ROK Drop Open Thread – January 29, 2022

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3 years ago

Piling on the Choi Soon-sil talk of late, my wife’s friend has a son who is Choi Soon-sil’s doctor.

She calls nearly every day complaining about something minor and demanding to be seen for it. Sore back, ankle, foot, toe, shoulder, knee, neck, upset stomach, minor abrasion/cut, you name it and she demands to be seen. She won’t do telemedicine. She mostly wants, and gets, house-calls although she will occasionally come to his office. And she wants something every time: a pill, a cream, a liquid, a patch, a shot, something. The doctor has to GIVE her something.

Once or twice would be a light week, but there are strings of calling every day.

She has no shame or remorse about demanding to be seen for the most acute, most piddly things that 99.999% of the rest of the world wouldn’t even think of calling a doctor for.

Classic sociopath.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

Classic sociopath

Classic right-wing conservative fraud.

3 years ago

Anybody following the whistle-blower military doctors that aren’t in the news?

Short Version:

VAERS, the vaccine injury database…

“VAERS isn’t accurate because anybody can submit a claim so it is full of fake news.”


“VAERS under-reports 3 to 10 times because it intentionally makes it difficult and complex to report something.”

Who knows. It isn’t intended to give useful numbers… just intended to show the government a hint of what they need to cover up.

But there is a database that keeps pretty perfectly accurate numbers.

Introducing… Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).

It seems when GI Joe has an ouchy and goes to the hospital for it, his problem is coded and recorded.

These doctors claim the database shows a big increase in codes that would be associated with proposed vaccine side effects from miscarriage to cancer.

After watching the clear increase in soccer players dying on live TV while the public looks on in disinterest and forms a line for their next booster, it would seem trivial for the military to downplay a big increase in medical problems.

Anybody here have any knowledge of this so we can judge if this is the real deal?

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

Interesting article:

The Diplomat: Why Tech Cooperation Will Reshape South Korea – U.S. Relations

From the EV batteries, to semiconductors, to AI, to 5G, on and on, South Korea is a very critical country, especially for the US which needs help with shoring up the supply chain to counter China’s threats to the US economic and military interests.

It wasn’t that long ago when people claimed that if South Korea disappeared from the face of the earth tomorrow, no one will even notice. Even today, South Korea is very underappreciated and underestimated. But oh, how things have changed lately.

Last edited 3 years ago by Korean Man
3 years ago

The Diplomat is so “last-century effete pseudo-intellectual”. I’m shocked even our resident flamebaiting false Koreans would try pumping that under even a pseudonym.

Between Obama, Trump, and Biden, the masks have fallen and no one with two brain cells to rub together trusts China, Inc.

Not even the cynical raacists who push that carp. But the pay, I hear, is still good.

3 years ago

CH, I think the military database is not accessible to the public, but there is this:

A recent study published on January 25, 2022, on JAMA Network, has shown that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccination is around 133 times greater than the background risk in the population.

The JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association. Study conducted by the CDC.

3 years ago

The military database is not accessible to the public. The three military doctors-turned-whistleblowers were able to access it.

They further claim that it has been tampered with. Some high results were lowered. They also claim to have proof of this.

I have no way to judge these claims except it is 3 to 8+ times harder to find three nutjob doctors than one nutjob doctor if it is fake.

(Not sure if this is a linear function like counting widgets or an exponential function like flipping a coin… is a finding a second doctor twice as hard or 4+ times harder?)

The little bit of media reporting downplayed the claims and focused on the clear disorganization and incompetence of those involved, but without specifics.

Ignoring the claims while vaguely attacking the messengers is a bit of a clue.

Bonus: completely unsupported claim… so much so, I hesitate to mention it… but it is something to look for. In the latest F35 crash, it is claimed the recently boosted pilot was having chest pain issues while trying to land. Zero proof of this… just some pilot chatter talking about this as if it were fact. Look for any hints of this.

3 years ago

Anthony Fauci says mask, and as he informed us recently, he is science. He was also science, I suppose, back when he told us not to mask. So, really, both sides in this debate can claim to have science on their side. Or at least to have had it on their side at some point.

3 years ago


…it’s over.

The very first sign of the narrative shift.

It is clear the vaccines failed. They may cause long-term harm and those controlling the narrative have access to data that confirms this.

Lives, business, education, childhoods, etc., have been destroyed for no gain and everybody increasingly sees this.

Wealth has been transferred from those who need it to those who have it.

Much of the “conspiracy theory” has become conspiracy fact.

Government, through media, is looking for an exit strategy.

The easiest one is to blame attention hog Fauci and greedy pharmaceutical companies for tricking the trusting public and the innocent government.

There will be hearings and maybe even some punishment of some figurehead and attention-seekers. Most people don’t even know the names of those actually responsible.

Then, with this behind us, it’s time to go back to global warming and, if long-term vaccine side effects are serious, perhaps war.

Here is the first step in the narrative shift. Sky News may be speaking truth, for a change, but it is not for your benefit so don’t start thinking they have become your friend.

3 years ago

Ivermectin in the news again.

To remind everyone, Trump did not throw a dart into a pharmacy and recommend the first thing he hit.

There was clear theory based on established science that Ivermectin probably had some effect in inhibiting covid.

Like HCQ, the studies the media pushed were designed to fail. And the media couldn’t get enough Horse Paste. Anybody with a tiny bit of life experience or common sense should have seen this nonsense for what it was.

Well, the Japanese aren’t having any. They are testing Ivermectin against covid.

Reuters covered it… but changed their headline… though it echoes the Google translated wording of press release… so perhaps fair.

The press release is attached.

Eventually, it looks like the truth will eventually come out.

3 years ago

When we see the politicians and media types who attacked actual treatments other than ventilators (which probably killed more than the Sino Sinus Syphilis) swinging from a gallows after a fair trial, I’ll believe it’s over.

I had compassion for them until they doubled down on “booster shots for children 2-5”. Now it’s “May God have mercy on their souls.”

There is a precedent for bringing down a President.

3 years ago

I am all for ineffective vaccines and boosters for extinct strains to be pumped into kids, who everyone agrees experience more vaccine deaths than covid deaths.

It is a one-question pass/fail parenting test.

This information is easily available so anybody who gives it to their kids does not need to reproduce.

A brilliant plan of self-selection.

The real question is… why does anybody even consider this to be a valid idea?

I am truly baffled.

Can anybody explain why someone might consider giving their kid an experimental medical intervention that has zero data on the long-term effects, marginally protects them from getting a mild cold at worst, requires perhaps two boosters per year forever or might as well have not even started, doesn’t stop them from spreading the virus, doesn’t stop them from going to the hospital or dying since their chance of that is zero without the vaccine, and avoids broad spectrum natural covid immunity while they are young and healthy.

And if the theoretical long-term effects are actually true, there will be some percentage that are messed up and/or die young for zero gain?

Can anyone explain this? What is the actual step-by-step thought process that arrives at the conclusion to vaccinate a kid?

It’s almost time to start popping off nukes in cities I don’t like until someone explains it in small words I can understand.

But until then, friends, don’t forget to keep your kids Safe and Effective. Your precious little snowflakes can never be “up to date” fast enough.

3 years ago

Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines


Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.

3 years ago

CH, gi will yell at you for trying to spread false info and say you aren’t citing his approved government propaganda sites. Meanwhile India had great success using Ivermectin, but no gi, i have not interviewed the entire Indian population.

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