Former ROK Navy Seal Reportedly Injured in Ukraine

Hopefully Keun Rhee isn’t too seriously injured and is able to recover:

This undated photo captured from Rhee Keun’s YouTube channel, ROKSEAL, shows the Navy SEAL-turned-YouTuber (R) combating in Ukraine. (Yonhap)

A South Korean volunteer fighter in Ukraine was injured during a reconnaissance mission, his YouTube channel said Sunday.

Rhee Keun “recently incurred injuries while leading a special reconnaissance mission behind enemy lines. He has been transferred to a military hospital,” according to an English-language update posted on the YouTube channel ROKSEAL.

The YouTube channel did not provide any further details on Rhee’s condition.

The Navy SEAL-turned-YouTuber left for Ukraine in March to join the war against Russia in violation of a South Korean government ban.


You can read more at the link.

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