Frankly, I think 20th Century tactics would be every bit as useful as forming up with alternating companies of muskets and pikes. Perhaps they could equip some soldiers with bronze chariots, too.
If one believes nuking Koreans is a good idea, why not put the tactical nukes in Japan. They hate the Norks and Chinese at least as much as the South Koreans do. And there’s much less chance of Pyongyang supporters stealing them to use on US GIs.
They should do the same with THAAD, too. No angry farmers trying to block defensive weapons.
Let South Korea earn back the trust they squandered after the unfortunate traffic accident with the middle school girls.
Besides, with no more minefields, no more tank traps, and no more blockhouses along key routes, South Korea has as much as said they want another Nork/CCP invasion. Or at least don’t fear it. So they have no need for nukes, tactical or strategic
And it’s bloody interesting this comes out right after South Korea proves they can launch satellites. I don’t believe in coincidences.
2 years ago
Don’t worry about nK, they are less than a paper tiger. Focus on fixing the Korean economy. Decrease regulations, lower taxes, turn on / build more nuke power plants.
Korean Person
2 years ago
The Church of Setnaffarism™ advocates Keeping USFK in Korea Forever(KUFK)™.
No wonder its leader is opposed to letting Korea have its own tactical nukes, which will certainly help deter the DPRK and PRC.
And such hypocrisy for someone who supposedly hates China and loves Korea by opposing the means for Korea to deter the Chinese.
2 years ago
In addition to learning the superiority of precision weapons as opposed to WMDs, the US Military has learned there are may other threats to public health.
If one believes nuking Koreans is a good idea, why not put the tactical nukes in Japan
It seems that to setnaffa, Koreans aren’t good enough to have nukes to defend themselves.
Well, why ask for permission from the US to have nukes when our brethen to the North have them.
A deal combining the North’s nuclear weapons technology with the South better developed ICBM technology will certainly create a win-win combination.
And while we are at it, maybe push that nuke ICBM up the rear end of the good for nothing American Southerners and save the United States a lot of headache.
They should do the same with THAAD, too. No angry farmers trying to block defensive weapons.
You can take the THAADs back. They don’t contribute to the defense of Korea and we know the US wanted to put THAAD here in Korea so they can have the excuse to put the THAAD radar in Korea for early warning of North Korean ICBM launches.
Korean Person
2 years ago
Another comment about THAAD.
South Korea once looked into buying Arrow missiles from Israel for their upper atmoshpere missile defence requirement.
But the Untied States with its greed and hoping that South Korea will buy THAADs prevented the sale from going through.
If that sale had gone through South Korea would have had Arrow batteries in place defending South Korea and would not have needed to develop L-SAM, the favorite target of criticism of setnaffa.
@Korean Person, I don’t know how many times I have to repeat this but the US has two identical AN/TPY-2 radars that THAAD uses in Japan to track North Korea’s ICBMs. Just looking on a map shows that the geography has them perfectly positioned to track ICBM launches against the US. The THAAD battery in ROK is not positioned to track launches to the US, it is instead positioned to detect and intercept launches against South Korea.
The screen shot below is an excerpt from Bob Woodward’s book ‘Fear : Trump in the White House’
If the THAAD radar in Korea isn’t an early warning for North Korean ICBMs then how can you explain the ‘ability to detect an ICBM launch in seven seconds?’
@Korean Man, the quote from the book is from an uninformed source. Once again all you have to do is look at the geography. The THAAD radar looks in one direction it doesn’t move. That means the one in Korea is looking north to defend the ROK from ballistic missile attacks. A ballistic missile flying to the east from NK towards the US would quickly exit the radar’s field of view and be useless. That is why there are two of the same types of radars in Japan that are positioned to provide radar data of a ballistic missile moving east towards Japan and the US.
Those radars provide coverage of the missile until it is picked up by the Cobra Dane radar in the Aleutian Islands. The radar data feeds into the GMD system to intercept ICBMs to the US. The THAAD radar in Korea is worthless for intercepting ICBMs to the US.
I think we are both in agreement that when the THAAD radar operates in fire-control(terminal) mode it has an effective range of 600km and that it will cover most of North Korea.
If that is so then obviously it would be able to detect launches of North Korean ballistic missiles for possible interception.
Then let’s say if a North Korean ballistic missile heads east instead of south, then wouldn’t it be logical for the THAAD battery to warn other US assets of a possible ICBM heading for the US, so that those other US assets can be cued to deal with that ICBM?
I would imagine that the above arrangement would provide the US with quicker early warning of a North Korean ICBM heading towards the US than those radars in Japan and Alaska.
