Regardless, may the love of God, as shown by the gift of His Son 2000 years ago to save us from our sin, fill your hearts, minds, and lives this weekend and onward. And may you and yours be blessed beyond your wildest hopes.
3 years ago
I am having a vacation.
Why am I having a vacation?
Because the people who need to finish their job before I do mine all have covid.
They are all vaccinated.
“Wait. Everyone is vaccinated yet everyone has covid?”
* pin drops *
* shutter slaps in the wind *
* tumbleweed clacks across the street *
You can hear wheels turn. Don’t know if they go anywhere. Probably not. The dots are practically touching but most people can’t connect them.
Now, to do their job, this group had to interact with another group.
It has been one week. I get another week. If they infected the other group, I might get almost two more weeks out of this.
Of course I fully expect to catch omicron at some point. I would prefer to power through it and keep working, as it is very mild for my demographic. But another two week vacation, even if it is reading books, writing software, and playing video games in isolation isn’t the end of my world.
Two Shots and Back to Normal is a product of the incompetent who thought it was Safe and Effective but they were wrong… or it is a product of liars with bad intentions who know it is not Safe and Effective and they are right.
Which do you want to believe?
3 years ago
“With Omicron, it may be harder to tell if you have Covid, the common cold or flu” (i.e., feel free to panic at the least sign of a headcold.
They won’t stop trying to step on our necks until we stop complying. In large enough numbers that they start remembering the fate of Nicolae Ceaușescu. And what General Lemay said about the Japanese, “If you kill enough of them, they’ll stop fighting.”
In our case, we need to do what our trusted medical people tell us, wash our hands regularly, and stop panicking.
And stop obeying illegal directives, as each of us feels comfortable.
God will handle removing the irritants. We don’t need to lift a finger in that direction. King Herod, the guy who ordered the murder of children in Bethlehem, died of gangrene of the dangley bits. Nothing a human could have done would have been worse than that.
3 years ago
Jesus Christ was born about 2000 years ago in a little town in Judea so that you and I could have a chance to avoid the just punishment for our rebellion against God.
And all we have to “do” to receive this gift is believe that God sent Him.
God himself promised to change us to be fit for heaven.
Read the Bible and prove it to yourself. John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, Romans 8:1, Romans 10:13. You can find the verses online at Biblegateway(dot)com.
Won’t you accept the original Christmas present and believe Him today?
Last edited 3 years ago by setnaffa
Korean Man
3 years ago
Are Baptists, Pentecostals, Methodists, and any Southern US Protestastant movements.. all cults that are detrimental to societies?
Dear Comrade Setnaffova and his fellow fake news spreaders and anti-vaxxers are so obsessed with proving that the vaccines supposedly do not work that they are conveniently overlooking the fact that;
Vaccines are not 100% effective nor were they designed to be(people realize this)
Vaccines are not cures. What they do is create antibodies so that your body can fight the virus. Which means the virus will enter your body, and depending on the situation, your body can kill it before it does any damage or kill it before it does any further damage.
Considering the above, people getting sick from Covid after getting all their shots, is not surprising and not the ‘Wow!’ or ‘ I told you so’ news that Setnaffova and his compatriots are thirsting for.
The important point after getting infected despite receiving all their shots is whether that person ended up in the hospital with severe life threatening symptoms or had cold like symptoms that went away. The second fact is the one that Setnaffova and his minions are conveniently ignoring.
Viruses evolve. As such vaccines also need to evolve, which leads to additional shots. Unfortunately this virus is evolving really fast, resulting in virus manufactures playing catchup.
3 years ago
Please stop spreading these lies and propaganda. The vaccine is Safe and Effective. People MUST have the right to have the vaccine and as many boosters as they want. Parents MUST have the right to get vaxxes and booster and more boosters for their young children. This makes their entire genetic line Safe and Effective which is a benefit for mankind.
Korean Person…
“Vaccines are not 100% effective nor were they designed to be(people realize this)”
Boy are you going to be disappointed with the video compilations of EVERYONE saying “One and Done” and “Two Shots and Back to Normal” about a year ago.
A better thing for you to say is “people realize this NOW”.
Even better… “People getting vaccines and boosters and scheduling the 4th shot and accepting the every 3 to 6 month booster realize this now. The people pushing the vaccines always knew this or they didn’t… which is either criminal fraud or criminal incompetence.”
But you are absolutely right. Five or six times the number of soccer stars dying on the field this year compared to the second worst year ever is coincidence or anti-vax propaganda that doesn’t even require an investigation.
Do don’t listen to those tinfoil hat abtivaxxers.
I encourage you to ignore them and get fully injected and boosted. Three months is just a guideline so don’t be afraid to do it every two months.
How about your kids. Are they Safe and Effective yet? Don’t put them at risk and don’t let the cheap-ass government skimp you on Protection with their cheap-skate shot schedule. Be sure your kids get their monthly booster. You owe it to your children.
Good luck in our fight against the anti-science anti-vaxxers. We will be able to rub the science in their smug little faces when it gets released in 55 years.
3 years ago
I now see the light and agree completely with CH.
All who want the vaccines must have them. As often as they want them.
If only Colin Powell had been fully vaxxed and boosted…
“The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.”
This is an excellent slide deck by Children’s Health Defense (Robert Kennedy Jr’s organization).
Coalesces a lot of information and pulls it into focus.
Answers many pressing questions, such as:
Why/how does the Public Health Emergency continue?
Is COMIRNATY really approved?
Is there really a mandate?
Why are they so aggressive coming after the kids?
@Chickenhead, you are right about the overselling of the vaccine in the media and by government figures. I am not going to argue with you on that point. However, in my opinion most of the medical community has long said that COVID would eventually evolve into something requiring an annual shot like the flu.
Additionally the claim about the dying soccer players is fake news:
In the article itself, published on Nov. 13 (here), the writer claims 108 “professional athletes, coaches, college and youth athletes” have died since December 2020.
