are technically “true”… so you got me there.

Let’s see what the big driver of that economic expansion was?

….wait for it….

…wait for it…


#1: GoVeRnMeNt SpEnDiNg!

Sweet, sweet communism always can make the numbers whatever they need to be.

Number 2?

Personal consumption of that government spending, much of it on imported goods that are a macroeconomic drag on Korea.


Buying things today with tomorrow’s money to cover up yesterday’s mistakes. Works as long as it lasts.

A few big companies are doing really well… especially semiconductors with that global chip shortage… but they are really more multinationals than Korean companies these days.

How is that small business economy working out? What? Can’t hear anything.

But all you really have to do is ask Koreans what’s up and look at the For Rent signs.

Do you even live in Korea?

3 years ago

When the vaccinated complain about the unvaccinated, what they are really saying is the vaccine doesn’t work…

…and they respond by trasferring all the anger and regret they feel about themselves to anybody else they can blame for anything.

When the vaxxers start whining; just laugh at them.

Especially with all those people dying of inflamed hearts lying in their ICU beds and croaking with their last words, “They said it was safe? Why did I get vaxxed? Why did Trump make this vaccine?”

Really terrible situation. Spread the word.

3 years ago

The CDC website, the same one that changed the “science” to fit politics after a teachers’ union complained, states that “no long-term side effects have been observed”.

However, normal vaccine development is a long, complex process, often lasting 10-15 years and involving a combination of public and private involvement, so use your common sense…

3 years ago


3 years ago

Here’s the receipt for that, Flyingsword:

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