@Korean Person, the first thing that will detect a launch is not a radar but satellites. The US’s DSP satellites will detect the launch first. The other US radars in the region do not need the Korean THAAD to be notified of a launch.
2 years ago
Some people’s kids…
Korean Person
2 years ago
The other US radars in the region do not need the Korean THAAD to be notified of a launch.
So you are saying that the US has an asset that can provide early warning of a North Korean ICBM launch but won’t use it?
And illogical to say the least.
On the other hand, I can see that you are trying very hard to prove your view that;
‘THAAD in Korea is for the defense of South Korea only and is benefical to South Korea so South Koreans should be grateful and stop the unnecessay protests’
But then.
You do know that the THAAD interceptor with the range of 200km cannot defend the Seoul Metropolitan Area, the center of the Republic of Korea.
Which means the main beneficiary of THAAD is the USFK since its major bases fall under the range of THAAD.
So how can you say that THAAD is for the good of Korea when it cannot defend an area where almost half of Koreans reside and is the center of its economy?
Just admit that THAAD’s main beneficiaries are the United States of America and the USFK and it will be settled.
2 years ago
Chinese-Korea Person:
“Thad doesn’t help Korea. Take it away! It only benefits USFK! Why is it here?”
That may be true… especially since it is so good at benefitting USFK… as they watch China.
Which might benefit Korea.
But not China.
Isn’t that right, Chinese-Korean Person?
Better go ask a handler what a more sly position on this matter is.
And stop whining about being exposed as Chinese if you aren’t even going to take your job as an anti-Korean propagandist seriously.
At least try to be elegant and clever.
Korean Person
2 years ago
Ah my Dear ChickenHead or should I say setnaffa.
Considering that you cannot make a logical counterargument to my points and are resorting to calling me ‘Chinese’ the ‘N word’ of the Church of Setnaffarism™, it seems that I have you by the balls 😀
@Korean Person, it is pretty clear that facts do not matter to you, but for the benefit of other people reading the THAAD is an wide area missile defense system that can cover the southern portion of the peninsula which has major population centers like Busan, Daegu, etc. The Patriot missile defense system can cover one particular area, so if a Patriot is defending Osan AB for example that is all it is defending the smaller area around the base not the whole region like THAAD can.
By having THAAD defend a wide area in the south this frees up Patriot batteries to defend other locations further north. Also keep in mind that the Norks only have so many missiles they can fire. Why would they waste missiles on Seoul when they can attack it with artillery? That is why missile defenses are concentrated in areas that will likely be attacked by ballistic missiles. The artillery problem is why the ROK has been developing their own CRAM capability to defend Seoul.
The THAAD is in Korea for the defense of the US-ROK alliance which includes US & Korea military sites and ROK civilian cities. To claim otherwise is just misinformation and agitprop.
Korean Person
2 years ago
it is pretty clear that facts do not matter to you
What about the fact that the THAAD radar can be used to detect the launch of North Korean ICBMs heading to the US?
You chose to not accpet that fact.
To claim otherwise is just misinformation and agitprop.
Who said THAAD isn’t defending the ROK-US alliance? It’s defending USFK installations which are part of the alliance.
You do know that THAAD has become something of an anachronism because of the fact that North Korea has been working very hard to overcome THAAD by developing and deploying the KN-23 ballistic missile and SLBMs, which THAAD will have a hard time intercepting.
What is annoying to say the least is some of the people here who go on saying things like “We stationed THAAD here for the good of the Korean people, so you should be grateful to us”
“You should earn our trust and the privelege to have THAAD protect you”
Which makes it look like that the Koreans are the only beneficiaries of THAAD when it fact USFK is also benefiting.
Korea has its own ability to detect, track, and shoot down ballistic missiles, the capability which is growing as times goes by.
Compare that to 1994 when US Patriots were first deployed to Korea and Korea had zero defense against ballistic missile attack.
For Koreans THAAD isn’t a special asset that we can’t live without as some people here would like Koreans to think.
So, if you don’t like the protests in front of the THAAD base and such, you are free to take back THAAD.
It’s your choice and Koreans won’t mourn the withdrawal of THAAD from Korea.
2 years ago
“BUT BUT BUT it only helps America!”
Only a Chinese asset would complain about a free THAAD that, even if it does nothing to protect Korea, protects America… which, in turn, protects Korea.
“Korea” Person can’t comment on anything without reminding us he wants to see Korea fail.
Korean Person
2 years ago
Your government is more than welcome to withdraw THAAD from Korea and deploy where it is really needed.