Reuters looked into the list of 108 names provided by Real Time News ( , page 6). It appears to be compiled using news reports of the deaths of 108 people, aged 12 – 64, worldwide.
Among the sports attributed to the names are American football, archery, athletics, badminton, ballet, baseball, basketball, body building, boxing, canoeing, cricket, cycling, field hockey, footvolley, handball, ice hockey, rugby (league and union), soccer, table tennis, tennis, volleyball and weightlifting.
A mixture of sporting levels is included which range from professional, semi-professional, amateur, retired, youth (under 15 years old), high school and college.
There are also four soccer coaches listed among the names, as well as one body building coach, one cricket teacher, one athletics trainer, a golf caddie, a marching band member and a doctor who died while out jogging.
Additionally the article states most of the deaths were heart attacks, but the writer also included car accidents and other non-heart related deaths to bolster their claim. This sounds just like the tactics used to boost the COVID death numbers in certain sectors.
@Flyingsword, the spam filter moderates any comment with more than one link. I went in and approved your prior comments.
3 years ago
“al Reuters” is hardly less biased than CNN, Buzzfeed, Vox, or The NY Times. They’re the one whose “embedded reporters” carried RPGs with al Qaeda in Iraq, and covered up for Hezbollah’s rocket attacks from Lebanon against Israel.
That said, both sides are prone to “resume inflation.”
3 years ago
GI, I have no idea about this article.
The media is constantly printing bullshit articles and temporarily embracing the crazy…
…and then making an equally big deal in deboonking it.
1. If they can push 5G nanoparticle nutjobbery as the imaginary anti-vax default position, they can draw attention away from, “Should we be giving this vaccine out to all pregnant women without any real research?”
2. A common strategy of leftist argument is to make up some crazy argument, credit it to the opposing side, successfully attack it, and declare victory.
3. The media is now to the point it simply lies. And while it is easy to expose the lie, they simply ignore the exposure and lie more. A perfect example is “Nobody promised the vaccine would stop covid. It was only supposed to flatten the curve while they prepared monthly boosters.” There is plenty of video evidence of EVERYONE saying some variation of “Two shots and back to normal.”
And now they are doing all of this with a statistic that simply cannot be hidden… dead soccer players.
When I said 5 or 6 times the number of soccer players died during a game, let me tell you how I arrived at that number. I am going to guess you can copy my methods and draw your own conclusion.
I am not interested how many 80 year old former soccer players died in a car crash and neither is anyone else except Fake News doing difficult research to compile a fake list to attack.
But there is one statistic that is easy to find, wasn’t hidden, and gives us an apples-to-apples comparison.
I went to Wikipedia and looked up how many “died on the field during a game.”
When I did this in November, there was a list for every year.
It was about 5 times the number for 2021 as it was the 2nd highest year. We lost 4 last week… so it is probably higher.
I just went to Wikipedia and the lists have been replaced with “selected list of deaths”. It is unclear who selected them, why, and how.
Of course you don’t because all you and your fellow minions read are far-right, fake-news, websites.
CNN, FOX, MBNC, Newsmax, all BS. Go to real news sites to get your info. You might be surprised. There are REAL news sites out there that report actual facts. Of course that’s not what any of you old, white, conservative guys want to hear about or read.
So fuck off and keep spouting your fake BS. No one besides the 3 other old, white losers, believe you.
Again, fuck off.
3 years ago
Wikipedia has done a bit of revisionist history to intentionally make everything less clear. The media is attacking a fake list it made up.
What we are only interested in, because it is a hard-to-manipulate statistic and it allows easy comparison, is how many association footballers died during a game of heart-related issues… not died at home (higher), not collapsed and had to retire (higher), and not some other shady number.
– there is something happening but it is just “a statistical cluster” and not a real problem… gotta watch out for those meaningless statistical clusters.
– yes it is higher in 2021 but it is completely unrelated to the vaccine. It is probably caused by the increased training schedule caused by covid disruption (whatever that means).
So… what do we know?
– not including anything else that can be argued or manipulated, a very unusually high number of footballers have had heart problems and died during a game.
– everyone is denying or outright lying about this.
What should a rational person conclude?
3 years ago
It truly is interesting how quickly paintchip drools his way into screaming vulgaries at “the cloud” and spouting nonsense about “true facts” or “secret knowledge” without links to places he(?) trusts.
And he(?) always seems so angry, in a pointedly raacist way.
Those are potentially signs of dementia, by the way. I am not qualified to diagnose such; but I would request his(?) family and friends get him a checkup with a good psychiatrist, just to make sure he(?) is okay.
If it’s just repressed anger or the like, he’ll probably get over it; but some organic diseases that masquerade as mental illnesses need to be treated quickly.
And please make sure he(?) is wearing his issue reflective belt. You never hear of people hurting themselves wearing a reflective belt.
3 years ago
T-bone old mans out and yells at the Cloud.
Impotent anger, non-clever insults, and “fuuuuck off” are clear signs there is nothing factual that can be used to counter an opposing position.
…yet so angry that people exist who don’t share his programming… and are unresponsive to magic words like the meaningless “racism” and rather racist “white loser”… that have such an effect on him.
…always a pleasure to have my complete victory confirmed via temper tantrum.
T-bone… make sure your vaccines are up to date. You want to be Safe and Effective. Hopefully you have had your Third Shot, scheduled your Booster, and penciled in your Second Booster… or is it Forth Shot and First Booster? I loose track of the current narrative.
Whatever the case, stay Safe and Effective.
3 years ago
Two airline pilots died last week of heart attacks.
Now, the long public list of dead pilots making social media is (semi) apocryphal, as it counts very old pilots who were likely to expire anyway (many flew with long dead airline companies).
But two current pilots in three days is a little unusual.
It does seem like more footballers are falling over with heart conditions during games than before. I don’t think there is much doubt about that.
Could be the vax.
There is another possibility…they might’ve had covid but didn’t know it. And it did some damage. That happened to a kid my son knows who had lung damage that wasn’t detected until his final flight physical (more comprehensive than most physicals anyone will ever get). It was disqualifying.
