ROK Drop Open Thread – October 1, 2021

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3 years ago

The liz’s (especially) will appreciate this…

Below article is an affidavit from an Army Flight Surgeon who witnessed numerous casualties from the vaccine. One Army pilot died of pulmonary embolism within 48 hours of vaccine and she insists ‘he could have been flying at the time’.

It is a compelling read.

Army Doctor & Aerospace Medicine Specialist LTC Theresa Long Calls On Pentagon To Ground ALL Pilots That Have Taken COVID Shots

3 years ago

Thanks Mcgeehee!

3 years ago

Thank you, Mcgeehee.
I am sending that link on.

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 years ago

This should be a blog with news on Korea and a forum for discussions regarding the news.

But thanks to Dear Comrade Setnaffova, it has turned into a platform for the spreading of Trump inspired lies.

If you look at the comments made by Dear Comrade Setnaffova, he(or it) has little or no knowledge of the subject matter, as such rarely discusses it and instead keeps on spewing lies regarding the pandemic and vaccines.

And to make it look like a healthy discussion is taking place and camouflage his intentions of spreading misinformation and lies, he(it) uses the identities of Chicken Head, liz, and Mcghee to keep up appearances.

One can also clearly see the recent comment list and see it being swamped and dominated by Dear Comrade Setnaffova,

GI Korea has a tough job of keeping up this blog, however it will not help if he wakes up every morning and sees his blog being taken over by a single entity using several identities for the sole purpose of spreading Trump inspired lies with the ultimate aim of disrupting American society.

I believe the time will come when GI Korea throws in the towel, sooner rather than later.

Then where will Dear Comrade Setnaffova move on to? Kevin Kim’s blog?

3 years ago

GI, we do appreciate your patience with us. 🙂

If you ever make it to Texas, look me up and I’ll buy you lunch or coffee, or whatever.

3 years ago

Hate to break the news to you, Korean Person, but everyone who comments on here except you is a sock puppet for GI Korea.

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 years ago

Dear Comrade Setnaffova’s alter identity sidekick 닭대가리,

Even Korean Man? 😀

3 years ago

It’s sad that we’ve come to the place when people will grasp at any straw to further their narrative. Did you actually read the alleged affidavit? The LTC may be a real person but if she’s a real doctor, then either she didn’t write this, or her original paper was edited before being put on those sites. Antifreeze? Seriously? And the vaccine changes your genomes? Again, seriously? Any “real” doctor will tell you that’s BS.
Before posting this, did you Google her to verify she’s an actual military physician?

Oh, and another blow: Trump ain’t gonna be reinstated, not today or by what is it now, Thanksgiving?

But you guys go on believing these far right sites and a pillow salesman if it makes you sleep better at night


3 years ago

Now THAT sounds just as rational and on-point as our original paintchip eater.

Of course, Kitchen Police is now going to say it’s another of CH’s clones.

3 years ago

The LTC may be a real person but if she’s a real doctor, then either she didn’t write this, or her original paper was edited before being put on those sites. Antifreeze? Seriously?

The original paper might have been altered, I don’t know.
But I doubt it as she is informed enough to invoke the Whistleblower protection act (and most people in the civilian world, as well as a good portion in the military world would not understand the importance). She was very wise to do so.

Per PEG (aka T-bone’s “antifreeze”), here is a medscape article on the subject. :

3 years ago

And the vaccine changes your genomes?

I’ve read through the affidavit twice and haven’t found this nugget.
The doctor did use the word “genome” i this statement:
“d) Due to the Spike protein production that is engineered into the user’s genome”

This is an actual description of how the mRNA vaccination works. This is the mechanism of action.

3 years ago

I don’t even argue this stupid shìt and neither should any of you.

I am against the vaccine for me because:

1. It is an experimental procedure until enough data is collected for it not to be an experimental procedure… which is minimum one year from now… assuming the released data is trustworthy.

2. My demographic has a higher risk of a known side effect of the vaccine than dying of covid… and who knows about unknown side effects.

3. I don’t buy watches from Fast Eddie, I don’t buy timeshares from GlenGollumGlenRoss, and I don’t trust high pressure salesmen. The covid vaccine has been marketed like a used car… exaggeration, misdirection, and never a straight story. No thanks.

