ROK Drop Open Thread – September 17, 2021

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3 years ago

Deaf people need to be isolated. Maybe they will go be deaf somewhere else and quit meddling with the plan to create a generation of autistic retards unable to read social cues due to their lack of experience with facial expressions.

More masks!

Can you imagine how vulnerable these girls will be not knowing if I am a kindly gentleman offering assistance or a predator looking for opportunity.

In 14 years, I am going to get lucky every night.

…4 years for johnhenry… as long as boys have the same social handicaps.

3 years ago

We complain about the SWA union a lot, but they are currently employing a team of lawyers to challenge the federal covid jab mandate.
Hope they are successful.
If they are, and provide some supporting documentation I’ll provide it here so folks can use it for their own place of employment.
They successfully challenged the jabs before the FDA approval, but it might be more tricky now. Unfortunately.

3 years ago

Liz, the medicine that the FDA approved isn’t the available at this time… They’re still just using the emergency brands…

For what that’s worth…

I think it’s about lawsuits…

3 years ago

A couple of long-timers at the FDA are resigning. This should be well-known to anybody following this catastrophe… but for those of you only following approved headlines…

The Meaning of the FDA Resignations
Brownstone Institute

3 years ago

Thank you for the links, Setnaffa and CH.
Interesting times.
To say the least.

3 years ago

Thank you, CH.

3 years ago

Wishing everybody a very happy…

comment image

3 years ago

. Ref western societies, that puts my money on glyphosate as the main cause. That shit’s in everything non-organic and just destroys the human body over time like slow-release battery acid.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

As soon as the unjust US ban on South Korea’s solid fuel missile development were lifted, South Korea announces that the country has developed a new solid fuel space rocket engine that will eliminate remaining reliance on the US satellites for intelligence.

Korean Man
3 years ago

Now that the US graciously offered nuclear sub technology to the Australian navy, this would probably mean the US will soon agree to eliminate the ban on South Korea’s development of nuclear subs. Unlike Australia, South Korea already has a very strong nuclear industry technology, coupled with a very strong experienced shipbuilding/submarine industries. So as soon as the US finally lifts the ban on South Korea, South Korea will also announce the development of a new nuclear submarine. South Korea’s new SLBM sub is just a third of the total picture. A nuclear sub is needed along with the nuclear tipped rockets to serve as a strong deterrence.

South Korea is surrounded by hostile neighbors that can’t be trusted. The only power in the region that seems to be amicable and cooperative with South Korea is Russia. Both countries do not have any territorial disputes nor any spats with each other, and both countries share national interests. For instance, Russia who is weary of China, has offered South Korea a priority nation status to develop the Russian Far East, including the Kurile Islands which Japan claims as theirs. It would be funny and be interesting to see what happens if South Korea develops the Kurile region with South Korean/Russian investments that would open up the South Korea’s land bridge and railroad to Europe.

3 years ago

Interesting, Mcgeehee.
I thought it might be something like micro plastics.

Here is the original letter to the Lancet, fwiw, regarding boosters. It’s not easy to find a link in most of the related articles:

FDA rejection of authorization for the boosters in a vote 16 to 2 is pretty overwhelming. And it’s the FDA, which is not exactly uninfluenced by politics.

3 years ago

What I’ve been waiting for.
Easily accessible and compiled VAERs covid vaccine related info.

3 years ago

Soon, more people will have died in FL from COVID than the number of people we lost in Vietnam.

3 years ago

8,988 dead in the last 28 days in FL. Maybe old Stephen King was right after all, eh?

3 years ago

Well, don’t go to Florida. Don’t worry about Florida. Don’t talk about Florida. Don’t think about Florida.

There. Problem solved.

3 years ago

Maybe old Stephen King was right after all, eh?

When he said 1200 people in Florida died of covid in one day?
No, he was not right.
Florida is however filled with very obese and very old people.
When a disease comes through that selects for very old and/or very fat people they will be disproportionally impacted by comparison to states with younger healthier people.
My mom is in assisted living in Florida. Her facility has not had a single case.

I do travel to Florida every month.

3 years ago

Thanks for that website Liz!

3 years ago

Just to be safe, tbone, you should get all three vaccines (Johnson and Johnson, Phizer, and Moderna) and monthly boosters from any source possible. Also daily PCR testing… And wear three N95 masks every day (remembering to change every 4 hours), including at home, including when you sleep, and put yourself on lockdown until COVID is licked.

Even this website might not be safe for you, given your addiction to lead-based paintchips…

3 years ago

You’re welcome, setnaffa.
I don’t know if you noticed (yet), but if you click on the “ailment” it will give you a breakdown of the age groups impacted. This is helpful when making cost to gains decisions.

3 years ago

CH, you were right about Milley.
So…he claimed to “almost resign” after a photo op with the president (done by many generals before him). But he won’t resign now over the Afghanistan abortion, or being caught in actual treason?
Combatant Commanders should be the first to roll in on him, especially the SOCOM and PACOM CGs because it’s their missions he was endangering.
But I’ve heard only crickets.

3 years ago

70 percent of the population has had at least one dose of the vaccination in Florida, btw. It’s higher than average. So when the media gasps something about deaths and “vaccination rates lower!” it’s because most folks at risk have already had the jab. Even if everyone else received it, the “rate” would be lower.
Yes, media. Good job.