Or the vaccine after covid might’ve done some damage.
Or the vaccine alone might’ve done damage.
Or it is just a (very) strange coincidence.
One thing is for sure, when you see people you know falling over dead after getting a shot it is natural to be hesitant.
Joe Rogan said he had the shot scheduled, until two of his friends got strokes after. This is easily verifiable as the friends were MMA fighters.
Last edited 3 years ago by Liz
3 years ago
Think CNN has about 500k viewers left in the entire CONUS.
Really outlier to see one of them in here.
3 years ago
Liz, here is my observation on the dead pilot statistics.
These are pilots in the largest America/Canada union rather than a list of all pilots.
The In Memorandum are dead pilots that were reported by family. While most died in the year they were reported, some are delayed reports. The deaths before 2021 are not the totals for those years. They are delayed reports.
The union stated that more pilots were reported dead in 2020 and 2019 than 2021. “More” is not a number and they have neither numbers nor proof.
The most recent screenshot I could find of their In Memorandum page is 2017. Clearly many fewer pilots.
There are lots of variables here so a sweeping conclusion doesn’t seem possible. However, it is certainly something to be aware of and watch for.
@Flyingsword, the video is just more of the same using the quote from the lone Dr. Ozaki. However, in the comments here is an interesting point:
The situation in Japan has changed a lot for the better and we are grateful for it. However, I’d like to share a correction with what I think is either a misunderstanding or a mistranslation on the use of ivermectin here. I’ve seen many English people on twitter claiming that ivermectin became approved for use in Japan on August 13th. This is not the case. (1) The source article that caused this confusion, which you’ve kindly showed in your video, quotes Dr Haruo Ozaki talking about its viability for treatment. The relevant part is at the bottom of the article. In English, what he’s saying is basically “I think it’s unlikely that the drug does not work at all. I think we’re at a point now where we can ask for approval to use [ivermectin] after giving informed consent to patients. However, we do need to conduct a thorough clinical trial and study it first.” He does not state here that ivermectin is approved. The “approval”/”permission” here is not in the context of “yeah it’s okay to use as long as we ask patients” but rather “we need to ask approval of the medical regulators to use this medicine.” (2) You can confirm the status on Japan’s Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PDMA) website. If ivermectin were approved it would appear in the latest FY 2021 file here It does not at the time of this comment.
While the misunderstood approval news seems to be floating around everywhere on the English internet, there hasn’t really been any such news here, nor is ivermectin being used regularly for the treatment of COVID-19 in either Tokyo or elsewhere in Japan. That said, people are able to find sources to buy it and take it if they so wish, at their own risk.
So once again there is no evidence that the majority of the population in Japan is on Ivermectin to explain Japan’s extremely low COVID case rate. Instead the fact that Japan has a high vax rate, wears masks, good hygiene, low obesity, and does not aggressively test is the likely reason.
@Chickenhead, four soccer players dying in such a short time does seem odd, but were they all vaccinated? If so when and what vaccines? It is hard to draw conclusions without complete information. However, something people can look at is the U.S. military which is nearly 100% vaccinated and see if there is a sudden uptick in people having heart attacks. I have not seen anything showing this happening.
3 years ago
GI is correct, I haven’t gone to Japan and interviewed every individual.
In other news, from 2 months ago a German paper put together unusual sporting related sudden collapses. But no GI I have interviewed every sports player in the world yet to see if they have gotten the jab.
Game abandoned due cocardiac arrest of the referee in a gameof Lauber SV (Donauwon:h district) Al7–year-old soccer player from JSG Hoher Hagen has to be reanimated in Hannoversch Milnden during the game. The Gifhorn amateur player Marvin Schumann has to be reanimated after a cardiac arrest. An assistant referee of a Kreisliga Augsburg game in Emersacker collapses with heart problems. A district league player of the SpVgg. Oelde II has to be revived by his opponent. A player from the Birati Club Miinster collapses in a regional league game against FC Nordkirchen II. 11-year-old soccer player Dylan Rich dies of a heart attack during a game in England. The goalkeeping coach of SV Niederporing suffers a heart attackafter a training session. Lucas Surek (24) of the BFCChemie Leipzig club is out because of a suspected heart muscle disorder. Kingsley Coman (25) from FC Bayern Munich has to undergo hean:surge1yafter a cardiac arrhythmia. Trainer Dirk Splitsteser from SG Traktor Divitz collapses deadon the sidelines . Rune Coghe (18) of the Belgian club Eendrachc Hoglede (Belgium) suffers a heart attackduring a game. At the World Cup qualification match for women between Germany and Serbia in Chemnitz, an English line judge with heart problems has to be carried off the pitch. Team leader Dieanar Gladow from Thalheim (Bitterfeld) suffers a fatal heart attack before a game . The 53-year-old football coach Antonello Campus collapses while training with his youth team in Sicily. Anil Usta from VfBSchweim (Ennepetal) collapses on the field with heart problems .
Dimitri Lienard from FCStrasbourg collapses with heart problems in a Ligue1 game. Diego Ferchaud (16) from ASPTTCaen suffers cardiac arrest in a U-18 league game in Saint-Lo.
Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten (25) suffers cardiac arrest in theearly stagesof a cup game. The Belgian amateur soccer player JensDe Smet (27) from Maldegem suddenly suffers a heart attack during the game and dies a little later in hospital. A13-year-old soccer player from the Janus Nova club from Saccolongo (Italy) collapses on the field with cardiac arrest. Andrea Astolfi, the sportsdirector of Calcio Orsago (Italy), suffers a heart attackafter returning from training. He dies at the age of 45. Abou Ali (22) collapses with cardiac arrest during a two-tier game in Denmark. Fabrice N‘Sakala (31) from Besiktas Istanbulcollapses on the field without any action from the opponent and has to be taken to the hospital.
liz, claims that her husband works for SWA, which is headquartered in Dallas. Texas.
setnaffa claims that he lives in Texas.