4. The constantly evolving narrative is either intentional lies or horrible incompetence… and neither option makes an attractive sales pitch for what they are pushing.



Why argue?

The people who have taken it have made an irreversible commitment. Do you think they are going to say “You are right and I am wrong”?

Their weiners can be turning black and dropping off and they will defend the vax until they die… and blame the unvaxxed as they gasp their final breaths.

The people who are on the fence?

Fùck them.

If they aren’t sure by now, they are better off taking the vaccine. If nothing happens, fine. If they die a horrible death, fine too. Not my problem. They made a choice.

If anyone asks, I just lie. Fùck yeah, both jabs of Pfizer! Seig Heil! They smile and it is over.

Who gives a fùck what sub-humans think?

3 years ago

In CH, there is truth.

3 years ago

One (of several) interesting thing in the affidavit I did not know…
The GAO recommended in their survey of Guard and Reserve Pilots and Aircrew GAO-02-445, back in 2002, that the Secretary of Defense establish an active surveillance program to identify and monitor adverse events.
This was never implimented.
So when they were discussing anthrax side effects there was no real program to monitor the results anyway…which kinda illuminates why there (ostensibly) were no problems/significant side effects found.

3 years ago

I mean the anthrax vaccine, above. Not actual anthrax.

3 years ago

The underground has been reporting that no more than 30% of the US population is actually fully vaccinated.

While the public facing propaganda insists we’re pushing upwards of 70%.

So the actual figure makes sense in light of Joe Biden’s agitation and loss of patience.

Why do I bring this up? Check the front page of Bloomberg dot com and scroll down to the “In Case You Missed It” segment which shows 82.6 million doses have been administered in the US (which is 25%).

They accidentally let the truth out.

3 years ago

Gargggh. It’s (2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide. Not polyethylene glycol. It’s a fat liquid. Not fucking antifreeze!!!! Which is Ethylene glycol. We get PEG from Ethylene glycol yes, but this is literally an entirely different substance altogether. Also, she is aware we give PEG for bowel prep right ? This is basic fail in chemistry and medicine.

The actual medical portions are just as bad. Survival rate 99.997 is wrong, we working on 1% for fucking delta had a 0.3% death rate. Pilots are NOT better than kids. That’s ignoring just why we using vaccines to protect force structure and deployment, since you know, the USN was forced to take out two carriers from deployment in the Pacific last year and the US military censored Covid infections so that enemies won’t know which units/bases has been crippled by Covid last year.

NOW. This lipid, in particular the polyethylene glycol portion is probably what responsible for the allergic reaction portion but then, serious allergic reactions are literally 4-6 per million. Also check the vanilla in your kitchen cabinet.

This was written by Patrick Byrne;

3 years ago

Well, CH is right. There is no real argument here.

Mcgeehee: here is an article describing vaccine side effects.

Painchip2: here is a bunch of non sequitor scatology in the form of an opinionated raving.

Liz: here is a link from a respected medical source that discusses science.

Fiddlestix: here is more non sequitor scatology, conflating things one drinks and things injected into the bloodstream followed by a link from a scatological site talking about Trump and Russia.

3 years ago

Thanks for the response, fiddlestix. Not sure the relevance of citing Byrne? Must’ve missed it.

I don’t usually like using the military times as a reference, but data is kinda hard to find so:

“So far, the military has reported 34 deaths from COVID-19, for a 0.01 percent death rate. While it’s still far lower than the overall U.S. rate of 1.7 percent, that rate is 25 times higher than it was last year.
By contrast, for much of 2020, the general rate stayed around 3 percent, while in the military, it was 0.0004 percent. So while the mortality rate has dropped for the average U.S. resident, it has grown precipitously for service members.”

Death rate has “grown precipitously” for military members. From a .0004 percent to .01 percent “25 times more” than last year. But still really really low. Nowhere near one percent.

3 years ago

Queue up “But Trump . “

3 years ago

Just to add:
kids had a 0.3% death rate. Pilots are NOT better than kids.

