President Moon Once Again Calls for a Treaty to End the Korean War

Here we go again with President Moon wanting a declaration to end the Korean War:

President Moon Jae-in addresses the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Tuesday (EST). Yonhap

President Moon Jae-in once again renewed his call for a formal end to the 1950-53 Korean War in an effort to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula, but the feasibility of his proposal is questionable, given the state of relations between the two Koreas and the U.S. 

During a speech at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Tuesday (EST), Moon proposed a trilateral or quadrilateral declaration to proclaim a formal end to the Korean War. 

The war ended in an armistice signed in 1953 by the U.S.-led United Nations Command, China and North Korea, leaving the two Koreas technically still at war.

“Today, I once again urge the community of nations to mobilize its strengths for the end-of-war declaration on the Korean Peninsula, and propose that the three parties of the two Koreas and the U.S., or the four parties of the two Koreas, the U.S. and China, come together and declare that the war on the Korean Peninsula is over,” Moon said. 

“When the parties involved in the Korean War stand together and proclaim an end to the war, I believe we can make irreversible progress in denuclearization and usher in an era of complete peace,” he added.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but the rhetoric for ending the Korean War has been going on for years because both the Moon administration and the Kim regime in North Korea want the peace treaty because it then challenges the legitimacy of the U.S. military presence in South Korea.  If there is peace why is USFK needed? The Korean left and the Kim regime have always wanted the U.S. out of Korea and a peace treaty with little to nothing in return from North Korea is one path towards doing that.

The real question is if the Biden administration is going to take the bait on this or not? With all the bad headlines they may be eager for something that looks like a foreign policy victory by pursuing such a declaration. I guess we will see what happens.

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3 years ago

Lying Pedo China Joe Biden needs as easy win quick, so being short sighted and stupid Joe will probably go for this. In other news, left wing news Politico confirms that it was Hunter Biden’s laptop and everything on it is fact.

3 years ago

All he has to do is unconditionally surrender.
Slim Fatty and Emperor Xi would gladly accept that.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

It’s ironic that all the Trumpeans in here are accusing Moon of a foolish delusional peacenik.

The reality is that what we all may often express what wish for, however that doesn’t mean South Korea is going to just throw up the white towel.

Under Moon administration’s leadership, South Korean military power is undergoing a dramatic upgrade to a top 5 world military power, that is worrying all its surrounding hostile enemy neighbors.

South Korea Tests Four New Missiles, including a supersonic anti-ship missile that can accurately hit moving naval targets from its land base up to 600 KM away.

Chinese naval carriers and warships that have no defence against a supersonic missile will be sitting ducks.

3 years ago

When various people call for an end to the Korean War, they never actually face what started it. North Korea is in no mood to negotiate. Communist China is in no mood to negotiate. All the US/UN stand to lose are “face”. South Koreans are the ones who will lose if they let pro-Nork politicians surrender their personal liberty and economy.

Elections have consequences. And ranting about powerful new and secret weapons was how that infamous failed painter from Austria ended his life…

South Korea chose… poorly…

3 years ago

The ROK Army = a top 5 army?

3 years ago

The Korean military is way up there…

Somewhere between Bob Geldof’s Live Aid-funded Ethiopian military and Biden’s taxpayer-funded Taliban.

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 years ago

Some of the things that Dear Comrade Setnaffova and his alter id Chicken Head have in common;

They both hate Covid vaccines and think the pandemic is a scamdemic
They both like to make fun of the Korean military
They both hate Democrats
They both hold pro-Trump views
They always appear in the same thread

It is obvious that Dear Comrade Setnaffova’s view are so illogical and weak that he has to create ChickenHead and liz to back up his views.

3 years ago

I don’t hate Democrats. I pity their pathetic self-loathing. I don’t mock South Korea’s military, just their leftist betrayers. I’m not pro-Trump as much as I am pro-America. I don’t hate Covid vaccines because there aren’t any, just experimantal gene-therapy with poorly-affixed labels.

It’s so funny that a “Korean” thinks claiming I’m pro-Russian is a bad thing while actively supporting p3dos and putting Muslims in concentration camps.

I wish I had CH’s sense of humor and Liz’s family. But I don’t.

And a search of ‘Drop archives would quickly identify me as being a much later guest of GI’s blog than either CH or Liz.

KP’s troll score: 1/10, “F”

Sorry, you don’t qualify for the home game. But I’m certain your group home will find you other activities. Maybe you can work your way up from KP to Cook.

3 years ago

I hate the covid vaccine because it is experimental (not really “gene therapy” though), it doesn’t appear to work as promised, it may be dangerous, and it is being forced on people for a disease that poses no risk to them.

I think the pandemic is a scamdemic unless you are old, sick, or fat… and even then, your chance of surviving is pretty high. Sadly. I was really hoping it would kill off more homeless and illegal aliens living 10 to a room. What a crappy pandemic.

I don’t really make fun of the Korean military unless they really have it coming. My previous comment was actually making fun of all the suckers who donated to Live Aid and funded the biggest military in Africa when they thought they were buying food… and making fun of Biden for gifting the Taliban 8% of humvees ever made.

I pretty much hate all the self-destructive crazy Democrats are currently pushing… so perhaps, by extension, I hate Democrats… as they will happily take me down with them. Can’t they go be Democrats somewhere else?

I am pro-Trump because I am pro-America… not pro-globalist, pro-corporitist, or pro-communist. There is no purpose of being a citizen if you don’t want to advance the status of the nation you are a citizen of, which in turn advances you. Go be a citizen somewhere else. Fortunately, South Korea and America have highly shared interests so I can support both nations and wish them and all their citizens well (as long as the citizens contribute to the common good instead of looking for ways to destroy it).

I always appear in the same thread because, like Setnaffa, I have something to say… generally something I cannot say in polite company.

But I admit, I am Liz.

Though I only post when wearing high heels, fishnets, spandex minidress, and over-the-elbow velvet gloves.

Do you want to hear about my makeup?

3 years ago

Oy vey…

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

>I think the pandemic is a scamdemic unless you are old, sick, or fat…

You do realize that describes 85% of the US population, right?

3 years ago


If they cared about public health they, they wouldn’t have encouraged the fast food industry while putting regular resturants out of business.

Check what happened to child obesity and diabetes rates over the last year.

Covid might not be the disease we want… but it is the light version of the disease we need.

Now, if the vaccine can just kill off the Karens and libtards, covid will be a net gain.

Its somewhat disappointing that covid somehow isn’t tearing through the filty, malnourished, densely populated, low healthcare third world.

If one were a thinking person, one might question that.

On right also get canceled on Facebook and Twitter for doing so.

3 years ago

Korea Times front page:
North Korea opposed to formally ending the Korean War

Moon should have checked with the parties who are actually at war before sticking his foot in his mouth … again.

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