An interesting coincidence for two identities who claim that they are not the same. 😉
3 years ago
SWA has hubs around the country. We live in Colorado.
3 years ago
I tell you, Liz, the quality of trolls the Chinese send us is really deplorable.
They really are embarrassingly thick-witted.
3 years ago
“However, something people can look at is the U.S. military which is nearly 100% vaccinated and see if there is a sudden uptick in people having heart attacks. I have not seen anything showing this happening.”
That is an excellent idea… and don’t think that wasn’t my first thought.
Strangely, the U.S. military is not posting a 10 year graph of cardiac events on the front page of Army Times.
And since the people who control those statistics have an interest in not releasing them unless they show there are zero heart attacks in the zero-defect military… well… not holding my breath.
…especially as we know the pre-covid military population had a higher rate of heart issues than the fat, out of shape civilian population…
…something nobody has “seen anything showing it is happening” even when the semi-cover up was a minor issue and not something that could start a mutiny.
No… I have no trust in the openness of the organization who brought us past hits like “We are Not Sure Gulf War Syndrome is Real” and “These Negro Soldiers Sure Will Teach Us the Effects of Mustard Gas”.
The rate of association soccer players dying is much higher than pre-vaccine… and it can’t be hidden when it happens on TV… but it is small compared to the number of players.
The same applies in the military. Nobody will really notice a 5 times increase in the rate… just some “seems like a lot of people I know died with heart problems this year” talk… and demands for statistics (that aren’t available) from the deniers.
The truth is an elusive thing…
…but it doesn’t have to be…
…which is a clue about the truth.
Korean Person
3 years ago
It is interesting to note that Dear Comrade Setnaffova’s female minion used ‘liz’ but at the last comment used ‘Liz’.
Setnaffova promptly followed up with ‘Liz’.
Considering that ‘liz’ or ‘Liz’ used small letters until now, it would have become a habit for others to call her ‘liz’ not ‘Liz’.
But during the one time she used ‘Liz’, Setnaffova also used ‘Liz’.
Which means either Setnaffova is very attentive to detail or he made up the whole conversation.
And there was no mention in my comment of liz supposedly living in Texas.
So why the jumpy reaction from Setnaffova, unless he realized that he could have slipped up?
“U.S. Forces Korea counted 467 new COVID-19 cases in the week ending Monday, the highest number of infections reported by the command since the pandemic began in March 2020.”
But USFK is 98% vaccinated. I don’t understand. How could this be?
CH, FS, et. Al., we will be on the right side of history when all this is over.
3 years ago
I hope I am on the Right Side of History…
…but you never know…
…maybe we are the baddies?
Just this one time, the Right Side of History might be with those doing medical experiments on children and pregnant women.
3 years ago
CH: “And since the people who control those statistics have an interest in not releasing them unless they show there are zero heart attacks in the zero-defect military… well… not holding my breath”.
Remember after thousands of service members experienced different types of side effects from anthrax vaccine the GAO recommended an active surveillance program. The DOD responded by dropping the mandate rather than creating an active surveillance program.
3 years ago
CH: “And since the people who control those statistics have an interest in not releasing them unless they show there are zero heart attacks in the zero-defect military… well… not holding my breath”.
Remember after thousands of service members experienced different types of side effects from anthrax vaccine the GAO recommended an active surveillance program. The DOD responded by dropping the mandate rather than creating an active surveillance program.
3 years ago
On the subject of names, here is a game anyone can play to identify their twat name:
Take your first name and replace it with Korean.
Then take your surname and replace it with Person.
On behalf of the Koreans of ROK Drop, I challenge the liberal hating, fake news spreading, and condescending setnaffa to drop all his sock puppet aliases and stand on his own.
Has he no balls or confidence in his twisted idealogy so as to rely on sockpuppets in order to create the illusion that he has a lot of followers and supporters in the ROK Drop?
Or is he mentally unstable to the point that he sees non-existing friends and talks to them?
3 years ago
GI knows who I am. And silly trolls are silly.
Korean Person
3 years ago
And silly trolls are silly.
You use troll like tactics, when someone posts a comment that you don’t agree with.
Intel also said “The final closing is expected to occur in or after March 2025, when SK hynix will acquire from Intel the remaining NAND business assets, including certain IP related to the manufacture and design of NAND flash wafers, R&D employees and the Dalian fab workforce, for US$2 billion.” (Source: Intel) So it appears as though this process will continue for a few more years.
3 years ago
Am I missing something?
Who does a business deal in the tech sector that takes 3 years to close?
Everything can change drastically quarter to quarter.
3 years ago
CH, that’s what I thought was interesting…
3 years ago
I know what is happening.
Intel knows it is going to be hard to do business in China and export to America in the not too distant future.
SK Hynix is thinking, “Only for you, Yankee Round Eye.”
Intel needs to unload the fab in a tough market… so they have to throw in the IP and leave the entire industry or risk losing the whole thing.
So Intel is going to suck it for all it is worth over the next few years until the deal closes.
If Korea can still do business when the deal closes, they are happy. If not, Intel will be, “Sorry, no refunds.”
There is a trend of American companies leaving China.
For a while there, it looked like “Three Shots and Fully Protected” was as far as it would get after “Two Shots and Back to Normal” and “One and Done”.
“Four and No More” was even giving me worry that there would not be enough Safe and Effective to go around.
Skipping Five is clever because people really are ready for “Two Shots (of three) and Back to Normal”.
Coming full circle feels right.
3 years ago
Anybody familiar with the Robert Koch Institute data showing omicron infects the vaccinated at a higher rate than the unvaccinated?
…meaning the vaccine is NEGATIVE effective. You CATCH omicron if you are vaccinated.
So somebody called me out on this. I zipped over to the website and got the original document in German and then screenshotted the information and Google translated it.
After all the talk of me spreading fake news… silence.
I gave them an out… so they can dig deeper… but there really is no out… as Denmark and the UK is having the same problem.
On the good side, it is mild with about 1 in 1000 vaxxed dying. Maybe zero for the unvacced.
