President Moon Strongly Condemns Russian Invasion of Ukraine

With things escalating in the Ukraine it makes me wonder if North Korea will be asked by the Russians to start a provocation cycle to split U.S. attention between two theaters?:

President Moon Jae-in addresses a meeting of the National Security Council at Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul on Feb. 22, 2022, in this photo provided by his office.

President Moon Jae-in said Tuesday that Ukraine’s sovereignty must be respected and South Korea will join efforts for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

Moon made the remarks during a National Security Council meeting convened after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of troops to two breakaway regions in Ukraine after recognizing their independence.

“Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected,” he said. “Countries around the world must come together and work for a swift and peaceful resolution to the situation in Ukraine. South Korea will actively participate in these efforts as a responsible member of the international community.”


You can read more at the link.

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3 years ago


What is this fake news?

Russia didn’t invade Ukraine.

Russia was invited to send peacekeepers into two independent nations which were being attacked by Ukraine.

Their presence has stopped the Ukrainian attacks and saved countless lives.

So far, nobody has made unprovoked attacks on these Russia peacekeepers so WW3 is on hold.

Peace is breaking out all over.

Next up is China simply moving troops between provinces including some of their off-shore provinces.

China really will have no better time in foreseeable history to do a bit of internal troop movement.

And to keep USFK/USFJ from worrying too much about internal Chinese troop movements, the cheapest and easiest solution is to bribe NK to pester SK… perhaps for every 1970s asset they lose, China will replace it with a 1990s asset… if they even lose anything.

Anyone want to speculate how far NK would need to go to actually experience any consequences?

We know shelling military bases and sinking entire navy ships only get something or other kinda like sanctions or something… plus a scathing letter.

Fortunately, the US military grows closer every week to determining how many trannies can dance on the head of a pin or something equally important so we don’t have to worry about them starting a war.

The 2020s are everything we had hoped.

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

What this has done is, there’s now a big rush of people from Europe and America, to South Korea. They want to be the first ones to order the LNG carrier ships that are now critically needed to transport all that natural gas from America/Middle East to Europe. Now that the Russian pipeline to Europe is no more. There’s no country that makes as reliable LNG carriers as South Korea. Add another item to the long list of critical tech goods that South Korea provides.

3 years ago

CH wrote: The 2020s are everything we had hoped.

Actually, I was really hoping for a “Flying Sub” like the one in Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

But I’ll settle for being married, employed, and cancer-free…

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

Ukraine’s predicament is yet another good example for North Korea. Ukraine gave up its nuclear missiles with the NATO promise of a guarantee of sovereignty. The US promises to the Russians in the 1990s that Ukraine would not join NATO, also turned out to be a broken promise. Now, look at Ukraine. Don’t think North Korea isn’t watching this from the side and be even more determined not to give up their nukes and risk their own collapse.

Ukraine is also a good lesson for South Korea. It can never solely depend on the US, as the South Korean rightwing demands. They want South Korea’s defense spending and defense research/development clawed back and want the country totally dependent on the US militarily. Such terrible stupid people, these rightwingers. Incompetent they are, just like how they handled the Sewol disaster in 2014, and the MERS epidemic in 2015. I can’t even imagine how many people those rightwing people would have killed if they had been in power when the COVID pandemic hit.

Last edited 3 years ago by Korean Man
3 years ago

“Such terrible stupid people, these rightwingers.”

No. Traditionally, the right wing is terrible and the left wing is stupid.

Now we have a situation where the left wing is terrible leading stupid and the right wing is stupid leading frustrated.

…at least in American politics.

LNG ships: Hooray for Korean LNG ships!

Dictator 101: Never give up your WMDs.

Right Wing Covid: Since covid only kills the old and sick, it would have done the country good to do almost nothing. Government should have assisted the high-risk to self-isolate. The young and healthy would have all had the flu. Then it would have been over… truly two weeks to flatten the curve. Instead, it has drug out for two years to ensure new strains and reinfections and destroyed business and ruined lives. Anybody still pushing the idea that the vaccine is effective is a dork. It is likely in a year anybody pushing the idea it is safe will be a bigger dork. So would the right winger have done better? No idea. Could they have done worse? Not easily.

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