If we knew the exact number of children infected, I’m sure you’re right. But we don’t. We only know the cases that come to the attention of medical providers…which would typically be the ones with symptoms. And the children with symptoms would (typically) have other issues. The death rate is probably far lower than even .3 percent. Or .0004 percent for that matter.

3 years ago

Arguing about covid statistics is almost meaningless.

Basing any argument on Look at How Many People Died is for fools.

Many of the statistics are outright lies. Statistical reporting is designed to be inflated due to perverse incentives.

Hospitals, never known for billing honesty or thrift, are paid to report a covid death. So everyone is a covid death. Who knows how many people died “of” covid or “with” covid or were tested until they got a false positive or the box was simply checked through outright fraud.

Circumstantial evidence, such as comparing deaths in countries with more trustworthy numbers, indicate America’s covid death reporting is highly inflated.

In the end, anyone making any argument based on America’s published covid death statistics is wrong before they start.

The only place without inflated statistics might be nursing homes which account for something like 40% of deaths due to the baffling policy of sending infected people to live with the most vulnerable demographic. At least in New York, this appears to have been underreported. The media is oddly incurious about this situation.

On a macroeconomic level, it was good for pensions, Social Security, and other social spending.

Now if we could let Ebola get a foothold in the Projects, we would be one step closer to balancing the budget.

Many other statistics are intentionally muddled or incomplete so no useful conclusions can be made and the official narrative can’t be disproven.

Every now and then, something conclusive can be worked out… which doesn’t conclude what They want everything to conclude… so suddenly We No Longer Track That.

In the end, how many people do you know who have had covid? How many people died?

For me, I know fewer than 40 people who have had covid, one went to the hospital (300 pounds of chainsmoking alcoholism), nobody died, and one person killed by vaccine-induced heart inflammation. I know second-hand of two people who died in accidents who were coded as covid deaths and one woman who lost her baby after getting vaccinated.

This is not a scientific study… but it starts to be once everyone shares their personal experience. Oddly, everyone I talk to has a similar story… except the hard lefties who have told me of all their friend’s children dying… blah blah blah.

(In one case, I was able to actually look up the specifics of what they claimed and… no dead children. I presented the facts in a public setting and they no longer talk to me… good riddance… a new tool to get rid of chronic fùcktards.)

Anyway… when useful statistics do leak out, because it is an impossible task to coordinate all the lies to prop up the narrative, they really don’t support what the public is supposed to believe.

The vaccines are not really Safe and Effective at the level claimed.

Anybody who argues otherwise is talking out their àss.

3 years ago

I know nearly 80 people who have had covid. Four went to hospital. No one died.


Korean Person
Korean Person
3 years ago

Painchip2: here is a bunch of non sequitor scatology in the form of an opinionated raving.

An exact description of a mentally delusional Dear Comrade Setnaffova induced by his cancer drugs.

Dear Comrade Setnaffova continues on with his opiniated anti-vaccine scandemic ravings despite all the facts on the Internet.

Even when the facts are presented to him, he denies the existence of the facts and calls them lies and fake news. He only wants to see what he wants to see.

It’s as tbone says he is so desperate to prove that he is right and bring Trump back that he will resort to the spreading of lies and misinformation and denial of facts.

While we are on the subject of Dear Comrade Setnaffova, since I want to show that I myself, unlike Dear Comrade Setnaffova, is willing to accept facts, maybe he can do all of us a favor and post a short video of himself in Texas on Youtube so that we can all see that he is not a Russian bot as he claims.

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 years ago

While you are at it, maybe you can make another video showing that the poultry, the female, and the Scotsman aren’t you.

3 years ago

Korean Person, you are the only one who ever brings up Trump.

There is plenty of evidence the vaccines don’t work as previously promised or currently claimed. There is some evidence they are potentially dangerous for some people. There are a lot of aspects that are suspicious simply because the truth is being lied about or intentionally hidden. It is reasonable to assume that isn’t being done to conceal good news that fits the narrative… which any questioning of leads to cancelation… an historic habit of charlatans rather than scientists.

Blah blah blah.