On the bad side… why? A theoretical side effects of the covid vaccine is reduced general immune system.
So who knows.
But let’s make sure everyone is Safe and Effective.
3 years ago
Pandemic of the vaccinated!!!!
3 years ago
CH, to your point. Here is a March 2020 discussion by Dr. Fauci discussing how rushed vaccines could actually make people more susceptible to the virus/disease they are trying to prevent. GI, from Dr. Fauci own mouth before you question the source.
Have you been naughty or nice this year?
Regardless, may the love of God, as shown by the gift of His Son 2000 years ago to save us from our sin, fill your hearts, minds, and lives this weekend and onward. And may you and yours be blessed beyond your wildest hopes.
I am having a vacation.
Why am I having a vacation?
Because the people who need to finish their job before I do mine all have covid.
They are all vaccinated.
“Wait. Everyone is vaccinated yet everyone has covid?”
* pin drops *
* shutter slaps in the wind *
* tumbleweed clacks across the street *
You can hear wheels turn. Don’t know if they go anywhere. Probably not. The dots are practically touching but most people can’t connect them.
Now, to do their job, this group had to interact with another group.
It has been one week. I get another week. If they infected the other group, I might get almost two more weeks out of this.
Of course I fully expect to catch omicron at some point. I would prefer to power through it and keep working, as it is very mild for my demographic. But another two week vacation, even if it is reading books, writing software, and playing video games in isolation isn’t the end of my world.
Two Shots and Back to Normal is a product of the incompetent who thought it was Safe and Effective but they were wrong… or it is a product of liars with bad intentions who know it is not Safe and Effective and they are right.
Which do you want to believe?
“With Omicron, it may be harder to tell if you have Covid, the common cold or flu” (i.e., feel free to panic at the least sign of a headcold.
They won’t stop trying to step on our necks until we stop complying. In large enough numbers that they start remembering the fate of Nicolae Ceaușescu. And what General Lemay said about the Japanese, “If you kill enough of them, they’ll stop fighting.”
In our case, we need to do what our trusted medical people tell us, wash our hands regularly, and stop panicking.
And stop obeying illegal directives, as each of us feels comfortable.
God will handle removing the irritants. We don’t need to lift a finger in that direction. King Herod, the guy who ordered the murder of children in Bethlehem, died of gangrene of the dangley bits. Nothing a human could have done would have been worse than that.
Jesus Christ was born about 2000 years ago in a little town in Judea so that you and I could have a chance to avoid the just punishment for our rebellion against God.
And all we have to “do” to receive this gift is believe that God sent Him.
God himself promised to change us to be fit for heaven.
Read the Bible and prove it to yourself. John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, Romans 8:1, Romans 10:13. You can find the verses online at Biblegateway(dot)com.
Won’t you accept the original Christmas present and believe Him today?
Are Baptists, Pentecostals, Methodists, and any Southern US Protestastant movements.. all cults that are detrimental to societies?
once again the vax fails.
More footballers dropping dead from heart attack “coincidence”
3yr old dead after vax shot…heart attack. How many 3yr olds have heart attacks, but sure it is a coincidence….
And the icing on this mornings cinnamon buns….New Zealand promotes covid patients killing themselves.
Last one just spotted and this one Korea related: “On Dec. 16, in Seoul, South Korea, he received a Moderna mRNA/LNP “booster.” No clinical trials have ever been conducted to examine the safety or efficacy of mixing various types of these vaccines, and Carlos did not give informed consent, as the consent form was in Korean, a language he could not read. He joked that Omicron should “hit me with your wet snot.”” former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson wrote on his Substack. or
Dear Comrade Setnaffova and his fellow fake news spreaders and anti-vaxxers are so obsessed with proving that the vaccines supposedly do not work that they are conveniently overlooking the fact that;
Please stop spreading these lies and propaganda. The vaccine is Safe and Effective. People MUST have the right to have the vaccine and as many boosters as they want. Parents MUST have the right to get vaxxes and booster and more boosters for their young children. This makes their entire genetic line Safe and Effective which is a benefit for mankind.
Korean Person…
“Vaccines are not 100% effective nor were they designed to be(people realize this)”
Boy are you going to be disappointed with the video compilations of EVERYONE saying “One and Done” and “Two Shots and Back to Normal” about a year ago.
A better thing for you to say is “people realize this NOW”.
Even better… “People getting vaccines and boosters and scheduling the 4th shot and accepting the every 3 to 6 month booster realize this now. The people pushing the vaccines always knew this or they didn’t… which is either criminal fraud or criminal incompetence.”
But you are absolutely right. Five or six times the number of soccer stars dying on the field this year compared to the second worst year ever is coincidence or anti-vax propaganda that doesn’t even require an investigation.
Do don’t listen to those tinfoil hat abtivaxxers.
I encourage you to ignore them and get fully injected and boosted. Three months is just a guideline so don’t be afraid to do it every two months.
How about your kids. Are they Safe and Effective yet? Don’t put them at risk and don’t let the cheap-ass government skimp you on Protection with their cheap-skate shot schedule. Be sure your kids get their monthly booster. You owe it to your children.
Good luck in our fight against the anti-science anti-vaxxers. We will be able to rub the science in their smug little faces when it gets released in 55 years.
I now see the light and agree completely with CH.
All who want the vaccines must have them. As often as they want them.
If only Colin Powell had been fully vaxxed and boosted…
The Gateway Pundit. LOL
“The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.”
This is an excellent slide deck by Children’s Health Defense (Robert Kennedy Jr’s organization).
Coalesces a lot of information and pulls it into focus.
Answers many pressing questions, such as:
Why/how does the Public Health Emergency continue?
Is COMIRNATY really approved?
Is there really a mandate?
Why are they so aggressive coming after the kids?
I was pretty comfortable in thinking I knew 90% of the BS surrounding COVID, the vaccine, and mandates. But this was eye-opening.
NY Times Editor, 49, Dies One Day After Moderna Booster Shot.
(in Seoul)
Don’t put it off!!
“publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.” Just means publish news that the state controlled media doesn’t want you to see.
Speaking of, two you tube videos discussing state sponsorship of on line MISO operation (astroturfing). &
The more you know
Some only want to get their news from state controlled media sources….
Dear Comrade Setnaffova and his minions
When confronted with hard facts
Unable to mount a coherent and logical defense
Resort to sarcasm and throwing everything they have to hide the fact that their position is based on lies, hoaxes, and fake news
Which means they have nothing to counter hard facts
How pathetic.
For some reason, suddenly, it doesn’t seem my post with links go thru…. trying again:
@Chickenhead, you are right about the overselling of the vaccine in the media and by government figures. I am not going to argue with you on that point. However, in my opinion most of the medical community has long said that COVID would eventually evolve into something requiring an annual shot like the flu.
Additionally the claim about the dying soccer players is fake news:
Additionally the article states most of the deaths were heart attacks, but the writer also included car accidents and other non-heart related deaths to bolster their claim. This sounds just like the tactics used to boost the COVID death numbers in certain sectors.
@Flyingsword, the spam filter moderates any comment with more than one link. I went in and approved your prior comments.
“al Reuters” is hardly less biased than CNN, Buzzfeed, Vox, or The NY Times. They’re the one whose “embedded reporters” carried RPGs with al Qaeda in Iraq, and covered up for Hezbollah’s rocket attacks from Lebanon against Israel.
That said, both sides are prone to “resume inflation.”
GI, I have no idea about this article.
The media is constantly printing bullshit articles and temporarily embracing the crazy…
…and then making an equally big deal in deboonking it.
1. If they can push 5G nanoparticle nutjobbery as the imaginary anti-vax default position, they can draw attention away from, “Should we be giving this vaccine out to all pregnant women without any real research?”
2. A common strategy of leftist argument is to make up some crazy argument, credit it to the opposing side, successfully attack it, and declare victory.
3. The media is now to the point it simply lies. And while it is easy to expose the lie, they simply ignore the exposure and lie more. A perfect example is “Nobody promised the vaccine would stop covid. It was only supposed to flatten the curve while they prepared monthly boosters.” There is plenty of video evidence of EVERYONE saying some variation of “Two shots and back to normal.”
And now they are doing all of this with a statistic that simply cannot be hidden… dead soccer players.
When I said 5 or 6 times the number of soccer players died during a game, let me tell you how I arrived at that number. I am going to guess you can copy my methods and draw your own conclusion.
I am not interested how many 80 year old former soccer players died in a car crash and neither is anyone else except Fake News doing difficult research to compile a fake list to attack.
But there is one statistic that is easy to find, wasn’t hidden, and gives us an apples-to-apples comparison.
I went to Wikipedia and looked up how many “died on the field during a game.”
When I did this in November, there was a list for every year.
It was about 5 times the number for 2021 as it was the 2nd highest year. We lost 4 last week… so it is probably higher.
I just went to Wikipedia and the lists have been replaced with “selected list of deaths”. It is unclear who selected them, why, and how.
They still show double the number of deaths.
Something unusual is happening and everyone is simply denying anything unusual is happening. That is a bit of a red flag.
It is being active misrepresented, lied about, and covered up. That is also a bit of a red flag.
Draw your own conclusion.
“GI, I have no idea about this article.”
Of course you don’t because all you and your fellow minions read are far-right, fake-news, websites.
CNN, FOX, MBNC, Newsmax, all BS. Go to real news sites to get your info. You might be surprised. There are REAL news sites out there that report actual facts. Of course that’s not what any of you old, white, conservative guys want to hear about or read.
So fuck off and keep spouting your fake BS. No one besides the 3 other old, white losers, believe you.
Again, fuck off.
Wikipedia has done a bit of revisionist history to intentionally make everything less clear. The media is attacking a fake list it made up.
What we are only interested in, because it is a hard-to-manipulate statistic and it allows easy comparison, is how many association footballers died during a game of heart-related issues… not died at home (higher), not collapsed and had to retire (higher), and not some other shady number.
Here are the latest 4… in one week.
The evolution of the official position is:
– there is nothing happening
– there is something happening but it is just “a statistical cluster” and not a real problem… gotta watch out for those meaningless statistical clusters.
– yes it is higher in 2021 but it is completely unrelated to the vaccine. It is probably caused by the increased training schedule caused by covid disruption (whatever that means).
So… what do we know?
– not including anything else that can be argued or manipulated, a very unusually high number of footballers have had heart problems and died during a game.
– everyone is denying or outright lying about this.
What should a rational person conclude?
It truly is interesting how quickly paintchip drools his way into screaming vulgaries at “the cloud” and spouting nonsense about “true facts” or “secret knowledge” without links to places he(?) trusts.
And he(?) always seems so angry, in a pointedly raacist way.
Those are potentially signs of dementia, by the way. I am not qualified to diagnose such; but I would request his(?) family and friends get him a checkup with a good psychiatrist, just to make sure he(?) is okay.
If it’s just repressed anger or the like, he’ll probably get over it; but some organic diseases that masquerade as mental illnesses need to be treated quickly.
And please make sure he(?) is wearing his issue reflective belt. You never hear of people hurting themselves wearing a reflective belt.
T-bone old mans out and yells at the Cloud.
Impotent anger, non-clever insults, and “fuuuuck off” are clear signs there is nothing factual that can be used to counter an opposing position.
…yet so angry that people exist who don’t share his programming… and are unresponsive to magic words like the meaningless “racism” and rather racist “white loser”… that have such an effect on him.
…always a pleasure to have my complete victory confirmed via temper tantrum.
T-bone… make sure your vaccines are up to date. You want to be Safe and Effective. Hopefully you have had your Third Shot, scheduled your Booster, and penciled in your Second Booster… or is it Forth Shot and First Booster? I loose track of the current narrative.
Whatever the case, stay Safe and Effective.
Two airline pilots died last week of heart attacks.
