(This is going to be the cause of much civil-military relations debate for years to come.) Top general was so fearful Trump might spark war that he made secret calls to his Chinese counterpart, new book says https://t.co/szTj9nW5wX
Everybody was afraid Trump was going to disrupt the system that keeps the Rich and Powerful rich and powerful at the expense of the middle class… and in the age of globalism, at the expense of America.
This perfumed prince of a general with his luxury values of white rage awareness and more trannies has more in common with the ruling elite of China than the average American.
His call was a social courtesy to inform his fellow elites that he was on the program to sabotage anything or anyone threatening their position.
His betrayal of America and Americans needs punishment with enough severity and publicity that it serves as a warning fit for permanent inclusion in the history books.
2ID Doc
3 years ago
Nobody is talking about the source. If this colonel knew about these calls and if they are true then his happy body needs to be before a general court martial for conspiracy. I would be having a talk with my COC, JAG, or the MPs, not telling a washed up reporter about it. But if the colonel goes before a court martial Milley needs to be standing there to be his cell mate.
Head on a pike on the 14th Street Bridge… Along with a few of his collaborators…
3 years ago
Nobody is talking about the source. If this colonel knew about these calls and if they are true then his happy body needs to be before a general court martial for conspiracy.
Agreed. His boss is calling to collaborate with China.
If what he describes is true, his words/actions were that he was willing to set China up to slaughter thousands of US servicemembers if we did invade.
And this “witness” does nothing?!?
He doesn’t make an IG complaint (which would give him immediate whistleblower protection status)?
Milley is a lobotomized turd wrapped in a douche, yet even so I am skeptical of this claim.
3 years ago
I am not skeptical of this claim.
Primary because Milley admitted to it…
…though he tried to rationalize it.
Of course he did it… and he did it to protect the ruling class against disruption.
Everyone in the Deep State will fight each other for money and power… but they will work together the moment they are threatened by the unwashed masses who aren’t in the club.
All you faggots deserve to be the bìtches of your betters… until you decide not to be… but you won’t.
Enjoy what is coming. You deserve it.
You earned it.
And you earn it every day you keep accepting what is pounded up your àsses.
3 years ago
Treasonous. I don’t want top brass secretly talking to the enemy.
3 years ago
I have read that, based on other things reported in the book, Milley himself was the source for the phone call story. We may find out it was a legit call, but it sure smells funny.
3 years ago
I was reading the Art of War the other day and it said something about making the enemy think the opposite of what is the truth.
If you are strong, make them think you are weak and if you are weak, make them think you are strong.
I started thinking Milley, as a longtime military leader with a string of victories under his belt, probably has read the same Art of War that I read.
And I concluded he made that call to missdirect China away from the nuclear attack that he and Trump were plotting.
But then I couldn’t think of any particular victory he led and I remembered he was more interested in imaginary white rage and more tranny dìcks.
And I started to suspect that he is actually just a piece of shìt.
3 years ago
Blah blah blah, this shit happens every day so STFU. I can tell most of you have never been in the military LOL
3 years ago
That’s the problem.
Tranny dìcks ARE more important than victory.
As evidence, I submit “this shit” that “happens every day.”
…or doesn’t happen (in the case of victory).
3 years ago
CH, it appears that tbone is trying to won over the pro-tranny faction here at thw ‘Drop.
One wonders why; but doesn’t really want an answer.
3 years ago
“CH, it appears that tbone is trying to won over the pro-tranny faction here at thw ‘Drop.”
Well he won me over.
I’m all about making love, not war… even if that is some kind of strange love with at least one too many dìcks in it.
Along with mandated vaccines, the military should mandate estrogen injections.
True ubersoldiers can’t be made with Nazi meth. But they can be made with a hormone imbalance equivalent to whatever women have once a month.
Plus, we would be well-prepared to occupy Thailand.
Nobody was afraid Trump was going to start a war.
Everybody was afraid Trump was going to disrupt the system that keeps the Rich and Powerful rich and powerful at the expense of the middle class… and in the age of globalism, at the expense of America.
This perfumed prince of a general with his luxury values of white rage awareness and more trannies has more in common with the ruling elite of China than the average American.
His call was a social courtesy to inform his fellow elites that he was on the program to sabotage anything or anyone threatening their position.
His betrayal of America and Americans needs punishment with enough severity and publicity that it serves as a warning fit for permanent inclusion in the history books.
Nobody is talking about the source. If this colonel knew about these calls and if they are true then his happy body needs to be before a general court martial for conspiracy. I would be having a talk with my COC, JAG, or the MPs, not telling a washed up reporter about it. But if the colonel goes before a court martial Milley needs to be standing there to be his cell mate.
Give him the Janos Slynt treatment.
Head on a pike on the 14th Street Bridge… Along with a few of his collaborators…
Nobody is talking about the source. If this colonel knew about these calls and if they are true then his happy body needs to be before a general court martial for conspiracy.
Agreed. His boss is calling to collaborate with China.
If what he describes is true, his words/actions were that he was willing to set China up to slaughter thousands of US servicemembers if we did invade.
And this “witness” does nothing?!?
He doesn’t make an IG complaint (which would give him immediate whistleblower protection status)?
Milley is a lobotomized turd wrapped in a douche, yet even so I am skeptical of this claim.
I am not skeptical of this claim.
Primary because Milley admitted to it…
…though he tried to rationalize it.
Of course he did it… and he did it to protect the ruling class against disruption.
Everyone in the Deep State will fight each other for money and power… but they will work together the moment they are threatened by the unwashed masses who aren’t in the club.
All you faggots deserve to be the bìtches of your betters… until you decide not to be… but you won’t.
Enjoy what is coming. You deserve it.
You earned it.
And you earn it every day you keep accepting what is pounded up your àsses.
Treasonous. I don’t want top brass secretly talking to the enemy.
I have read that, based on other things reported in the book, Milley himself was the source for the phone call story. We may find out it was a legit call, but it sure smells funny.
I was reading the Art of War the other day and it said something about making the enemy think the opposite of what is the truth.
If you are strong, make them think you are weak and if you are weak, make them think you are strong.
I started thinking Milley, as a longtime military leader with a string of victories under his belt, probably has read the same Art of War that I read.
And I concluded he made that call to missdirect China away from the nuclear attack that he and Trump were plotting.
But then I couldn’t think of any particular victory he led and I remembered he was more interested in imaginary white rage and more tranny dìcks.
And I started to suspect that he is actually just a piece of shìt.
Blah blah blah, this shit happens every day so STFU. I can tell most of you have never been in the military LOL
That’s the problem.
Tranny dìcks ARE more important than victory.
As evidence, I submit “this shit” that “happens every day.”
…or doesn’t happen (in the case of victory).
CH, it appears that tbone is trying to won over the pro-tranny faction here at thw ‘Drop.
One wonders why; but doesn’t really want an answer.
“CH, it appears that tbone is trying to won over the pro-tranny faction here at thw ‘Drop.”
Well he won me over.
I’m all about making love, not war… even if that is some kind of strange love with at least one too many dìcks in it.
Along with mandated vaccines, the military should mandate estrogen injections.
True ubersoldiers can’t be made with Nazi meth. But they can be made with a hormone imbalance equivalent to whatever women have once a month.
Plus, we would be well-prepared to occupy Thailand.
There really is no downside.