Up to 200 Marines Test Positive for COVID-19 on Okinawa Base

No word from the Marine Corps if this cluster infection is from the Omicron variant, but Japanese civilians with ties to the base did test positive for Omicron:

A third employee at Camp Hansen, a Marine Corps base on Okinawa, has tested positive for the omicron variant of the coronavirus as new cases on the installation approached 200 since Friday.

The worker, a resident of Uruma city in her 40s, was a close contact of the first positive case, though the genetic code of the virus infecting her differed from the first patient, Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki said at a press conference in Naha on Monday night.

The number of new COVID-19 cases at Camp Hansen has risen to “about 200,” up 20 from the previous day, Japan’s Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Seiji Kihara told reporters in Tokyo on Tuesday morning. Kihara said the Japanese government understands the concerns of Okinawans.

“U.S. Forces Japan is taking stricter measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” he said. “Considering the possibility of omicron variant cases, they are testing actively, tracing the close contacts, and isolating those who might be infected.”

A cluster of new cases emerged among newly arrived Marines in a rotational unit, according to Marine Corps Installations Pacific on Friday. Neither the Marines nor the Japanese government has commented publicly on whether the cluster included omicron cases. The installations command on Friday said the infected Marines had no contact with the population outside the base.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link.

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3 years ago

This doesn’t sound possible.

We are having a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated and the Marines are pretty much all vaccinated with a Safe and Effective vaccine.

Perhaps this is just a misunderstanding and they simply need more boosters.

I think more boosters is definitely the answer.

And don’t forget the kids.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

That can’t be possible. Japan has declared itself as a country with no-COVID cases. How could this happen?

3 years ago

“How could this happen?”

Filthy foreigners, obviously.

3 years ago

The so called vax is worth fuck all.

3 years ago

Korea Man, it is possible because the Marines aren’t allowed to use Ivermectin as a preventative treatment while the Japanese population is allowed and encouraged by Japanese public health officials.

3 years ago

So how many are hospitalized? How many died? how many had the sniffles? another BS stat in the ongoing Omicron hysteria.

3 years ago

Despite many cases, America has had one death associated with omicron… and that death is in question.

The vaccine has clearly had many deaths associated with it.

This means…

…wait for it…

Omicron confers better immunity and has fewer deaths than the vaccine.

Quick, boys, get the FDA on the line! We got a hot one here for approval!

3 years ago

GI, I think the kerfluffle is over whether the Chrysanthemum Crowd ditched vaccines for Ivermectin, not whether or not it’s available for doctors to prescribe. I doubt anyone is ditching the vaccines unless they have medical reasons (like me), religious reasons (don’t want to use medicines made with fetal tissue), or just bothered to read the VAERS report (before they nerfed it).

Unlike areas in the USA where Democrats actually seem to want to kill off the old, the weak, and political dissenters (Looking at you, New York!), Japanese doctors actually seem to follow the Hippocratic Oath.

3 years ago

GI supporting big pharma again. I didn’t say the Japanese government was providing Ivermectin….one of those “fact checker” weasel word positions. Japanese health officials have supported and urged the use ivermectin. “Now is the time to use ivermectin,” said Haruo Ozaki, chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association. https://verumetinventa.wordpress.com/2021/08/26/japan-moderna-vax-is-out-ivermectin-treatment-is-in/

3 years ago

GI, Did you ask Forbes how much it has invested in big Pharma?

3 years ago

Shame on you, Flyingsword.

Big Pharma has no investments in Forbes. Don’t spread that kind of misinformation.

They are 51% owned by the Chinese via a Hong Kong company which has, oddly enough, raised questions about the strange lack of critical reporting on critical things about China.

Next you will be saying the Chinese are crafty and intrusive and might intentionally misrepresent anything which could benefit America or its allies to sew seeds of doubt, division, and confusion.

3 years ago

And here it is:

WHO Says COVID Boosters Will Likely Prolong The Pandemic

What happens when Dr. Anthony Fauci and the World Health Organization (WHO) disagree about vaccines? Maybe it’s a sign we can get back to legitimate scientific debate.

During a news briefing, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, “Blanket booster programs are likely to prolong the pandemic, rather than ending it, by diverting supply to countries that already have high levels of vaccination coverage, giving the virus more opportunity to spread and mutate.” He appeared to agree with dissident doctors and censored scientists when he said, “No country can boost its way out of the pandemic.”


3 years ago

Can you show millions of people aren’t?

3 years ago

Also, you know all articles saying anything supportive of alternative treatments are actively suppressed and deleted. Also, vax freaks only keep citing Dr. Fraudci….. https://freewestmedia.com/2021/11/03/japan-sees-huge-drop-in-cases-after-it-switches-to-ivermectin/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/update-likely-reason-japans-covid-numbers-way-since-september-started-using-ivermectin-time/

3 years ago

Flyingsword… GI is right… the burden of proof is on you to show Ivermectin is in wide use in Japan.

