Korean Leftists Still Hope to Tear Down the MacArthur Statue in Incheon

Here we go again with the leftists wanting to tear down the MacArthur Statue in Incheon:

During the Korean War, Ahn Hag-sub was a devoted 22-year-old communist serving in a North Korean militia unit. Seven decades later, he still hates the Americans, and their wartime leader, Gen. Douglas MacArthur.

At age 91, he says his last act of resistance against MacArthur will be lighting on fire a statue of the general that has stood in Incheon since 1957.

“MacArthur is the enemy of our people,” Ahn said in an interview at his home near Incheon, a South Korean port city located an hour’s drive west of Seoul. Ahn has lived there since the late 1990s, when he was released from a South Korean prison on humanitarian grounds, after spending 40 years behind bars. “I will resist for as long as I can,” he added, tightening his lips.

In South Korea, declaring loyalty to North Korea — as Ahn did, something he still refuses to rescind — is a serious national security crime that can land violators in prison for life.

As a free man, Ahn joined a small but dedicated far-left nationalist group calling itself the Peace Treaty Movement. (It’s with several younger colleagues in that group that Ahn said he’d set alight the MacArthur statue.) The movement’s dislike of MacArthur, who died in 1964, reflects a minority opinion in South Korea, but a heated one.

At a time when the statues of historical figures are being reexamined (and in some cases removed) in the United States and Britain, they are trying to bring attention to a debate over this pivotal — and foreign — figure in modern South Korea’s history.

South Koreans with similar views to Ahn’s see MacArthur as a ruthless commander whose forces killed Korean civilians. MacArthur’s statue should be removed, they say, and sent to the war museum in Seoul. Or, better, it should be dismantled.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link, but this has been a long time goal of the Korean radical left to tear down the MacArthur Statue. They even attempted to do this on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Unsurprisingly it was found that past attempts to tear down the statue were led by a North Korean spy.

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3 years ago

Some people move on. Others wear their Ls like a badge of honor.

The Norks would have long ago turned that hate-filled and bitter old loser into protein pellets to feed the hogs or chickens. Just like they did with thousand of other failures…

3 years ago
3 years ago

I wouldn’t read too much into this.

The protestors in 2005 were from a different era, where with the rise of Roh Moo-hyun and the leftist nationalist ideals, thirty and fortysomething Koreans found those ideals fashionable and waving yellow flags was the norm.

That was before Roh’s incompetence when it came to governing the country started showing, and most of those thirty and fortysomethings, disillusioned with Roh, have moved on leaving a small core of extreme left-wingers who still cling on the Roh’s ideals and think Moon and his cabinet are doing a great job.

Those and the ones who dream of going over to the DPRK.

So even if they protest, expect a small group holding placards and making some noise not an army intent on pulling down the statue like the Eastern Europeans pulling down the statutes of Lenin at the end of the Cold War.

Additionally, most Koreans would care less and won’t bend an ear to what these guys are saying, since there are much more bigger and pressing problems such as the increasing cost of living.

Must be a slow day in the Washington Post, for the reporter to dig up something that most Koreans neither care or think about.

3 years ago

I should take him to the REALLY terrible McArthur statue that is on the other side of Korea.

He will be super offended. In fact, it is so offensive that I might just have to help him tear it down.

We can be there in less than an hour if he will just let my big assistant help him into the helicopter.

3 years ago

CH, so you’re saying if he falls for your helicopter ploy he can call himself a Vietnam Vet?

3 years ago

Free helicopter rides for communists on Air ChickenHead.

…and about ready to offer the same service to the vaxtards trying to push their mental illness or calculating evil off onto me.

Since the failed vaccine neither stops catching or spreading covid, it has become a personal rather than public health choice.

I wish only to be left alone.

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