South Korea’s Supreme Court Throws Out Jail Sentence for ROK Soldiers Who Commit Sodomy

It will be interesting to see how this case continues to play out since it was sent back to the ROK military court. They could try and find some different article to punish them with:

South Korea’s Supreme Court on Thursday threw out a military court ruling that convicted two gay soldiers for having sex outside their military facilities, saying it stretched the reading of the country’s widely criticized military sodomy law.

The court’s decision to send the case back to the High Court for Armed Forces was welcomed by human rights advocates, who had long protested the country’s 1962 Military Criminal Act’s Article 92-6, which prohibits same-sex conduct among soldiers in the country’s predominantly male military.

The article prescribes a maximum prison term of two years for “anal intercourse” and “any other indecent acts” between military personnel. Following the Supreme Court’s full panel deliberation of its 13 justices, Chief Justice Kim Myeong-su said they concluded the provisions should not be applied to consensual sex between male service members that takes place outside military facilities during off-duty hours.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link.

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2 years ago

Where is that photo?

Servicemen taken from behind at Seoul Station ?

2 years ago

“threw out a military court ruling that convicted two gay soldiers for having sex outside their military facilities”

Is Stars & Stripes assuming their sexuality?

Why do two guys fùcking have to be labeled as gay?

Maybe they are straight but experimenting.

Maybe one is a transsexual and this was basically heterosexual sex.

Maybe they are both transsexuals and they are lesbians rather than gays.

Maybe one is just a pervert and the other identifies as a dog.

The point is, we just don’t know. Stars & Stripes is doing no favors by reinforcing stereotypes like gay men going around sodomizing each other.

Try to be better, Stars & Stripes.

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