Teenage me would be shocked hearing this, but if South Korean movies and TV shows keep doing what they've been doing for the past few years, I think I'm done with Hollywood. I don't need yet another superhero movie. I want compelling character-driven stories.
Given how LGBTXYZ+ most filmmakers seem to be, or else in bed with Uighur-slaving Beijing, I agree with Mr. Lee. Korean film are much better than Hollywood right now.
3 years ago
Is it possible Squid Games has been popular because it tells a story that isn’t constructed around new ways of pushing ideas like homosexuals and transsexuals are superior to nasty straight people or black people would create a global utopia if they weren’t oppressed by evil whites?
Given how LGBTXYZ+ most filmmakers seem to be, or else in bed with Uighur-slaving Beijing, I agree with Mr. Lee. Korean film are much better than Hollywood right now.
Is it possible Squid Games has been popular because it tells a story that isn’t constructed around new ways of pushing ideas like homosexuals and transsexuals are superior to nasty straight people or black people would create a global utopia if they weren’t oppressed by evil whites?