Ruling Party Presidential Candidate Promises to Pursue Universal Basic Income Plan in South Korea

The ruling party’s candidate for President Lee Jae-myung is doing what left wing politicians always do, promise spend a lot of money:

Gyeonggi Gov. Lee Jae-myung, named presidential candidate of the ruling Democratic Party Sunday, vowed to adopt universal basic income if elected, claiming that he would turn South Korea into the world’s first nation offering the subsidy package, even to the wealthy.

In his acceptance speech on Sunday, Lee highlighted his “basic agenda package,” which is expected to be the backbone of his economy policy if elected president. The package consists of a universal basic income plan, a basic housing program and a basic loan scheme, but has immediately sparked divided responses from onlookers for its impact on the economy and lack of resources.

The universal basic income scheme, under Lee, would provide all Korean citizens annual cash subsidies of at least 250,000 won ($209.16) from 2023. Koreans aged between 19 to 29 would start receiving an annual 1.25 million won each from 2023. 

Lee plans to ultimately raise the bottom line to 1 million won within his years in office. 

Korea Herald

You can read more at the link, but I wouldn’t mind these heavy spending proposals so much if these politicians would be honest and also explain what taxes would be raised to pay for it.

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Korean Guy
Korean Guy
3 years ago

He’s going to win the next presidential election, boys.

3 years ago

Lenin promised the farmers free land if they joined his revolution. In 1917, he started demonizing the wealthy ones. In 1929, Stalin kicked it up another notch:

The Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party formalized the decision in a resolution titled “On measures for the elimination of kulak households in districts of comprehensive collectivization” on 30 January 1930. All kulaks were assigned to one of three categories:

1. Those to be shot or imprisoned as decided by the local secret political police
2. Those to be sent to Siberia, the North, the Urals or Kazakhstan, after confiscation of their property
3. Those to be evicted from their houses and used in labor colonies within their own districts

Wikipedia also notes “Hunger, disease, and mass executions during dekulakization led to at least 530,000 to 600,000 deaths from 1929 to 1933, though higher estimates also exist, British historian Robert Conquest estimating in 1986 that 5 million people may have died.”

Of course, such a thing could never happen in South Korea. Of course not. It’s unthinkable.

3 years ago

Conversation with an Officer in front of a Military Base in South Korea

“Nice apartment.”

“Yeah it is only 450 a month.”

“That’s it? Something like this usually goes closer to 600.”

“Yeah, it’s a good deal. The military pays the other 3 million so that’s all I have to come up with out of my pocket.”

And that, boys and girls, it what happens when you inject “free money” into a system… be it university prices, the stock market, or the price of necessities as the big corporations vacuum up this free money with zero added value to the consumer…

…who says, “I can’t believe prices these days. Good thing I get that government money so it doesn’t cost me that much more.”

People think all this basic allowance stuff is the dreams of communists… but it is really the dreams of corporatists looting the governments. The communists are just tools.

3 years ago

Communism as implemented is just polished corporatism. With a few jack-booted thugs to encourage compliance.

3 years ago

All the Parasite people can get a free living too.

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