South Korea Begins “Living with COVID” Strategy Which Includes Recognizing U.S. Vaccinations

So it begins:

More than 75% of South Koreans felt a new social-distancing policy was needed due to vaccinations and decreased COVID-19 cases, according to a recent survey from Seoul National University. (Pexels)

South Korea loosened its COVID-19 social distancing measures Monday following “public fatigue” from the prolonged pandemic response and the increased number of vaccinations. The government’s plan, according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, is to ease restrictions over three steps, each lasting four weeks, followed by a two-week evaluation period. Each step will introduce new business hours, curfews and limits to public gatherings.

Public businesses in metropolitan areas have been typically open until 10 p.m. during the pandemic. Under the plan announced Monday, restaurants and cafes are allowed open for their normal business hours. Time restrictions and music bans at gyms and bathhouses were also lifted.

The Health and Welfare ministry described its step-by-step plan as “the roadmap for gradual return to normal,” with the goal of becoming “the better Korea.” (………)

U.S. Forces Korea, the military command responsible for roughly 28,500 troops on the peninsula, announced last month that the South Korean government would recognize proof-of-vaccination cards issued for U.S. service members.

Stars & Stripes

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3 years ago

Play commie games, win commie prizes.

I hope South Korean voters are given a candidate to vote for who doesn’t plan to keep them in chains over a disease that kills fewer people than car accidents in Seoul.

Last edited 3 years ago by setnaffa
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