No one in Korea will whine about the withdrawn THAAD.
Frankly, I think 20th Century tactics would be every bit as useful as forming up with alternating companies of muskets and pikes. Perhaps they could equip some soldiers with bronze chariots, too.
If one believes nuking Koreans is a good idea, why not put the tactical nukes in Japan. They hate the Norks and Chinese at least as much as the South Koreans do. And there’s much less chance of Pyongyang supporters stealing them to use on US GIs.
They should do the same with THAAD, too. No angry farmers trying to block defensive weapons.
Let South Korea earn back the trust they squandered after the unfortunate traffic accident with the middle school girls.
Besides, with no more minefields, no more tank traps, and no more blockhouses along key routes, South Korea has as much as said they want another Nork/CCP invasion. Or at least don’t fear it. So they have no need for nukes, tactical or strategic
And it’s bloody interesting this comes out right after South Korea proves they can launch satellites. I don’t believe in coincidences.
Don’t worry about nK, they are less than a paper tiger. Focus on fixing the Korean economy. Decrease regulations, lower taxes, turn on / build more nuke power plants.
The Church of Setnaffarism™ advocates Keeping USFK in Korea Forever(KUFK)™.
No wonder its leader is opposed to letting Korea have its own tactical nukes, which will certainly help deter the DPRK and PRC.
And such hypocrisy for someone who supposedly hates China and loves Korea by opposing the means for Korea to deter the Chinese.
In addition to learning the superiority of precision weapons as opposed to WMDs, the US Military has learned there are may other threats to public health.
If one believes nuking Koreans is a good idea, why not put the tactical nukes in Japan
It seems that to setnaffa, Koreans aren’t good enough to have nukes to defend themselves.
Well, why ask for permission from the US to have nukes when our brethen to the North have them.
A deal combining the North’s nuclear weapons technology with the South better developed ICBM technology will certainly create a win-win combination.
And while we are at it, maybe push that nuke ICBM up the rear end of the good for nothing American Southerners and save the United States a lot of headache.
They should do the same with THAAD, too. No angry farmers trying to block defensive weapons.
You can take the THAADs back. They don’t contribute to the defense of Korea and we know the US wanted to put THAAD here in Korea so they can have the excuse to put the THAAD radar in Korea for early warning of North Korean ICBM launches.
Another comment about THAAD.
South Korea once looked into buying Arrow missiles from Israel for their upper atmoshpere missile defence requirement.
But the Untied States with its greed and hoping that South Korea will buy THAADs prevented the sale from going through.
If that sale had gone through South Korea would have had Arrow batteries in place defending South Korea and would not have needed to develop L-SAM, the favorite target of criticism of setnaffa.
@Korean Person, I don’t know how many times I have to repeat this but the US has two identical AN/TPY-2 radars that THAAD uses in Japan to track North Korea’s ICBMs. Just looking on a map shows that the geography has them perfectly positioned to track ICBM launches against the US. The THAAD battery in ROK is not positioned to track launches to the US, it is instead positioned to detect and intercept launches against South Korea.
The screen shot below is an excerpt from Bob Woodward’s book ‘Fear : Trump in the White House’
If the THAAD radar in Korea isn’t an early warning for North Korean ICBMs then how can you explain the ‘ability to detect an ICBM launch in seven seconds?’
@Korean Man, the quote from the book is from an uninformed source. Once again all you have to do is look at the geography. The THAAD radar looks in one direction it doesn’t move. That means the one in Korea is looking north to defend the ROK from ballistic missile attacks. A ballistic missile flying to the east from NK towards the US would quickly exit the radar’s field of view and be useless. That is why there are two of the same types of radars in Japan that are positioned to provide radar data of a ballistic missile moving east towards Japan and the US.
Those radars provide coverage of the missile until it is picked up by the Cobra Dane radar in the Aleutian Islands. The radar data feeds into the GMD system to intercept ICBMs to the US. The THAAD radar in Korea is worthless for intercepting ICBMs to the US.
I think we are both in agreement that when the THAAD radar operates in fire-control(terminal) mode it has an effective range of 600km and that it will cover most of North Korea.
If that is so then obviously it would be able to detect launches of North Korean ballistic missiles for possible interception.
Then let’s say if a North Korean ballistic missile heads east instead of south, then wouldn’t it be logical for the THAAD battery to warn other US assets of a possible ICBM heading for the US, so that those other US assets can be cued to deal with that ICBM?
I would imagine that the above arrangement would provide the US with quicker early warning of a North Korean ICBM heading towards the US than those radars in Japan and Alaska.
