How does that even work? One doesn’t “hold a defense” of one’s own dissertation. One appears before a panel of professors who have arranged the session. Or was this some sort of fantasy defense in which the guy went to the brothel and <i>imagined</i> the panel of professors? Color me confused.
2 years ago
How does that even work?
It’s a Korean academic tradition.
The 이차 exit fee for all PhD graduands to their viva panel.
… held a Ph.D. dissertation defense at a brothel …
Would not be the first time.
How does that even work? One doesn’t “hold a defense” of one’s own dissertation. One appears before a panel of professors who have arranged the session. Or was this some sort of fantasy defense in which the guy went to the brothel and <i>imagined</i> the panel of professors? Color me confused.
How does that even work?
It’s a Korean academic tradition.
The 이차 exit fee for all PhD graduands to their viva panel.
Viva la Korea!
Stephen has explained a lot…