South Korea Has Lifted Its Outdoor Mask Mandate, but Many Still Wear Them

It is probably going to be a while before everyone takes off their masks because of the group culture in South Korea where many people don’t want to stand out from the crowd:

Employees at Government Complex building in Sejong stroll during a lunch break on Monday. Despite the lift of outside mask mandate on Monday, some still felt reluctant to take off their masks. Yonhap

It may be that news of the mandate’s lift on Monday hasn’t reached all, as some wearing masks may still think the measure is in place. Or it may be that the eased quarantine regulation simply needs more time for more members of the public to put themselves at ease and expose their faces more comfortably.

“I feel weird that I don’t have to wear it anymore,” one of the passers-by wearing her mask in Seoul told The Korea Times, asking not to be named. “I think I’ve become accustomed to wearing it so I was reluctant to go outside without it this morning. I want to take time and see how others are doing before I decide to go mask-free.”

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but once the weather heats up more people will probably be clamoring to take their masks off.

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2 years ago

Some people reject freedom. Others are still trapped by the fearmongers’ false narratives.

We should not judge them. We should just help them return to a normal life.

2 years ago

The mask is simply not effective by itself.

They need a couple more boosters.

Moose Knuckle
Moose Knuckle
2 years ago

I’ll play DA for a second. Any chance people are keeping the masks on outside for the dust storms? I know it’s that time of year out there.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Face shackle…about control not science

2 years ago

I tried to follow the science but it keeps leading me back to money and power.

Masks don’t work. We have known this since we looked into how effective masks were for this kind of virus when government first started going on about masks instead of blindly doing what the man on the teevee said.

There is good reason to believe masks are harmful.

Some of these require a reliance on science to believe. Breathing in microplastics, constant exposure to elevated CO2, moist habitat for bacteria. Maybe these are true.

Some are clear even to the vaxtards yet they live in denial. Billions of masks introduced into the environment, raising a generation of retards who have little exposure to the social cues generated by constant exposure to human faces.

Now that masks aren’t required, there is nothing to “wait and see”. Those who are unaware of the situation and haven’t formed an opinion on the effectiveness of masks after two years of observation, deserve to wear their mask forever, raise autistic children, and have increased mortality.

The vaxtards around me have STFU about the vaccines after catching covid over the last couple of months. Some of them weakly said something about how they were glad they were vaccinated or it would have been worse. Maybe they actually believe that.

This fits with the science that the vaccine lasts about 6 months and the booster last about 3.

Meanwhile, my observation is the naturally immune didn’t catch omicron in this latest wave. Perhaps all of the unvaccinated I know did.

It is unclear how long natural immunity lasts. Current studies have found it lasting for the length of the study.

We will know in August.

The science says a pandemic of the vaccinated is coming. The vaccinated and unboosted (with #3 to #5) will catch it. The naturally immune will not.

This will be spun, “Yes the vaccinated are catching covid but that shows the vaccine is working. Get your booster.”

I agree. Get your booster.

The next wave in 2023 will be the same.

Except it will be deadly.

Maybe the mask will save you.

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