Try this:

3 years ago

“the poultry, the female, and the Scotsman”

I haven’t heard that one; but I did hear one about someone in Scotland:

A North Korean ex-pat was giving a walking tour to “Kitchen Police” through the hills of Scotland. They came across a sheep that had its head stuck in a hole in a fence.

[The rest was withheld, as GI might not be that patient with that brand of humor.]

3 years ago

CH: Trump is on the minds of all of the Pedo Puddong Pants supporters (JH, TT, KP, occasionally KM, etc.) these days. They want to turn the conversation about the multiple abject failures of their attempts at central planning. But they fail to understand that we laugh at the guy with good hair as well as the guy who commits p3do acts on national TV.

Anything to wash the taste out of their mouths about Kamala, Afghanistan, the border, the racist vaccine passports, the failure to even keep Democrat’s Congressional majority together, racist interruptions of foreign leaders, more p3do stuff on TV, more revelations about Hunter, mask vs no mask, wandering through the White House garden instead of up the steps, and the list goes on!

News flash: Trump is not the President…

3 years ago

So “the poultry, the female, and the Scotsman” walk into a gay bar.

The bartender said, “No birds.”

So the Scotsman got rid of the woman and played with his côck.

* sorry… best I could do on short notice

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 years ago

Some takeaways from Dear Comrade Setnaffova’s and his alter sidekick’s comments.

1. Ignorance

A quick search on the Internet will show that ‘Mcghee’ is a major Scottish clan. Since Setnaffova does not know this and do not understand, it is not surprising that an attempt to make a joke out of this fell flat.

2. Et tu Brutus?

The Trump supporter has disavowed himself his Messiah. What gives I say? Well one of its arguments for being an anti-vaxxer is that the vaccine was “developed too fast”.

Under whose administration was Operation Warp Speed executed in order to quickly produce vaccines to fight the virus.

Trump’s of course! And not only did Trump get vaccinated, now he’s telling his supporters to get vaccinated.

So for Dear Comrade Setnaffova, since he’s scared and don’t want to get vaccinated and Trump contradicts what he believes, what better way than to jettison him so that he can pursue his own selfish ideals.

3. Hypocrisy

In another discussion, Dear Comrade Setnaffova went on and on to KM about posting a video on Youtube saying that “it is not difficult”.

If it is not so difficult then why does he not post a video that will help prove that I am wrong?

Well maybe that is not that easy and Setnaffova knows this.

Such hypocrisy!

3 years ago

“I know nearly 80 people who have had covid. Four went to hospital. No one died.


Yeah, and one of those people must’ve been the ex-president. And why didn’t he die, given that his health condition is a complete joke? Well, because he got the best military medical care in the world.

BTW, have you ever heard of confirmation bias, or even statistics?

3 years ago

So you make fun of Trump’s health as high risk and then question why he didn’t die?

The answer is that even in his demographic, his chances of dying was very low.

I guess you can say he got special treatment that average Americans can’t get. Joe Biden is rationing that treatment. So you are right there.

But who cares. Vaxxed people don’t need it and you don’t care about the unvaxxed.

Move along, boy. Nothing for you here.

3 years ago

JH, unlike yourself, I don’t travel in such exalted circles. Unlike yourself, I’ve never been in the same room with #OrangeManBad or any other billionaire. All my friends and family are members of the proletariat, though our politics might get us tagged as kulaks, even without the wealth.

Almost everyone I know who had (diagnosed) and recovered from Wuhan Lung Pox are people in North Central Texas, mostly associated with the local Korean community (there were a few retired Army, Chinese, and Vietnamese as well). There were an additional half dozen (the family of a friend from high school) in Eastern Washington. One of my cow-orkers from Chicago is currently receiving medical care at home due to the Chinese Sinus Blight.

BONUS: Here’s a Pfizer scientist on Projec Veritas telling the truth accidentally:

3 years ago

1. Ignorance

A quick search on the Internet will show that ‘Mcghee’ is a major Scottish clan. Since Setnaffova does not know this and do not understand, it is not surprising that an attempt to make a joke out of this fell flat.

Mcghee Mcgeehee You’ll need to learn to spell better.