@Korean Person, the first thing that will detect a launch is not a radar but satellites. The US’s DSP satellites will detect the launch first. The other US radars in the region do not need the Korean THAAD to be notified of a launch.
Some people’s kids…
The other US radars in the region do not need the Korean THAAD to be notified of a launch.
So you are saying that the US has an asset that can provide early warning of a North Korean ICBM launch but won’t use it?
And illogical to say the least.
On the other hand, I can see that you are trying very hard to prove your view that;
‘THAAD in Korea is for the defense of South Korea only and is benefical to South Korea so South Koreans should be grateful and stop the unnecessay protests’
But then.
You do know that the THAAD interceptor with the range of 200km cannot defend the Seoul Metropolitan Area, the center of the Republic of Korea.
Which means the main beneficiary of THAAD is the USFK since its major bases fall under the range of THAAD.
So how can you say that THAAD is for the good of Korea when it cannot defend an area where almost half of Koreans reside and is the center of its economy?
Just admit that THAAD’s main beneficiaries are the United States of America and the USFK and it will be settled.
Chinese-Korea Person:
“Thad doesn’t help Korea. Take it away! It only benefits USFK! Why is it here?”
That may be true… especially since it is so good at benefitting USFK… as they watch China.
Which might benefit Korea.
But not China.
Isn’t that right, Chinese-Korean Person?
Better go ask a handler what a more sly position on this matter is.
And stop whining about being exposed as Chinese if you aren’t even going to take your job as an anti-Korean propagandist seriously.
At least try to be elegant and clever.
Ah my Dear ChickenHead or should I say setnaffa.
Considering that you cannot make a logical counterargument to my points and are resorting to calling me ‘Chinese’ the ‘N word’ of the Church of Setnaffarism™, it seems that I have you by the balls 😀
@Korean Person, it is pretty clear that facts do not matter to you, but for the benefit of other people reading the THAAD is an wide area missile defense system that can cover the southern portion of the peninsula which has major population centers like Busan, Daegu, etc. The Patriot missile defense system can cover one particular area, so if a Patriot is defending Osan AB for example that is all it is defending the smaller area around the base not the whole region like THAAD can.
By having THAAD defend a wide area in the south this frees up Patriot batteries to defend other locations further north. Also keep in mind that the Norks only have so many missiles they can fire. Why would they waste missiles on Seoul when they can attack it with artillery? That is why missile defenses are concentrated in areas that will likely be attacked by ballistic missiles. The artillery problem is why the ROK has been developing their own CRAM capability to defend Seoul.
The THAAD is in Korea for the defense of the US-ROK alliance which includes US & Korea military sites and ROK civilian cities. To claim otherwise is just misinformation and agitprop.
it is pretty clear that facts do not matter to you
Well let’s talk about facts then.
What about the fact that the THAAD radar can be used to detect the launch of North Korean ICBMs heading to the US?
You chose to not accpet that fact.
To claim otherwise is just misinformation and agitprop.
Who said THAAD isn’t defending the ROK-US alliance? It’s defending USFK installations which are part of the alliance.
You do know that THAAD has become something of an anachronism because of the fact that North Korea has been working very hard to overcome THAAD by developing and deploying the KN-23 ballistic missile and SLBMs, which THAAD will have a hard time intercepting.
What is annoying to say the least is some of the people here who go on saying things like “We stationed THAAD here for the good of the Korean people, so you should be grateful to us”
“You should earn our trust and the privelege to have THAAD protect you”
Which makes it look like that the Koreans are the only beneficiaries of THAAD when it fact USFK is also benefiting.
Korea has its own ability to detect, track, and shoot down ballistic missiles, the capability which is growing as times goes by.
Compare that to 1994 when US Patriots were first deployed to Korea and Korea had zero defense against ballistic missile attack.
For Koreans THAAD isn’t a special asset that we can’t live without as some people here would like Koreans to think.
So, if you don’t like the protests in front of the THAAD base and such, you are free to take back THAAD.
It’s your choice and Koreans won’t mourn the withdrawal of THAAD from Korea.
“BUT BUT BUT it only helps America!”
Only a Chinese asset would complain about a free THAAD that, even if it does nothing to protect Korea, protects America… which, in turn, protects Korea.
“Korea” Person can’t comment on anything without reminding us he wants to see Korea fail.
Your government is more than welcome to withdraw THAAD from Korea and deploy where it is really needed.
No one in Korea will whine about the withdrawn THAAD.
This is a good deal for the US.
So, what is your problem?