Now, the long public list of dead pilots making social media is (semi) apocryphal, as it counts very old pilots who were likely to expire anyway (many flew with long dead airline companies).
But two current pilots in three days is a little unusual.
It does seem like more footballers are falling over with heart conditions during games than before. I don’t think there is much doubt about that.
Could be the vax.
There is another possibility…they might’ve had covid but didn’t know it. And it did some damage. That happened to a kid my son knows who had lung damage that wasn’t detected until his final flight physical (more comprehensive than most physicals anyone will ever get). It was disqualifying.
Or the vaccine after covid might’ve done some damage.
Or the vaccine alone might’ve done damage.
Or it is just a (very) strange coincidence.
One thing is for sure, when you see people you know falling over dead after getting a shot it is natural to be hesitant.
Joe Rogan said he had the shot scheduled, until two of his friends got strokes after. This is easily verifiable as the friends were MMA fighters.
Think CNN has about 500k viewers left in the entire CONUS.
Really outlier to see one of them in here.
Liz, here is my observation on the dead pilot statistics.
These are pilots in the largest America/Canada union rather than a list of all pilots.
The In Memorandum are dead pilots that were reported by family. While most died in the year they were reported, some are delayed reports. The deaths before 2021 are not the totals for those years. They are delayed reports.
The union stated that more pilots were reported dead in 2020 and 2019 than 2021. “More” is not a number and they have neither numbers nor proof.
The most recent screenshot I could find of their In Memorandum page is 2017. Clearly many fewer pilots.
There are lots of variables here so a sweeping conclusion doesn’t seem possible. However, it is certainly something to be aware of and watch for.
Here is a smart analysis of Ivermectin in Japan.
@Flyingsword, the video is just more of the same using the quote from the lone Dr. Ozaki. However, in the comments here is an interesting point:
So once again there is no evidence that the majority of the population in Japan is on Ivermectin to explain Japan’s extremely low COVID case rate. Instead the fact that Japan has a high vax rate, wears masks, good hygiene, low obesity, and does not aggressively test is the likely reason.
@Chickenhead, four soccer players dying in such a short time does seem odd, but were they all vaccinated? If so when and what vaccines? It is hard to draw conclusions without complete information. However, something people can look at is the U.S. military which is nearly 100% vaccinated and see if there is a sudden uptick in people having heart attacks. I have not seen anything showing this happening.
GI is correct, I haven’t gone to Japan and interviewed every individual.
In other news, from 2 months ago a German paper put together unusual sporting related sudden collapses. But no GI I have interviewed every sports player in the world yet to see if they have gotten the jab.
Game abandoned due cocardiac arrest of the referee in a gameof Lauber SV (Donauwon:h district)
Al7–year-old soccer player from JSG Hoher Hagen has to be reanimated in Hannoversch Milnden during the game.
The Gifhorn amateur player Marvin Schumann has to be reanimated after a cardiac arrest.
An assistant referee of a Kreisliga Augsburg game in Emersacker collapses with heart problems.
A district league player of the SpVgg. Oelde II has to be revived by his opponent.
A player from the Birati Club Miinster collapses in a regional league game against FC Nordkirchen II.
11-year-old soccer player Dylan Rich dies of a heart attack during a game in England. The goalkeeping coach of SV Niederporing suffers a heart attackafter a training session.
Lucas Surek (24) of the BFCChemie Leipzig club is out because of a suspected heart muscle disorder.
Kingsley Coman (25) from FC Bayern Munich has to undergo hean:surge1yafter a cardiac arrhythmia.
Trainer Dirk Splitsteser from SG Traktor Divitz collapses deadon the sidelines . Rune Coghe (18) of the Belgian club Eendrachc Hoglede (Belgium) suffers a heart attackduring a game.
At the World Cup qualification match for women between Germany and Serbia in Chemnitz, an English line judge with heart problems has to be carried off the pitch. Team leader Dieanar Gladow from Thalheim (Bitterfeld) suffers a fatal heart attack before a game .
The 53-year-old football coach Antonello Campus collapses while training with his youth team in Sicily.
Anil Usta from VfBSchweim (Ennepetal) collapses on the field with heart problems .
Dimitri Lienard from FCStrasbourg collapses with heart problems in a Ligue1 game. Diego Ferchaud (16) from ASPTTCaen suffers cardiac arrest in a U-18 league game in Saint-Lo.
Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten (25) suffers cardiac arrest in theearly stagesof a cup game.
The Belgian amateur soccer player JensDe Smet (27) from Maldegem suddenly suffers a heart attack during the game and dies a little later in hospital.
A13-year-old soccer player from the Janus Nova club from Saccolongo (Italy) collapses on the field with cardiac arrest.
Andrea Astolfi, the sportsdirector of Calcio Orsago (Italy), suffers a heart attackafter
returning from training. He dies at the age of 45.
Abou Ali (22) collapses with cardiac arrest during a two-tier game in Denmark. Fabrice N‘Sakala (31) from Besiktas Istanbulcollapses on the field without any action from the opponent and has to be taken to the hospital.
Original article…
liz, claims that her husband works for SWA, which is headquartered in Dallas. Texas.
setnaffa claims that he lives in Texas.
An interesting coincidence for two identities who claim that they are not the same. 😉
SWA has hubs around the country. We live in Colorado.
I tell you, Liz, the quality of trolls the Chinese send us is really deplorable.
They really are embarrassingly thick-witted.
“However, something people can look at is the U.S. military which is nearly 100% vaccinated and see if there is a sudden uptick in people having heart attacks. I have not seen anything showing this happening.”
That is an excellent idea… and don’t think that wasn’t my first thought.
Strangely, the U.S. military is not posting a 10 year graph of cardiac events on the front page of Army Times.
And since the people who control those statistics have an interest in not releasing them unless they show there are zero heart attacks in the zero-defect military… well… not holding my breath.
…especially as we know the pre-covid military population had a higher rate of heart issues than the fat, out of shape civilian population…
…something nobody has “seen anything showing it is happening” even when the semi-cover up was a minor issue and not something that could start a mutiny.
