Takes a lot to have a real soldier burn his unit’s colors. They must have been convinced no one would make it out. Brave men.
3 years ago
Setnaffa, Read the book “East of Chosin” and if I remember correctly, on the east side of the reservior, about 600 or 800 out of 3,000 survived. Near the end of the battle as the regiment tried to breakout and the convoy with wounded was halted, US planes shot up the convoy so no prisoners could be taken. One of the most brutal battles ever.
Takes a lot to have a real soldier burn his unit’s colors. They must have been convinced no one would make it out. Brave men.
Setnaffa, Read the book “East of Chosin” and if I remember correctly, on the east side of the reservior, about 600 or 800 out of 3,000 survived. Near the end of the battle as the regiment tried to breakout and the convoy with wounded was halted, US planes shot up the convoy so no prisoners could be taken. One of the most brutal battles ever.
Thanks for the recommendation! I will look it up.