First Shipment of Pfizer Anti-Viral Pills Arrive in South Korea

I wonder if this Pfizer anti-viral pills will become a subject of conspiracy theories like their vaccine?:

Workers at a distribution center in the central county of Ochang open boxes containing Paxlovid, COVID-19 treatment pills developed by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., on Jan. 13, 2022. The first batch of Paxlovid for 21,000 people arrived in South Korea earlier in the day. (Yonhap)

The first batch of Pfizer Inc.’s antiviral COVID-19 treatment pills arrived in South Korea on Thursday as the country is working to stem the spread of coronavirus infections, health officials said. 

The U.S. pharmaceutical giant’s oral pills for 21,000 people landed at Incheon airport, west of Seoul, at around 2 p.m. and were delivered to a logistics center in Ochang, 120 kilometers south of the capital, at 5:25 p.m., according to the authorities. 

The Paxlovid pills will begin being administered to patients with compromised immune systems and those aged over 65 on Friday. 

“They will be delivered to designated pharmacies and treatment centers across the country by tomorrow, or the day after,” Lim Sook-young, a senior official at the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, said.


You can read more at the link.

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3 years ago

I wonder if this Pfizer anti-viral pills will become a subject of conspiracy theories like their vaccine?:

Only if there are suspicious deaths, etc.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

I can absolutely guarantee that the anti-viral pills are far more effective than your anti-cancer treatments.

3 years ago

LOL. KM is smarter than the doctors at MD Anderson…

3 years ago

“I can absolutely guarantee that the anti-viral pills are far more effective than your anti-cancer treatments.”

I am curious how you can make that absolute guarantee.

Apart from his treatments working 100%… which is a pretty hard number to be “far more effective” than…

…I’m wondering what studies you have done to be able to make this ABSOLUTE guarantee.

Well. Ok. That’s a dìck move. None of us have done studies.

But we do read a lot to become informed so we can have educated discussions and consider the facts… no longer university textbooks to master our major… but information available to master a different field of interest…

…which happens to be covid at the moment.

(at least until the asteroid hits and earth gets wonky for a while and we all have to be astrophysicists and climatologists.)

So let me rephrase. What studies do you cite?

None. Ok. I guess it is just your “feelings” telling you how Safe and Effective this new medical treatment is going to be.

…even though it is brought to us by the same makers of the last Safe and Effective medical treatment that is certainly not effective and perhaps not safe.

But… a broken clock is right twice a day… even a spiritually and mentally broken clock.

And I think you are probably right. I suspect this new drug will work.

Paxlovid is 3C-like inhibitor. You don’t need to know how that affects covid to know it works. You just need to know that mechanism is the same as good old horse paste, Ivermectin.

So, the three choices you have are:

1. I know Paxlovid will work because it uses the same mechanism that makes Ivermectin work (and may do it better).

2. People who take horse paste are stupid and pharmaceutical companies are stupid to try to push off horse paste as medicine.

3. Paxlovid is a gift from God but horse paste is a tube of murder and I know because I have too many chromosomes.

Of course the media mental gymnastics are amazing as they try to explain how Elixir of Life Paxlovid is nothing like snake oil Ivermectin… which is true if we are talking price.

So I don’t know if Paxlovid works or if it has dangerous side effects… but I suspect it helps fight covid and is as safe as anything else in that class of drugs.

On the other hand, my trust level for all institutions and corporations is approximately zero right now.

Stay Safe and Effective, my friends!

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 years ago

Dear Comrade Setnaffova and the Knights of the Order of Fake News and Misinformation(aka sockpuppets) are motivated by the desire to resist and if possible raise an insurrection against what they believe to be the tyrannical and illegimate goverment of Joe Biden.

Which is why they have constantly posted fake news and misinformation and recently have gone into overdrive after I have called them out.

They view the pandemic and the vaccines as tools of this tyranny.

However it is interesting to note that the vaccines were the brainchild of their Messiah Trump.

Which leads me to question their intelligence, since they are trashing the works of their Messiah, whom they support.

Anyways, the pills are the brainchild of Biden.

So if the Dear Comrade is hell bent on resisting and spreading fake news of something that Trump created, than he will surely double his efforts to trash something that Biden created.

To answer GIKorea’s question, the number of fake news and misinformation about the pills that the Dear Comrade and his knights will post in the ROK Drop, will double maybe triple this year.

Which is sad if you think about the disrepute the Dear Comrade and his knights have bought to this fine blog with their shameful ways.

3 years ago


It can’t understand how we can be against the vaccine AND go against our Messiah Trump.

That is truly baffling to it. It must be difficult to claw through life this stupid.

The obvious solution is…

…Trump is not our Messiah?


It is kinda right.

Trump is not our Messiah….

…he is our UBERMEGASUPERULTRA Messiah!

By creating and “supporting” the vaccine, Trump got all his haters to beg to inject themselves with god-knows-what AND do it as “Trump followers”. Meanwhile Real Trump Supporters stay away from that poison as we all wink at each other.

If that isn’t some 600000D chess, I don’t know what is.

Stay Safe and Effective, Trump Follower!

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