No… I have no trust in the openness of the organization who brought us past hits like “We are Not Sure Gulf War Syndrome is Real” and “These Negro Soldiers Sure Will Teach Us the Effects of Mustard Gas”.
The rate of association soccer players dying is much higher than pre-vaccine… and it can’t be hidden when it happens on TV… but it is small compared to the number of players.
The same applies in the military. Nobody will really notice a 5 times increase in the rate… just some “seems like a lot of people I know died with heart problems this year” talk… and demands for statistics (that aren’t available) from the deniers.
The truth is an elusive thing…
…but it doesn’t have to be…
…which is a clue about the truth.
It is interesting to note that Dear Comrade Setnaffova’s female minion used ‘liz’ but at the last comment used ‘Liz’.
Setnaffova promptly followed up with ‘Liz’.
Considering that ‘liz’ or ‘Liz’ used small letters until now, it would have become a habit for others to call her ‘liz’ not ‘Liz’.
But during the one time she used ‘Liz’, Setnaffova also used ‘Liz’.
Which means either Setnaffova is very attentive to detail or he made up the whole conversation.
And there was no mention in my comment of liz supposedly living in Texas.
So why the jumpy reaction from Setnaffova, unless he realized that he could have slipped up?
KP letters re-arranged = sneaker porn
What could it all mean?
“U.S. Forces Korea counted 467 new COVID-19 cases in the week ending Monday, the highest number of infections reported by the command since the pandemic began in March 2020.”
But USFK is 98% vaccinated. I don’t understand. How could this be?
CH, FS, et. Al., we will be on the right side of history when all this is over.
I hope I am on the Right Side of History…
…but you never know…
…maybe we are the baddies?
Just this one time, the Right Side of History might be with those doing medical experiments on children and pregnant women.
CH: “And since the people who control those statistics have an interest in not releasing them unless they show there are zero heart attacks in the zero-defect military… well… not holding my breath”.
Remember after thousands of service members experienced different types of side effects from anthrax vaccine the GAO recommended an active surveillance program. The DOD responded by dropping the mandate rather than creating an active surveillance program.
CH: “And since the people who control those statistics have an interest in not releasing them unless they show there are zero heart attacks in the zero-defect military… well… not holding my breath”.
Remember after thousands of service members experienced different types of side effects from anthrax vaccine the GAO recommended an active surveillance program. The DOD responded by dropping the mandate rather than creating an active surveillance program.
On the subject of names, here is a game anyone can play to identify their twat name:
Take your first name and replace it with Korean.
Then take your surname and replace it with Person.
on top of everything Joe Biden cuts troops COLA….
On behalf of the Koreans of ROK Drop, I challenge the liberal hating, fake news spreading, and condescending setnaffa to drop all his sock puppet aliases and stand on his own.
Has he no balls or confidence in his twisted idealogy so as to rely on sockpuppets in order to create the illusion that he has a lot of followers and supporters in the ROK Drop?
Or is he mentally unstable to the point that he sees non-existing friends and talks to them?
GI knows who I am. And silly trolls are silly.
And silly trolls are silly.
You use troll like tactics, when someone posts a comment that you don’t agree with.
So I guess that makes you silly too.
Video of sudden sports collapses….just coincidences
Flyingsword, stop spreading your lies!
You might discourage someone from becoming Safe and Effective.
We need all the Safe and Effective we can get…
…especially among people who can’t get enough Safe and Effective.
Just remember, everyone who dies because they are Safe and Effective raises the collective IQ of Western Civilization.
Do you really want to get in the way of that?
I didn’t think so.
That’s right. Keep on walking.
Solidigm Rises as Intel Sells SSD Business to SK Hynix
A very interesting move…
Am I missing something?
Who does a business deal in the tech sector that takes 3 years to close?
Everything can change drastically quarter to quarter.
CH, that’s what I thought was interesting…
I know what is happening.
Intel knows it is going to be hard to do business in China and export to America in the not too distant future.
SK Hynix is thinking, “Only for you, Yankee Round Eye.”
Intel needs to unload the fab in a tough market… so they have to throw in the IP and leave the entire industry or risk losing the whole thing.
So Intel is going to suck it for all it is worth over the next few years until the deal closes.
If Korea can still do business when the deal closes, they are happy. If not, Intel will be, “Sorry, no refunds.”
There is a trend of American companies leaving China.
They know what is coming.
Hope you all like 6 shots a year…GI hope you like the state approved media source….
Here is Dr. Fauci speaking (Mar 2020) on the risk of rushing a vaccine into production, apparently rushing a vaccine into use might cause people to be more susceptible to the disease :
Here is the Full interview:
Flyingsword, glad to see that.
For a while there, it looked like “Three Shots and Fully Protected” was as far as it would get after “Two Shots and Back to Normal” and “One and Done”.
“Four and No More” was even giving me worry that there would not be enough Safe and Effective to go around.
Skipping Five is clever because people really are ready for “Two Shots (of three) and Back to Normal”.
Coming full circle feels right.
Anybody familiar with the Robert Koch Institute data showing omicron infects the vaccinated at a higher rate than the unvaccinated?
…meaning the vaccine is NEGATIVE effective. You CATCH omicron if you are vaccinated.
So somebody called me out on this. I zipped over to the website and got the original document in German and then screenshotted the information and Google translated it.
After all the talk of me spreading fake news… silence.
I gave them an out… so they can dig deeper… but there really is no out… as Denmark and the UK is having the same problem.
On the good side, it is mild with about 1 in 1000 vaxxed dying. Maybe zero for the unvacced.
On the bad side… why? A theoretical side effects of the covid vaccine is reduced general immune system.
So who knows.
But let’s make sure everyone is Safe and Effective.
Pandemic of the vaccinated!!!!
CH, to your point. Here is a March 2020 discussion by Dr. Fauci discussing how rushed vaccines could actually make people more susceptible to the virus/disease they are trying to prevent. GI, from Dr. Fauci own mouth before you question the source.