China Attempting to Get 10 Pacific Nations to Agree to a Pacific Agreement
|This agreement is basically Chinese style neo-colonialism. I guess we will see if Chinese money will be enough to pay off the leaders of these countries to agree to this new style of colonialism:

China wants 10 small Pacific nations to endorse a sweeping agreement covering everything from security to fisheries in what one leader warns is a “game-changing” bid by Beijing to wrest control of the region.
A draft of the agreement obtained by The Associated Press shows that China wants to train Pacific police officers, team up on “traditional and non-traditional security” and expand law enforcement cooperation.
China also wants to jointly develop a marine plan for fisheries — which would include the Pacific’s lucrative tuna catch — increase cooperation on running the region’s internet networks, and set up cultural Confucius Institutes and classrooms. China also mentions the possibility of setting up a free trade area with the Pacific nations.
China’s move comes as Foreign Minister Wang Yi and a 20-strong delegation begin a visit to the region this week.
Wang is visiting seven of the countries he hopes will endorse the “Common Development Vision” — the Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, and Papua New Guinea.
Wang is also holding virtual meetings with the other three potential signatories — the Cook Islands, Niue and the Federated States of Micronesia. He is hoping the countries will endorse the pre-written agreement as part of a joint communique after a scheduled May 30 meeting in Fiji he is holding with the foreign ministers from each of the 10 countries.
But Micronesia’s President David Panuelo has written an eight-page letter to the leaders of other Pacific nations saying his nation won’t be endorsing the plan and warning of dire consequences if others do.
Panuelo said in his letter, which the AP has obtained, that behind attractive words in the agreement like “equity” and “justice” are many worrying details.
Among other concerns, he said, is that the agreement opens the door for China to own and control the region’s fisheries and communications infrastructure. He said China could intercept emails and listen in on phone calls.
Panuelo said in his letter that the agreement is “an intent to shift those of us with diplomatic relations with China very close to Beijing’s orbit, intrinsically tying the whole of our economies and societies to them.”
He warns the agreement would needlessly heighten geopolitical tensions and threaten regional stability.
Associated Press
You can read more at the link.
Never trust China. Look at Shanghai. They massacre their own people.
The only two things I like about communists are:
1. They are better than any other political, economic, or social system at killing communists.
2. The only thing communism ever produced that has worked really well is hated by American socialists/communists. That would be the AK-47.
LOL. China is now doing exactly the same thing as what the US is doing. They’re copying you. ㅋㅋㅋ
Just turn the words around and it sounds exactly the same as:
US wants the Asian nations to endorse a sweeping agreement covering everything from security to economics in what one leader warns is a ‘game-changing’ bid by the US to isolate China and regain US hegemony in Asia.
You can’t cry about China for what you yourself are doing.
This agreement is basically Chinese style neo-colonialism. I guess we will see if Chinese money will be enough to pay off the leaders of these countries to agree to this new style of colonialism:
And how is this different from what America has done and is still doing?
Deflect, project, defame, and change the subject.
Pathetically predictable.
Why can’t we get trolls with imagination, with intelligence, with the ability to convince others by well-reasoned arguments?
All we seem to get are the castoffs, the dregs, the failed camp-followers.
Come on now!
If you’re going to pretend to be Koreans, stand up and offer some spark of wit “or be damned to you.”
Real Koreans are not such gormless, feckless, pusillanimous blobs.
Real Koreans are not such gormless, feckless, pusillanimous blobs.
setnaffa claims that he has lots of Korean friends and he cares about their well being.
But then resorts to generalization and condescending of Koreans.
He claims he is not racists but acts like one.
It’s this hypocrisy and other things that can be seen here that bares for all to see, the rot of the American right wing and the Southern region that is itching for the Second American Civil War.
Does China have Manifest Destiny?
That’s right.
Now off you go. The railroad isn’t going to build itself.
I’m not condescending toward Koreans. I’m condescending toward obvious CCP trolls pretending to be Koreans who act as if they have no family, who show no acrual knowledge of life in South Korea, and who spend all their time posting deflection, projection, defamation, and changing the subject.
Those pathetic and predictable tactics don’t work here. Yet you still flail around as if they do.
Tell your CCP masters they need better script writers.
setnaffa, please, it’s time to take your cancer medicine.
I’m intrigued by the pre-written part, implying no changes can be made to the “contract” after it is signed.I’m not an international relations major, perhaps our resident Republic of Korea trolls are, but you have a general framework agreed to via diplomacy in advance, the leaders all stand around shaking hands and smiling for the cameras, then the diplomats finish ironing out details.This sounds more like a mafia-style protection racket…”It would be a shame if something happened to your pretty island here…”
Doc, what China wants is agreements that they can strip-mine the islands, scour the sea of all life, and build bases for Naval and Air forces.
Not as nice as the Japanese military were in the 1930s and 1940s; but still singing the same song of Greater East-Asian Co-Prosperity.
Discussion and evidence on China’s ecological lies:
Not as nice as the Japanese military were in the 1930s and 1940s
setnaffa mentions Impreial Japan and Chinese ambitions, but neglects the colonial ambitions of White Europeans and Americans(yes America was into colonialism once) main purpose of which was to strip the occupied nations in question of their natural resources and set up military outposts. Not much different from Imperial Japan and China eh?
What a convenient way to avoid responsibility for what the White Man had done to Asia and Africa.
Anyways, if you are keen in foreign relations, it would be obvious that the Pacific Island nations are in need of cash.
That is what China is dangling in front of them and we know that nations that are strapped for cash would jump at the opportunity for that cash.
As for the vaunted Quad.
All they have done is hold fancy summits and joint exercises while neglecting the Pacific Island nations, obviously creating a vaccum.
And who is coming to fill tha vacuum? China of course!
If the Quad is worth its name, it should have paid more attention to those Pacific Island nations.
Now if the Quad is willing to stand by and do nothing while China comes in and scoops up the Pacific Islands, do you seriously think the Quad will do anything if China decides to ratchet things up?
To quote a Hongkong resident; “Don’t trust China, China is asshole…”
Of course China is doing this now as they own Lying Pedo China Joe Biden and his entire faux administration.
Some key points from a NY Times article. Yes I know setnaffa and his church hate the NYT but this article has done a good job summarizing why the US has no influence on the Pacific islands and are falling behind China regarding influence on these islands.
For those who do not like China good news. It seems the Chinese Foreign Minister didn’t make progress for the agreements. But at the same time America nor Quad don’t seem to have anything to counter the Chinese influence.
But the deal — along with others in the Solomons and Kiribati whose details have not been disclosed — has been made possible because of something else that’s visible and much-discussed in the Pacific: a longstanding lack of American urgency, innovation and resources.
Even Republicans and Democrats in Congress who agree that something must be done to counter China have been squabbling for 15 months over a bill to make the United States more competitive — and it still would do little, if anything, for contested places like the Pacific.
Many Pacific Island nations do not welcome another age of great-power competition. As Matthew Wale, the opposition leader in the Solomons, said in a recent interview: “We don’t want to be the grass trampled over by the elephants.”
But what they do want, and what China seems better at providing right now, is consistent engagement and capacity building.