Of course I quickly looked into this to see if that proof existed.

Here is what I found…

Google is returning results that are so perfectly crafted, they likely had human intervention.

Only articles that support the official narrative that “No, their is no word in Japanese for Ivermectin” return on search results. There is NO other story… which is… impossible.

Google “Nazi UFO Bases at South Pole” and you will get two sides of the story. Google “Ivermectin Use in Japan” and you don’t even get links to the original claims… just the rebuttals.

This is very odd. It is truly not clear if Japan is using it or not… but the Ministry of Propaganda and Indoctrination want you to believe they don’t.

…which makes me curious.

3 years ago


So I put a bit more effort than usual… and… everything is odd.

I cannot say Japan is using ivermectin… but I can’t say they aren’t. Everything is anti-ivermectin propaganda.

There is an information hole… on a scale which is rare.

Now I didn’t deep dive… just the first few pages of Google with various keywords and subtraction of keywords to filter out the propaganda (which is coordinated so it is very cut&paste).

Here are a few things I learned though:

– india barely exports any ivermectin to Japan… only a (relatively) small amount of dermatological products.

– information on domestic production or importation or prescription or sales figures of ivermectin in japan is oddly lacking

– Singapore buys sub-Saharan Africa quantities of ivermectin from india… they are in the worm zone… but… there aren’t that many worms… and there isn’t that much livestock. They are up to something.

– of course ivermectin works to fight covid. They have known that it has effective antiviral properties for a long time. Nobody suggested ivermectin because of rolling dice. There are decades of studies showing that it has a positive effect as well as the known reason for it.

– Treating birdseed with ivermectin reduces West Nile virus spread.

3 years ago

By the way… the above diagram (obviously) from 1993 is the way Ivermectin stops coronavirus.

It is a “known alpha beta inhibitor”… whatever that is.

I don’t know now… but I will know a lot more about this in 24 hours.

Whatever the case, we are being lied to by the media without any doubt.

…so it becomes easy belive Ivermectin (which is a VERY safe and well-known drug) has a positive effect.

This doesn’t answer our Japan question… but it answers some other questions.

One more thing about Japan:

– it does not appear in any way that there is official endorsement of Ivermectin… quite the opposite

– the society that recommended it is not a government entity and has no legal power… as the media reminds us over and over… but they seem to have GREAT influence over doctors… which they lying media neglects to mention.

– it is quite easy to imagine that the Japanese government, to satisfy the global scolds, speaks out against Ivermectin but (unlike Australia, etc.) turns a blind eye to doctors who follow association recommendations and prescribe it off-label.

– this could be confirmed by finding Ivermectin prescription, consumption, sales, production, importation, etc, numbers… but… a simple search found an information black hole… which is odd.

3 years ago

GI Korea,

Don’t bother trying to talk reason with the resident tinfoil knuckleheads. Especially the fowl, he’s been spreading misinformation for more than 20 years.
These guys find one lunatic fringe YouTube video which bolsters their narrative and they’re off to the races, frothing at the mouth.

Merry Christmas, and wear your masks when in public.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tbonety1r_lives
3 years ago

Poor T-bone.

He complied with everything they asked.

He wears his mask (even in winter when you can clearly see fog blowing through the cloth… or any time when you can hit a cigarette and blow massive smoke particles right through the mask).

He went into seclusion for two weeks to Flatten the Curve.

He got Safe and Effective Two Shots and Back to Normal.

He found out he could still get covid.

He accepted that the vaccine wouldn’t stop you from getting covid but it would save grandma.

He found out it wasn’t a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated which destroyed any moral high ground.

He accepted that the vaccine wouldn’t save grandma but it would make symptoms less.

He suffered all sorts of social indignities.

He got his b̶o̶o̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ Third Shot without wondering if the first two lost effectiveness in 3 to 6 months, what will the third shot do? And what is the plan after that?

He ignored how omicron seems to target the vaccinated with a higher case percent than vaccinated percent.

He sees imaginary YouTube videos.

Meanwhile, a Russian retard is getting shocked in the nutz again…

…maybe twice…

…as extra punishment for extra stupid.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Because I don’t know when to leave well enough alone, may I ask if there’s any correlation between people wearing standard-issue reflective belts and COVID cases?

Do the reflective belts block the infection?

I now know more than 100 people who have been said to have Wuhan Lung AIDS and recovered. Still only 4 were hospitalized.

Annecdotal evidence to be sure; but folks who are under 80, not morbidly obese, and have healthy kidneys, lungs, hearts, and livers apparently have very little to fear from incompetent germ warfare.

3 years ago

This must be one of those conspiracies that was locked on too: https://tnc.news/2021/10/14/vaccine-passports-were-a-conspiracy-theory-now-theyre-the-new-normal/

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