U.S. Army to Now Allows Personnel without a High School Diploma or GED to Enlist
|The recruiting environment out there is tough right now and the Army is adjusting its recruiting requirements to adjust:

The U.S. Army is doing away with its requirement that enlistees have a GED or high school diploma, a move designed to help meet recruiting goals.
In what it described as “limited eligibility,” U.S. Army Recruiting Command said it is moving to a “whole of person” approach, “understanding some quality candidates may have just reason for being unable to complete their education.” The change means a high school diploma or its equivalent won’t be required, but applicants must score 50 or greater on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery and meet all other standard enlistment criteria.
“This opportunity means that individuals who left high school prior to graduating due to uncontrollable circumstances, such as caring for a terminally ill family member or working to provide for their family, will not be considered ineligible for service solely because they were unable to graduate,” Recruiting Command said.
Stars & Stripes
You can read more at the link.
Ah wonderful news. So not only are most zoomers and millennials generally retarded and incapable, now we’ve got to deal with the fucking dregs of those generations that the army will now allow in. My guess is the whole person approach is yet another euphemism for DIE- diversity, inclusivity and equity tripe being pushed. Just what we need to fight the chicoms- kids who can’t hack high school that has been dumbed down to the 6th grade level.
A funny Twitter account I read every once in a while is called Terminal CWO. This dude called out the sgm of the army- regarding the abysmal recruitment numbers. Old sgm had the balls to say they were fine. And now this.
How many of this stupid generation of kids who can’t even define what a man or woman is actually dropped out to work or take care of a sick relative? Those traits- responsibility and compassion- are not taught or encouraged in society today. So I call bullshit on the reasoning.
We are well and surely fucked. And all by design.
@Chicken cheese ramen, having worked recruiting in the past medical and obesity are two big reasons kids can’t join the military. The number of recruits lost for medical reasons is huge and digital medical records makes it easier to identify kids that don’t meet medical standards. Trying to save VA claim money on the back end is costing the Army recruitments on the front end. It is also no secret that kids are more obese than before. I honestly would prefer good overweight kid than one that didn’t have the motivation to get through high school.
Who wants to join the military?
You aren’t allowed to win wars and you have to have the wonders of homos, trannies, minorities, and women pushed down your throats…
…and be constantly self-vigilant that you might say something to offend someone in one if these groups.
I was on Humphries last week and made a comment that it was GOOD the elevators were broken. Now some of you fat-asses can use the stairs. (But in much, much more diplomatic language).
“We keep many of the stairs blocked to reduce the risk of suicide.”
(I was then told about some suicides (that didn’t make the news or ROK Drop)).
“Wait. You block stairs that can be jumped off of because you cannot trust the current batch of soldiers but you give them a rifle?”
“Oh no. The guns are highly controlled.” (Direct quote from an officer).
“I don’t mean they get to check one out for the weekend. But they are soldiers. Aren’t they eventually supposed to come in contact with a rifle?”
“Well… uh… yes… but… (processing this conflicting reasoning)… they are highly controlled.”
Internal voice: they must be if you control stairs
I spoke in the most innocent and diplomatic terms… and resisted my nature to pin this guy down for an answer that made sense.
Now consider who wants to spend 20 years navigating this environment.
Homos, trannies, minorities, and women probably do OK. Same with dropouts and loser druggies who got plea bargains to look like minor druggies and have few other options.
High speed guys who want to kill the enemy and be trusted to use stairs unsupervised?
Not if they are smart.
Army’s answer: dumber recruits, more weirdos and losers we can point to as models of diversity… and let’s fight Russia.
America is broken and everything in it is broken and this isn’t going to end until the economic/social/military/etc., ass is kicked so hard everyone is forced to make good decisions, prioritize correctly, set valid goals, etc.
This doesn’t mean anything. The average intelligence level of a high-school-educated US GI is so low, that it really doesn’t make any difference.
Our oldest was going to start pilot training a few months ago and self-eliminated. He is going to be a civil engineer instead…that gives him a four year commitment instead of 10 years.
We have a couple of spares. Our second son is a natural stick. He would be a great military pilot, but I don’t know if he will go military. A lot has to change.
According to the ACoS, ‘people are our greatest strength’.
With strengths like this, I don’t want to know our weaknesses.
@Bob, with “strengths” like those, we don’t need weaknesses.
Personally, I’m not against such a policy as I’ve know some folks who joined the military without a diploma and they did just fine. Certainly there should be some extra screening to figure out why such potential recruits didn’t stay the course.
That said it would make a whole lot more sense to make military service more attractive by discontinuing all the catering to females, homos and trannies…
Can they even read and write?
“Can they even read and write?”
Not necessarily. There is a waiver for that.
There is a place for everybody in today’s Army.
Enemies in entrenched positions up the hill need overrunning and minefields don’t clear themselves.
And a shìthot twunk with a six-pack and a glossy sheen of sweet-smelling teenage sweat is worth his weight in gold to MWR to keep the homo crowd happy… especially if he is a little dumb.
For some career fields, reading and writing is a distraction and an actual handicap for a rewarding career.
Follow me on Instagram for more stories about real life in the military.
Looks like the Army decided they don’t want dumb untrainable quitters.
…unless they are Trannies of Color or something.
“Can they even read and write?”
A good 20% of the Soldiers I served with had diplomas but were functionally illiterate and had to complete a remedial English comp course to get past E-4. And of the rest there weren’t many who could give Shakespeare a run for his money (officers included).
High school diplomas aren’t the end all-be all so many think they are.