3 years ago

Lies, damned lies, and leftist statistics.

Depending on who one asks–and how the questions are worded–one can construct any mathematical modrl one wants.

Meanwhile, Afghanistan is still a fustercluck, Milley is a worse leader than Custer (who, at the least, had the integrity to die with the troops he screwed), the Mexican border is about to explode, and so the Democrat-controlled national news is concentrating on a “missing” blonde chick from Florida. Who showed herself to be an abusive headcase in the one hour 17 minute Police Bodycam video on YouTube.

Not saying the boyfriend is innocent. Not saying he’s a victim. Just saying there are Americans still missing in Afghanistan; but that might reflect negativity towards the vacationing Sniffy Joey Leg Hairs.

3 years ago


I have family and friends in FL and it’s bad. Desantis is a piece of shit much like the former and thankfully gone president. People are dying daily there and he’s trying to hide the numbers…doubt he’ll be re-elected much less have a chance to run for pres in 2024. Trump will throw him under the bus way before that ever happens, so no worries.

Dear Les (aka Chickenhead, Setnaffa, J6junkie, and all the rest of the sock puppets)…Trump lost fair and square, he’s history, so let’s just bitch about the current guy in the WH who really needs to get the southern border under control, I mean WTF?

3 years ago

I’m not a sock puppet.

I’m a love sock puppet.

Big difference.

3 years ago

“Tbone wants tranny love and thinks he can’t get it without those Haitians under the bridge in Del Rio, TX”?

Google Translate seems to be the way to interpret his posts lately…

3 years ago

I have family and friends in Florida too. I grew up there. My sister, brother, and mother live there. My spouse is also from Florida. We had two military assignments there.
Soon, more people will have died in FL from COVID than the number of people we lost in Vietnam.

Yet still 4000 less than have died in New York which has a lower population.

current guy in the WH who really needs to get the southern border under control, I mean WTF?

WTF indeed.
The southern boarder is insanely bad, and border patrol is overwhelmed.
So true.

3 years ago

Where is Kamala? This is her baby.
Think I see AOC over there crying next to a tree,
(I have friends and family in Texas too)

3 years ago

What is being done to America will not benefit the conservatives who reject it…

…but also won’t benefit the libtards who beg for it.

But conservatives, by their nature, will be able to manage their place in it better.

The only winners will be those pushing it all… who are neither conservative nor liberal. They are simply in it for themselves.

3 years ago

So, GIKorea, any plans on holding CH to what you told him?

3 years ago

Teeeeaaaacher! He is looking at me again!

Johnhenry, you are not a man. You don’t write like a man… you don’t think like a man… you don’t interact with others like a man.

But I don’t have to say this.

Everybody can see it.

You have had to lie to yourself your entire life to avoid confronting this unpleasant truth that has made your social life miserable since childhood.

Drawing attention to your insecurities and dysfunctions is no problem. It is amusing to watch and makes many people feel better about themselves.

Just don’t try to push them off onto others or try to affect the world around you or you will get your peepee smacked.

3 years ago

Thanks for the VAERS link liz. Very useful.

El Salvador gives citizens a gift bag to prevent COVID, containing:
Vit C
Vit D3
Zinc … and … you guessed it

El Salvador is one of 20 countries (incl Japan) issuing Ivermectin.

I wonder what it’s like to live in a country that actually cares about its citizens.

3 years ago

I am not particularly a fan of “Project Veritas” as they use shady methods to get at the truth; but this was interesting:

3 years ago

From the previous link:

Jodi O’Malley, Insider and Registered Nurse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “So how come after 18 months, we haven’t had any research? Isn’t that fishy to you?”

Dr. Maria Gonzales, ER Doctor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “It does — it is fishy.”

O’Malley: “It’s super fishy.”

Dr. Dale McGee, ER Doctor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “It’s not that it hasn’t been done. It hasn’t been published, that’s why.”

Dr. Gonzales: “It hasn’t probably been done because the government doesn’t want to show that the darn [COVID] vaccine is full of sh*t.”

3 years ago

You undersold it Set; quite interesting indeed. And I don’t begrudge Veritas one bit for HOW they get to the truth considering the behavior of this administration (blatantly lying, cheating, denying, and suppressing honest information).

3 years ago

We all know the vaccine is a scam of some sort.

…primarily because of… well… everything about it.

Consider the difference in marketing between an Apple Watch and a watch Fast Eddie sells to tourists down by the dirty book store.

Think of the difference between the fire department showing up to protect you and Fast Eddy and a couple of goons showing up to mandate some protection.

Consider EVERYTHING about the vaccine has been a lie. EVERYTHING.

If you don’t smell trouble, you deserve the vaccine.

Please get it.

3 years ago

Pfizer, BTW, according to the LA Times, that well-known right-wing killer of trees, is only effective for 120 days. Moderna a bit longer.

Of course, they use this data to push for boosters…

3 years ago

CH, I’m more worried about the vaccine salesman that shows up, tells me I’ve got a nice house, says it would be a shame if there was a fire, and tells me how many vaccines I need to buy in order to avoid that fire…

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