3 years ago

Trump didn’t just “not die” he was pretty much recovered after two days.
He also got the vaccine, and was the person behind “warp speed” which produced the vaccine quickly. But he does not support forced vaccination.
So people who don’t trust the vaccine are disagreeing with Trump.
And those who trust the vaccine are agreeing with him.
We are viewing the cognitive dissonance that produces in this very thread.

3 years ago

In my case, I only trust my doctor at MD Anderson (who told me to wait). They completely know my current health, medical history, and the risks associated with the vaccine. Everyone should seek medical advice they trust before taking or not taking any medicine. Not advice from politicians or interweb pundits.

Regardless of whether KP got his head stuck in a fence.

3 years ago

I’m not talking about you, Setnaffa.
But yes, there are some disqualifying conditions that the mandatory vaccination crowd willfully ignore.
SWA just announced the federal government is requiring it for airline people, so they have no choice. The Union is still trying to contest it.
At the very least, with the information we have available on side effects now any reasonable risk management assessment should include disqualifying conditions, antibody titer (from prior infection), and so forth. But these aren’t reasonable people and they aren’t really concerned about public health or safety.

3 years ago

I haven’t heard anyone correctly use “titer” for many years. Not since I was fumbling around like Beaker with lab glassware… Thanks!!

And yes, the goose-steppers just want us all on our knees begging for a handful of millet from our local government political officer… with no other source of help…

(No funny video about that, tho’…)

3 years ago

Whether or not you get the jab, a good mask will help protect you.

3 years ago

The cheap Chinese face diapers stop the spittle and catch the drool; but the weave in the paper–not counting the gaps around the verge–are 17 larger than COVID-19 aerosol particles.

Then there’s the face-touching everyone wearing a paper or cloth mask does.

Did I mention that your eyes are also a valid infection vector? Nice, wet, conne ted to mouth and thus the breathing pipes via the tear ducts.

Sure. Wear your NBC gear 7×24. You’re still going to be exposed to Winnie’s Pox. And, as long as you live in an area with actualnmedical doctors instead of political hacks LARPing in scrubs, you’ll be fine.

Save your worries for what the Democrats and Republicans are going to do to your retirement savings, stock portfolios, real estate investments, and even regular checking and savings accounts.

That’s a far more serious threat than the Sino Sniffles. Unless you actually did get the jab and developed an autoimmune disorder from the mRNA.

Pleasant dreams!

3 years ago

If They thought masks worked:

– cloth masks wouldn’t count as masks

– masks that were not properly sealed wouldn’t count as masks

– discarded masks filled with filtered-out corona would be treated as medical waste rather than litter

– the rich, famous, powerful, and connected would wear them even when the camera wasn’t looking

No… the only purposes of the mask is to remind you there is a “pandemic” and to ensure noncomplyers are easily identifiable.

…and perhaps to help Antifa and BLM remain a bit more anonymous.

3 years ago

I may have warned about this in a previous post…

For at least six months, the underground has been warning this would come: Pets, mice, vermin, birds, etc. carrying and transmitting this benign virus. It will become yet another propaganda tool to expand testing, restrictions, masking (see below), vaccinations, and who knows what else.

Anything to keep it going. The sky’s the limit.

3 years ago

From Mcgeehee’s link: “If an animal tests positive, it will be placed under a 14-day mandatory quarantine under the care of a family member who has not contracted the virus.”

They really do want to spread the fear. Don’t give in. And don’t give in to hate, either.

2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV) reminds us “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

If you want that, all you have to do is ask God, “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” (Romans 10:9-10)

3 years ago

If you’re a fan of Awaken with JP, this one is KILLAH!

“Put a lifejacket on”

3 years ago

As you get ready for Thanksgiving, be sure to read this. Very funny. Seriously, read the whole thing. CH has definite competition.

3 years ago

This, especially the first one, was why SAC was the way it was. And why, I guess, various US Presidents made treaties with USSR/Russia limiting nukes. But China is not part of those treaties. And yet they bind the US from effective countermeasures against Chinese ICBMs with what would be for us treaty-busting 10 MIRVs each. Mind you, I wouldn’t want to work around those missiles if they’re maintained like the building in China.

First Strike (Part 1)
First Strike (Part 2)
First Strike (Part 3)

Have a great weekend!!

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