President-Elect Yoon to Push to Move Government Offices to Sejong City

This all should have happened many years ago, so it will be interesting to see if Yoon is able to get any traction on moving more of the government to Sejong City:

An aerial view of Sejong Government Complex. Korea Times file

The incoming administration of President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol is moving to elevate the status of Sejong City, an administrative town 144 kilometers south of Seoul, as illustrated by the transition committee’s plan to transfer major components of the National Assembly to Sejong and set up a second presidential office there by 2027, according to government officials Thursday. 

Setting up the second presidential office and a legislative building in Sejong was a key campaign pledge of Yoon, a vision he said would cement the sparsely populated city as the administrative capital where a number of central government ministries and state-run organizations will be relocated.

The city houses 47 central administrative organizations, 16 state think tanks and 24 government-affiliated institutions. About 20 key government organizations remain in Seoul including the foreign, defense, unification and gender equality ministries.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but the move the Sejong City reminds me a lot of the move to Camp Humphreys by USFK. That move took much longer than it should of because people were comfortable at Yongsan Garrison in Seoul and thus no urgency to complete the move. There is probably few people working in the Korean government that want to move out of Seoul as well to a rural area as well.

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