Tweet of the Day: Vaccine Pass
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3 years ago

Hope this guy likes being a pin cushion. Remember, Euro medical commission admitted V-AIDS is a thing, so good luck.

3 years ago

Set, your link launches this pop-up (which can’t be closed, BTW):

Gee, I wonder which one is the better offer?

It about sums up Bloomberg’s ability to operate as a content provider.

Korean Person
Korean Person
3 years ago

setnaffa quoting an eligible news source is surely a change.

However he conveniently leaves out factual statements that state that the vaccines are working when it comes to preventing serious illness or death.

If one were to read the article, it will say the following, which is the main point of this article;

But that only offered a partial defense against omicron, according to Gili Regev-Yochay, the trial’s lead researcher. Vaccines which were more effective against previous variants offer less protection with omicron, she said. Still, those infected in the trial had only slight symptoms or none at all. 

3 years ago

By-the-way, EVERYONE infected with Omicron has “only slight symptoms or none at all” unless they’re already over 80, suffering from an otherwise serious comorbidity or three, etc.

And Mcgeehee, I’m sorry about the popups. I use AdBlock-plus with Firefox. I might have missed that one.

3 years ago

Korea Person, you sure seem to be correct.

The official numbers show the infections to be crazy high… affecting vaxxed and unvaxxed alike.

Yet the official numbers also show hospitalizations and deaths to be down.

That’s quite a good thing.

So we have some questions:

1. Are the vaccines effective? Going by the official numbers, they are not effective at stopping or spreading infection. They could be effective at reducing hospitalizations and deaths… though this could be a function of omicron rather than the vaccine. It is hard to form a solid opinion with the selective data we are given.

2. Are the vaccines safe? This is unclear. There appears to be an increased mortality, especially in young men. Between 30 and 40% of this can be credited to covid. Nobody knows, or is saying, about the rest. The best official answer is “stress due to covid”.

Soccer players are undeniably having cardiac events many times normal. But even when it is several times greater and very public, there can still be official denial followed by excuses and nobody notices. So nobody even sees a 50% increase in background mortality.

Of interest, this seems to be affecting soccer players but not soldiers… or is it? Would a doubling or tripling of cardiac events in the military be noticed when most people go years without seeing one?

Can this all be blamed on the vaccine? Who knows. We only know the statistics which would easily disprove this are hidden or not kept. That’s about all we need to know to form a working opinion.

3. So let’s say the vaccine is Safe and Effective, as per the official story. Deaths and hospitalizations are down. Omicron is giving everyone more broad-spectrum and longer lasting natural immunity with symptoms that are “slight or none at all”. Sounds like we are living the dream.

Why are there still restrictions on small business, reduced travel, vaccine passports, endless boosters for extinct strains, masks that don’t work, rules, demands for compliance, fear of the unvaxxed by those who are shotted and boosted and Safe and Effective?

So… if you want to sell a narrative (at least to me) you need:

– a consistent story that doesn’t change to fit changing political goals

– open and trustworthy information so I can see why you made your decisions

– a chain of denial followed by rationalization followed by lies every time there is unfortunate information must be replaced by acceptance followed by a solution

– all restrictions must have a clear and logical reason behind them and they must have a clear positive affect that can be clearly demonstrated

– the people pushing the restrictions must take them seriously enough to follow them as well… no garden parties or maskless clubbing when everyone else is in a clearly pointless lockdown.

– censorship of ideas counter to the narrative affirms them. Explaining why they are wrong is what adults do. There has been nothing but censorship of ideas that seem rather credible.

– clear manipulation of data being passed off as The Science is not convincing.

…actually this list can go on and on.

So maybe the pandemic is over or maybe the next strain will be especially bad. Who knows.

But so far, everyone from politicians to media to pop sciemtists have only spread lies and deceit.

And they lost me long ago.

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