Tweet of the Day: President Yoon’s Popularity Continues to Drop

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Kevin Kim
Kevin Kim
2 years ago

This just means Korean voters are about as fickle as American voters. Buyer’s remorse sets in quickly, although there’s also skewed polling, etc. (In the States, most polling firms routinely oversample Democrats.) Is there, anywhere, a serious, in-depth discussion of why Yoon’s popularity is falling (in English or Korean)?

I assume, though, that Yoon will reach a “floor” beyond which he will not drop thanks to his most diehard supporters—his core fans. And since there are those who will always be unpersuadably against him, he also has a “ceiling” of popularity above which he can’t climb.

What I’m most curious about is whether Yoon will follow the lead of American red states (and the entire UK) and end the mask mandate. My prediction has long been that masking in Korea will be the last thing to fall away. Even now, with the hot summer here, and with masks not being required when outside, tons of people in Seoul still fearfully and irrationally wear masks. They’re no different from American lefties who do the same. Then again, to be fair, I do see an increasing number of maskless Koreans along the bike trails and walking paths, so things are changing.

Trivia: my spell-check program underlined “Yoon” and suggested “loon” as a replacement.

2 years ago

Masks are over.

I wear no mask. Masks are the security blanket of science deniers.

And when I absolutely positively definitely have to wear a mask?

I put that on my chin with my nose and possibly my whole mouth exposed.

And that is enough to keep old Koreans from barking Maskeuh Maskeuh.

Because it isn’t about public health, disease prevention, or education on proper mask use.

It is about a sign of compliance.

A mask on the chin is grudging compliance but it is still compliance.

And we have all this stupid shìt because half of you faggots comply with every dìck they want to put in your àss.

(Record profanity, there)

The moment everyone stops complying, it all goes away.

Didn’t any of you attend 2nd grade where the teacher just gives up on some rules that are unenforceable? Did you learn nothing?

I don’t think I can beat the globohomos so I am going to join them… fly around in my private jet and lecture you on turning your thermostat down and eating bugs to save the planet or something.

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